Gulagresident1488 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hasn’t Georgia Meloni taught you the lesson that all these supposed “right-wingers” winning elections are all controlled opposition?

Wake me up when a politician names the jew.

Gulagresident1488 4 points ago +5 / -1

Remove jews and not only does corporate media goes away, but the last 20% of problems go away too.

deleted 1 point ago +1 / -0
Gulagresident1488 1 point ago +1 / -0

You guys have been saying that for like 6 years… It sounds exactly like Covid doomers saying just two more weeks of lockdown or just one more booster will finally end Covid. There is always a magical document that will bring the establishment down but nothing ever happens. Haven’t you noticed that yet?

I’m not a troll, a doomer or a shill. Trump did great things, but he is not The Great Savior you people paint him out to be. I personally think Trump had good intentions from the start but got swallowed whole by the swamp he swore to drain. It’s just way to big to drain by one person, even for him.

America is not doomed either… as long as more than 51% of the population finally realizes who the real enemy is. And it’s not the Democrats, the Republicans, the Socialists, the Feds… there is one thing that has subverted everything I’ve just listed and more. They use immigration and our own financial and political systems against us. They propagandize us continually through all forms of media. They have no loyalties to the USA or its values, which is why they most often have dual citizenship.

They play both sides: while the left calls them white supremacists, greedy capitalists, patriarchs, the right calls them Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Tech, Socialists, pro-immigration non-profits. While not all these labels are accurate, particularly those used by the left, they hide their true identity behind these slurs that don’t seem to affect them whatsoever. The left blames Russia, while the right blames China for influencing our elections. However, there is one place in the world where all the US politicians, regardless of their stated affiliation have congregated to swear allegiance to the people there. Think of a certain wall, a very old wall, in the Middle East.

I was talking about how no slurs seem to affect them, no matter how vile. But mention just one word, one word to perfectly describe them, their behaviour and their heritage, and you will see them and their faithful allies, like Trump, Biden, DeSantis and unfortunately pretty much anyone in the public eyes, recoil in absolute shock and revulsion. The entire might of the American media conglomerate, along with anti-hate groups, will fall upon you and destroy you in every way they can. When you are jobless, homeless and without a bank account, maybe you will finally realize that the one you can’t ever criticize is the one who truly rules over you. And maybe then, we can start draining the swamp with our brothers and sisters from both sides of the political aisle who have been lied to since the mid-20th century.

God bless you, and may you see the truth someday.

Gulagresident1488 0 points ago +2 / -2

Just two more weeks! Trust the plan!

Gulagresident1488 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is one thing making them walk in lockstep but you guys ain’t ready for that conversion yet.