You are so kind! I do feel encouraged to post more, I don't want to be the lazy poster and get in the way of the serious research and digs that happen in this space. I can't contribute to the Q drops and digs, I am a spectator there as it's not my gift. I do like to watch headlines and often wonder why I don't see it here yet.
If I can contribute without getting in the way, I will for sure do it. I was sure I was forgetting some rules or etiquette but damn I was curious what others thought!
I heard "I'm a Christian' when I saw the video but when you listen for "I'm not a Christian" I can hear that too.
Thank you, I should have provided context.
I like this take, I can see this being his angle. The media is going to go wild with this, makes me giddy!
This is my first post so go easy on me!
Hey, I'm not judging, this is purely my experience due to my own addictive habits! Lots of people can take it in moderation and be fine. I'm just happier getting a glimpse now and then. And now I can! We both learned something new today!
Thank you!! I haven't seen this one but that's easy enough!
I have considered it but I left FB 5 years ago and it made such an improvement in my life, I remind myself of how miserable I was when I was on social media. GAW is my social media now, browse Reddit, but I'm not on any other platform. I'm curious to see what people are saying, but I also know if I get sucked back in, it could negatively affect my overall enjoyment of life. I like the snippets I can see here without the temptation of spending too much time sucked into the void.
I don't know how to do it but someone in here will if they see it. I'm not techy but I'm curious to see what the people are saying! The whole thing is disgusting and I want to see a lot of eyes opening!
Can't read the comments because I'm not on X. Can you post the link in Nitter?
I really dislike hearing that statement! You're exactly right, we aren't getting what we voted for, in the state OR in the Presidential elections. I also need to stop blaming California folks for moving here, because I've dreamed of leaving Colorado for several years. Not because I want to make another state just like Colorado is now, but because I want to live in a state that more resembles the Colorado I used to love! I've had TONS of friends move to Missouri, and not because they want Missouri to be like Colorado is now!
Yep, I can relate to all of it! It took a little longer to reach us since we are on the plains, but the last 3-5 years it has ramped up considerably. Our small little towns where everyone knew everyone for decades is being over developed and filled with idiots. Family farms have been sold off to be replaced with solar panel farms & I don't know 85% of the people in my community any more. It's really depressing! I would love to leave, but I can't leave my folks behind. My daughters left the state last year. I hate that they are far away, but pray they are able to succeed as adults in a better environment.
Lived in Colorado my whole life and they have completely destroyed our state. They say we turned blue, but out of allll the people I know, only 2 are registered democrats. They happen to be my boss and his wife, good times. Both are totally brainwashed, vaxxed 9 times, etc. They started by cheating people into office here and it's gone downhill ever since. Looking at you Gov Penis & you Jena Grisly!
I am actually shocked at the comments! I peruse Reddit for dogs and cleaning advice, I don't look at anything else because it's clearly controlled....except this thread is not being moderated the way I'm used to seeing. Nice find @FullAmpleSally!
I agree they could be looking at the chart, this was an interesting exercise in crowd reaction and viewer takes after the fact.
Yes! We have to be careful about seeing snippets and making conclusions based on small pieces of a big picture. It totally looks like she's moving that sign in the zoomed in version, but when you zoom out, it's clearly not her. I definitely had to take a step back and reconsider my stance on her. I also see many other people with identical responses to her, a lot of people did not react like you would expect. They had no idea what was happening! To the lady's left, there's a guy that is totally in synch with the lady when both are standing, they turn their heads at the same time and their body language is the same. It was fascinating to me not only how the crowd reacted, but how easily I was duped into believing she was using that sign to cover her face.
This reminds me of how somber they were when he was sworn in. None of them looked happy then either!
I have saline on hand, I will try that tomorrow!
Wow! That little blog went all ape shit! I had to stop at a certain point because the mission was accomplished there - sow division! I really don't care if she is a Gold Star Mom tbh, I have respect for anyone that serves this country and equal respect for their family no matter how they were lost. I still think she has balls of steel for trying to preserve the data that Griswold tried to delete. Her son's death has no bearing on my opinion there, nor does her status as a Gold Star Mom. It's funny all those folks thought it would make a difference though!
Thank you! I am stuck on stupid this week, migraines from wildfires make me unable to fight my way out of a wet paper bag!
I didn't even know that until today! I was in awe for what she did with that data! Now I am going down the rabbit hole deeper after work because I learned she is a gold star mom today. I am praying she exposes that evil witch Jena Grisly (Griswold) for the puppet she is. I can't remember the name of the group of "young leaders" she was a part of, but she was one of those NWO kids who magically got into an office in my state. I want her OUT and I want to see Tina dance a jig on her face!
Absolutely, thanks for bringing some attention to her plight here!
Tina Peters has balls of steel! I would LOVE to see her helped and exonerated for standing up to Colorado's batshit crazy SOS!
I have to agree with the bullet in flight guy, too many coincidences with him!
I'm just on the fence about this woman, I am yet undetermined let's say. Some say she is holding the sign, but in the other video, they zoom out, and she isn't holding the sign. It's the person in front of her and it just appears to be the lady in that zoomed up clip. So the zoomed in stuff has to be looked at both ways to get all of the information. Those guys DO think she's acting very strange for a fear response though, and that is obviously true. However, a lot of people didn't hit the floor like you'd expect. That makes me think most people had no idea what was happening.
For sure, I think we need to dig, dig deeper, and challenge all viewpoints so when we do speak to normals, we don't give knee-jerk reactions that can be proven otherwise. That is a pretty big job in this crazy world! BUT....we can do that here and I appreciate having the time and place to bounce ideas off and share information!
Thank you and Bless YOU!