I agree we should be careful, but the one thing that stood out to me was the magnifying glass over the eye in the pyramid in a dollar bill.
Umbrella girl flips him off, hysterical!
2nd this, I appreciate your diligence in research and your posts, thank you!
I love that she is NOW worried about the safety and well being of the people of Chicago but was NOT concerned when Defund the Police was all the rage. Fuck Beetlejuice, creepy old hag!
Holy shit, she didn't leave out anything, incredible!
This will sound very unhelpful but truly your best defense is to start reading the Bible and working out. Force your mind to look up, not down! You have to replace the feelings of depression with something higher up. It won't be easy and it won't replace the pills quickly. However, if you are diligent and you stick with it, it will last a lifetime and cost you nothing. I'm praying for you, we have been conditioned to believe we cannot overcome depression and anxiety without big pharma. There are a lot of herbs out there to help balance you out. Hit the books, offhand I would suggest valerian root & chamomile for anxiety. There is a product you can get off Amazon called Chi'll Out by Ohco. These have helped me in dark times. Again, it won't be easy and will take time to overcome this. Pour your heart into research, God and building yourself up, mentally & physically.
I agree wholeheartedly! Also, as we discussed on that post, please take a moment to enjoy his pie in the face. I recommend watching at least 3 times to help balance the creepy vibe Gates gives off with his creepy expressions.
I'm so impressed at the precision of this hit. I'm a hunter, so I compare this to trying to zero in on the buck surrounded by does and fawns. This was a direct hit, right on the nose, with does and fawns all over the place to distract and deflect. Yet, still got him square in the face. It's a beautiful shot that fills my heart with joy!
Yes, yes I am! Laughing a maniacal witch cackle that would put Heels up Harris to shame!
Chiming in to let you know that I just watched the video on that post about 10 minutes ago and did not have any issues, keep trying!
Had to watch it at least 3 times, it was a stellar hit!!
Our tube had air in the end so it was necessary to push the plunger out a bit to get to the paste. Also, my Dad was dumb and didn't see the locking ring lol....he dosed for a 600 lb horse at least and his horse isn't even 1/3 of that. No side effects, still kicking......and trotting & galloping on his good days.
I wish there was a clip at the very end where he is losing his shit at Rand Paul and says "THAT IS A LIE!"
Yes that's the new governor, so not shocking to see her displaying her Vax status for the whole world to see
I love your energy and enthusiasm to get involved, thanks for posting!
One of the biggest wheat fields in my area is now a solar panel farm. It used to be so beautiful, literally amber waves of grain, now it's just depressing.
I have so many new things to try now, I'm so glad we had this talk!
Good question that I never considered! I don't pour it on myself, I hold the can. However, now I'm wondering if Mt. Dew is totally fine as long as I skip the can! 🤣
It certainly could be, but when I'm testing different supplements or vitamins I'm not really subconsciously preferring one or the other. Same with antibiotics, I don't care which one works, as long as one works! Now if there was a price involved, yep, I'd subconsciously choose the cheaper one lol!
Interesting! I will have to try this method, thanks for sharing this! I'm also going to read the book OP suggested. I'd love to have some other methods to experiment with. Since we are all different, perhaps different ways work better for different people. I'm going to try this video method later!
Good question! I can only speak to the benefits I've experienced myself by testing for stuff I had no idea about and seeing the beneficial results. I thought it was hokey once I hit my 20s and thought I was smarter than everyone. Picked it up again mid twenties and the deciding factor for me was finding out that my birth control pills were causing my daily migraine headaches over a 10 year span. I tried everything to kick them while my doctor insisted every time I went in that it was NOT the pill. I ended up with the Mirena and had asked him a couple times to take it out, he would always convince me to keep it. When the time came to replace it, he laid the new one on the counter and left the room for a few minutes. I jumped up and muscle tested on impulse and it was a resounding NO! When he came back in, I refused it. It took my body about a month and half to detox and once it was out of my system, I haven't had a migraine since. That was 15 years ago! I would say try it out and try it more than once or twice, then give yourself time to see if you notice any beneficial results. I think the convincing factor has to be something you have no idea about, and something you can determine is beneficial or not. It will take some time and dedication to testing it. I get the reluctance to believe it works, I was there too and wouldn't expect anyone to believe me based on my anecdotes.
Yes same idea! I guess to me the pendulum seems like it could easily be you subconsciously making the pendulum swing the way you want. For me, this is different because I REALLY like Mt. Dew but I have never tested that my body needs it lol! Try it out a LOT, if you have a headache, test with Tylenol or ibuprofen and see what your results are. I wouldn't have a subconscious desire to choose one supplement over another, so to me it is somewhat different than the pendulum. I can see my will overcoming the pendulum but with vitamins I don't have a strong subconscious desire to see one over another. If that makes sense...
You can try this out by holding something you clearly shouldn't be eating or drinking and then comparing it to something that is good for you. A can of Mt. Dew for example followed by an apple.
Let me try to explain without being long-winded and confusing. My original chiro did the muscle test by having me hold the item (vitamin, supplement, etc.) in my dominant (right) hand while holding my index finger & thumb in a circle with my left hand. Then she would attempt to break the circle while I held the item in my right hand against my chest. If she could break the circle easily, that was am indication I didn't need that vitamin. If I was able to hold the circle, I needed that vitamin. I learned how to do this by myself 2 decades later, since I no longer had my chiro to break the circle. Hold the item in your dominant hand and stand with feet shoulder width apart, toes even. Bring your arms straight out to your side (I usually wave them a couple times to get loosened up). Start with arms out straight to the side and while keeping them straight, bring your hands together straight out in front of you. Item is fisted in dominant hand while other hand is also fisted. You want to be looking at the backs of your hands side by side with your index fingers next to each other. If you need the item your indicator hand will be closer to your body than your dominant hand (indicator is not holding the item). If your indicator hand is further away from your body, you do not need the item. Think of it like your indicator hand is pushing away from your body, or bringing it closer to your body. Closer to body means you need it. Just remember to note the hand that is not holding the item. This is hard to describe but I hope that gives a general mental pic. You can use the same method to determine how much you should take. Start with 1 pill and test. Then try 2 and test, when you are over the number your indicator hand will begin to push away from your body. Please tell me if that makes any sense!
Thanks for posting this, I listened for 10 minutes & can't wait to hear the rest.