Maybe they will give a fix to the problem by offering for people to downloading their minds into the cloud and becoming digital beings and therefore also being "carbon neutral".
Seems like a normal Australian event to me. Nothing out of the ordinary here. I expect to see many more similar occurrences like this in the future of Australia. Well probably see Britain and Democrat city's in USA too. The root cause is society drifting away from God and therefore wisdom.
They didn't realize they are the trial!
The rainbow Yahoo is a nice touch to the article.
Ether prayers , denial or hope that president Trump will have it fixed.
As hard as president Trump is pushing the shot and how much he wants credit for it. It stands to reason that he has a remedy for people who took it and survive past a certain point. Plus many may be placebos.
I think we need a Christian history month as well.
I've got a few scars left from it. It's crazy how specific it is when killing cancerous tissues. Especially the one with zinc added. I put it on a normal skin spot and it does nothing but put it on a skin cancer and it's like a specific poison that only kills it leaving a hole behind with a little swelling around the affected tissues. It really doesn't bleed like you would think taking a plug out of your skin would ether.
They identify as victims on the inside and this is how they transition to victim on the outside to validate their identity to society.
It sounds like nature's way of keeping people from screwing with genes.
She is getting away from people who have recieved the vaccine.
Now we can finally sell canned air!
The co conspirators of 911 are aiming their sights on everyone that knows the truth.
I was going to say they are dangerously close to becoming not black with that rhetoric!
You beat me to it. I was going to reply "jokes on you ! Expecting those things is racism! "
Yeah this is the first thing I thought. This sounds like something completely normal for Britain. I wouldn't be surprised if the girl or her parents were arrested for saying that it happened.
So many companies fail because they hire people based off of a piece of paper saying they are good at regurgitating information and blindly doing what they are told.
Maybe this is a good chance for people who believe in the Bill Gates model of population control to give them a chance to go first. I won't be doing it but I probably will enjoy driving down the freeway at 6:00 pm and having less traffic. I've warned many people and will shead a tear for their sacrifice.
And these aren't even the fun kind of drugs.
Gotta get them slaves through the gate and secured before we start pushing the vaccine on the third world and ruining the product.
It will be like a really late abortion but very late, slow and painful. I suppose it could be considered perfect for children by some people.
At this point I heard the effect of the vaccine can transfer like an std.
After learning a little about Alester Crawley it seems like the gap between being gay and being satanic isn't very far on a spiritual level.
Awww you're right. Them too!