GingerPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

I remember your post, and I've thought about you often and still pray for you when you cross my mind. What an incredible way to honor your wife this would be. My heart breaks thinking about how many are out there with similar losses. I pray God gives you ALL the opportunity to make this happen. I am still so, so sorry for your loss!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not trying to be that girl, but her name is Jena Griswold in case people want to do some digging on this Soros puppet! Also, I had not heard this info Jkshaffe so I am fixing to do some digging of my own, thank you!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I know, I missed it live and took me quite awhile to catch up to speed. She was absolutely praying her way through that and saved her own ass from being framed! A Godly woman with balls of steel!! Badass!!

GingerPatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

I truly thought Colorado was lost until this Clerk hit the scene! Tina Peters has balls of steel! God bless her for DOING something!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are working with a naturopath doctor for the first time and let me tell you, I have never had a doctor spend 2 hours in the first appointment literally going over every fine detail of not just medical history, but general life history, emotional well being, school/career... it was extensive and I loved it! I email her every 3 or 4 days with updates and she responds right away, in paragraphs, not 2 sentences. There is so much to cover when every aspect of your life is considered, 15-20 minutes is not adequate! It cost around $400 for that appointment but I'd estimate she has spend well over 12 hours with us, ncluding her 1st 2 hour appointment. Worth every penny! (My 17 year old daughter is her actual patient, hence the "us" business)

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for this! It is not easy & with twin 17 year old girls & me about to hit menopause, our house is....flammable! I keep telling her that she is being strengthened by the Lord now, because becoming a nurse in this country is no longer what it used to be. She is going to have to be strong and able to stand her ground & that preparation has begun. I'm terrified, but I need to be strong & trust that God's plan is divine, my plan is irrelevant. We fight, or we give up & join the ranks of the asleep!

GingerPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

My daughter is 17 and she is working towards her CNA certification. She did her clinicals at a nursing home, surrounded by vaxxed older folks for 2 days. The next month her issues started, she bleeds for 30 days, passing golf ball sized clots, very painful & her emotions are wildly out of character for her. This has been ongoing for almost 7 months now. She finally got a tincture from a naturopath doctor that stopped the bleeding finally! The month following she started, bled for 7 days, stopped for 4, started again for 5 days & since has random spotting every day. She's been taking an ovulation predictor test for 2 months solid now and has never gotten a positive. I don't know if it was the exposure to the vaxxed or not, but I'm watching what the unvaxxed are reporting to see if there is any correlation. She just completed a hormone test so I'm anxious to see the results of that. It's hard to express her emotional upheaval since her clinicals. Very drastic, suicidal & tired all the time. The exact opposite of the person she was before the issues started.

GingerPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think there is also evidence of non-vaxxed women having issues after prolonged exposure to the vaccinated.

by nomadic
GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wow...this really speaks to me today! I think about this often, we only know what the t.v shows us, but these are human beings, just like me. There's a mother over there somewhere with the same or similar emotions, feelings & experiences as me. Do they hate us, if so, why? I've never been to another country but I agree with you, we should always be diplomats, we should always give a positive view and interaction. We should humbly respect their culture & traditions, as we would hope/expect foreigners to do in ours. What we could learn from each other....endless possibilities! No matter how you dice it, judging a group of people based on the evil acts of a few is irresponsible and ignorant. I really appreciate your outlook & I love to hear about experiences outside of this country, especially military since I have no experience with that either. As I read about the bullhorn my initial reaction was "oh no!" but...it was fun & you all enjoyed each other and laughed and had a great time! I guess I am still peeling away some layers of brainwashing, my reactions are ridiculous sometimes. This is a great eye opener for me, I think I'm awake...but there are some layers to remove yet. So, are you saying the royalty pays for extravagant weddings for the little people? Is the royalty also the ruling class? That is fascinating either way, I can't imagine asking our 'royalty' to pay for my wedding! Seriously thanks for sharing all of this, a whole new world for me & helping me to dig deeper and open my eyes wider

by nomadic
GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is fascinating! I hate that the only thing I know of other countries has been spoon fed to me by the MSM. What was the wedding like? I truly love to hear first-hand accounts, they help to cover the picture that has been painted for me.

by nomadic
GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

How profound that your trainee would make it a point to call you and apologize...and now, knowing what we know...crazy

by nomadic
GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

My story isn't as riveting as many of these accounts, I heard snippets on the radio during my 45 minute commute to work. When I got to work everyone was packed in the break room watching the news on TV. On the drive I I was confused, assumed it was a really bad joke or something. I just wanted to mention how many of these accounts talk about being glued to the news that day. We depended on journalists to keep us informed. I had no idea at the time we might not be getting the truth. This event is what began to open my eyes.

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Someone mentioned using the packets that came in their neti pot, so I found some of those today and I will test it tomorrow! I am hung up on isotonic vs hypertonic and the box I found had both terms. I have no idea what either means but I'm certain hypertonic goes in the nebulizer. If it doesn't kill me, I'm moving on to my Mom! She has finally broke the fever today and now she just can't taste or smell and has the shakes all day long. I am hopeful the Sodium L. Ascorbate will help give her strength and the push she needs to stop the shaking. I think the nebulizer will help her taste and smell come back. Thank for talking to me for so long, you're doing a very kind thing coaching us through! Much love and blessings to you Doc!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think I'm going to boil the water today and see if that works then I'll huff it myself lol! I found very finely ground pure Himalayan salt, somewhere I read not to use sea salt for nebulizers but I can't find where I saw that now, I have so many bookmarked links on this!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Table salt has other additives in it, so I did find pure salt with no additives, it just doesn't fully dissolve unfortunately. If it was me, I'd do it with no worries, but my Mom has weird reactions to everything so I want to be careful with anything I give her.

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I totally missed this comment! I suppose if it hasn't killed you LOL! From what I have read it's not the correct type of solution and does have additives. I live in a rural area with few options for contact saline, but I will go today and see what the box says! Thank you for chiming in!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldn't necessarily give up on your hypothesis, perhaps your body is acclimating to the changes. I don't think we give our bodies enough credit sometimes, just like I think they expected more people to die from this virus. Our bodies can overcome a lot and adapt. Thanks for updating and keep seeking answers, we are still working with the naturopath doctor with my daughter. Hormone test going out today & I am curious to see what comes of that!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

No saline? Or are you saying to just boil the water for mixing the salt in? And THANK YOU for the sodium ascorbate comment below, I am on that right now! Yesterday she finally woke up with a temp of 99 but she needs on a regimen regularly. I am SO excited to get her some vitamin C she can take! Really appreciate your help Doc!!

GingerPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I did try that, but there is still a small amount that doesn't fully dissolve. I'm using a very fine grind of pure Himalayan salt. I have stopped short of boiling the water because I'm worried boiling water would cook out the properties-but I am not medically or scientifically inclined to understand if that applies to salt. I do have Lugol's iodine solution but what I've read says to mix the 3 (saline, peroxide & Lugol's). Thank you for chiming in, I have made so much progress by discussing this with others here!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Got word that an old friend did this and added some essential oil to the mix. He said he nebulized until he could smell that oil and just like that, taste and smell returned. Trying to get the information on what EO was used is like herding cats at this point but I'm pushing again today for that info!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have considered this but I've read that the nebulizer saline is a hypertonic solution whereas the nasal type saline is an isotonic solution. I feel like I need to be really careful here because my Mom gets pneumonia just by saying the word. Thanks for the response, I'm annoying the shit out of anyone who has done this trying to plot my next move. Appreciate you chiming in with your experiences, thank you!

GingerPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

My folks lost theirs around days 5 & 6

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