HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

One Frame of the Zepruder Film is NOT ""Never before seen"" anything....

And the whole ""Moments After"" part is just not important as the MOMENT OF....


Soo much DECEPTION, just for the Clicks....

DOWN VOTE asap....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Asshoes at MSM and Faggt Chuckers keep reporting this picture as being FALSE....

They say that because it is NOT the Entire Walz Family, like Cousins and others who are also related, and Friends, Acquaintances, people they have met, people who they have seen, bumped into, share a restaurant with, have been in the same vicinity of, have lived in the same State with, etc., who are NOT in the picture, proves that the Whole Family is not in fact supporting Trump....

So the Spin goes on....

Once we get Power back, we MUST hit ALL the Fact checkers with Treason, Lying, Propaganda an Corruption of Blood, they are EVIL People, and absolutely disgusting Individuals on a Mental Level....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0


Just DL it in PDF, here's a really good site to get it....

An DO the print outs, that way you keep at least a Soft Copy of it....


HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The only way to have things be Correct is :: If You post it, YOU are liable for it...

Section 230 goes around that, and protects both Platforms an Producers from Any Liability....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yup, I guess I spoke a little too soon....

I Re-posted something about a Car that uses Liquid Hydrogen as Fuel, and the car is obviously an AI created Image, and it claims to be able to be refueled in like 5 Seconds, and has a 1500 Mile Per Tank capacity, which all together doesn't make sense to anyone....

The part that does Make Sense, is the Fuel, burns Hydrogen and expels water....

I am now blocked from accessing FB, and accused of Phishing, along with trying to trick people out of their Passwords and other Personal Info....

This shit with FB is getting stranger by the day....

HOSEQ 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm guessing they don't know, and some good folks also don't know, just how much FUN and how fast the Counter-Suits are, nor do they know that one goo Counter-Suit can effectively Bankrupt, not just a Company, but it's owners and financial Supporters too....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

THAT would be Hilarious, probably the Funniest thing to happen IF....

So like what would 2 Perma-banned Accounts with 2 years of back to back 30 Day Bans look like???

Oh wait, it'd probably look like one of those funny looking Generals with Medals hanging from his shoulders to his waist, like a 50 pound Coat just from the medals alone....ROFL

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, those back to back 30 day Bans from like Jan of 21 through December of 23 were lots of Fun....

And on my Second, it only took me like One Post that was Anti-Muzzie to get that one Permabanned, in like May....

So now I'm on number 3, so far, no warnings, no bans, only arguments with Cousins, but I'm also posting News from websites that don't usually get exposure....

HOSEQ 3 points ago +3 / -0

My Main account was Perma-Banned, same reason....

Second subsequent account was also Perma-banned due to Exposing the Vaxxxine and it's oncoming Effects, just before European Countries started to put out the Results of their Investigations of the Vaxxx....

On my third account currently....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem is still Section 230, it protects Producers, but not Platforms, and FB among others, is constantly pretending they are just like a News Paper, a Producer, when it's easy to see it is a Platform FOR News, an not a Direct Producer OF News....

Once we can get section 230 Annulled, we have Full On Rights to Sue FB for everything it is worth, AND Zuck also, this would include META and all others connected, due to all of their Violations of our 1st Amendment, and there really should be various Levels of Suit to that, not just one massive suit....

There are people who have had Multiple Accounts Destroyed by FB, some have gotten only Warnings, and everything inbetween....

Level 1 - Warnings an Bans up to 30 Day Bans....

Level 2 - Multiple, as in nearly Back to Back 30 Day Bans making communication almost impossible....

Level 3 - Loss of 1 or more Accounts up to 3 Accounts due to Permanent Bans....

Level 4 - More than 3 Accounts lost to Permanent Bans....

Each level encompassing any previous Levels....

The Punishments should fit their Crimes, and the Recompense should be equally devastating to their Bank Accounts due to their Crimes....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

""State Nationals"" is Easily proven to be Directly from L.B. Bork, His Invention, an Directly Stolen from His Book, ""The RED Amendment""....

As for moving your Legal Status from U.S. Citizen over to State Citizen, or State National, or Native of a State, is not really a Complicated Process, but it does directly involve sending letters directly to Specific Government Agencies, and a One Page Letter just doesn't cut it....

Anna Von CuntingRatz stupidly points out that the Dual System of Law existed Long before Christ appeared....

Although this is True, there isn't a Damned thing anyone can DO about that, and IS NOT a point of Law nor Contention....

We are NOT INTERESTED in Pre-American Law History or anything else, ONLY the Law between 1776 and Today, so REMOVE all of the Bullshit she wrote that's applicable to PRE-American History and Law, and what you are left with is ALL of L.B. Borks Writings....

She's a Fucking Intellectual Property Thief and Plagiarist, and deserves the Expulsion and Punishment she will be receiving for her Massive deceptions, and for Mixing things that do not go together....

She even, in a round about way, admits she doesn't understand the 14th Amendment, not that very many do, and it was written in a Special Way to make it Difficult to understand, but I can, and I do....

An she is WRONG that Bork thinks the 14th is the Only Law that is Key to fixing the problems, he says so in his Book, how did she miss that???


The True State Nationals...


HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

And THAT is exactly the Problem....

Thousands of people SAY they have ""SEEN"" the two differently Titled Constitutions, and so far, every time I ask for Proof, absolutely NOBODY, has shown me the Two Differently Titled Constitutions side by side....

Now, Ass-U-me-ing they didn't change the Text or Body of the Document, Which they DID DO via ""Amendments"", then the ONLY thing left is the Specific TITLES....

Of these Two, there are only Two Words that supposedly get flipped around....

TO and FOR....

THAT is the piece of the Puzzle that NOBODY has shown me, and so far, makes me believe that NOBODY actually has proof of....

So it stands as Conjecture, with the Bill of Adjustments, aka The Communist Amendments #11 through 27 exempted....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not seeing any Differences, neither one has ANY TITLE at all, and in a quick sampling aka Spot Checking, even the words in various places are exactly the same words....

Zero Changes other than the Font used, one being hand Written an the other being Machine Printed....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because I WANT some type of PROOF other than ""werds"" from peeps....

I could be very adamant about the color of the Sky being Green, and might be able to actually fool some of the people, but others are going to call on that BS....

I'm simply asking for Solid Proof....

Two Separate U.S. Constitutions Side by Side, AND now, some Magical Constitutional Contract that YOU claim exists....

SHOW ME THE PICTURES, or give me LINKS directly to these things, otherwise it's ALL Bullshit....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

IT says ISRAELI, not American....

They are ISRAELI when it's Convenient and to garner support for Israel, but they're American when it's meant to piss off Americans....

Were they DUAL Citizens???

If so, then they aren't ""Americans"", they are 14th Amendment Anchors, and should be SEEN as being Israeli Only....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

But both Stallone and Travolta has already been initiated, or so one would think, since they'd been ""IN the Biz"", for decades at that point....

Which leads me to my Birth Mother, she had 2 Sons, Desi and Me....

She gave me away nearly at Birth, but kept Desi, and went on to have 4 Daughters....

Desi was Murdered by a County Cop, on the front steps of one of those Joseph Smith Churches in Pueblo at about 17, and the excuse used is that Desi was Boffing the Sheriffs wife....

Bo, not all First Borns are a Sacrifice to Moloch, some are just tragic accidents, and others are just straight up Murders....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

There we ho, that's the ""smErter"" part I was talking about....

Confederation of States (1781)

There's absolutely Nothing written anywhere, that shows this as any form of Title at all....

Both the Federation and the Confederation were designed and intended to work for the Union States in international and global venues, as "instruments" or "agents" to conduct business.

No, it is ONLY the Federation that works as an Agent of the states, and that comes from SOURCE, the Catechism of the Unite States Constitution....

The American Confederation created in 1781 was additionally awarded a Constitutional Service Contract in 1787.

So a nonexistent entity was awarded a Service Contract under the Constitution, but nobody has a direct Link that shows the actual Contract???

Most believable dude, Most Believable...

The American Government is still fully functional despite these injuries;

Wrong again, it is still Fully INTACT, but has FOREIGN AGENTS in the seats, and is not functioning how it should, it is being OPERATED by those same Foreign Agents, and they have been using and abusing those powers since Lincoln got into Office, and IF you were correct, we would have 2 Solid Federations working at the same time, which we DO NOT....

I' go on, but I've had enough nonsense from this silly diatribe you've spilt all over this thread....

Let me guess, you got this garbage from Anna Von Schtupen-Reitz, right???

Well, at least you got the Last Paragraph mostly correct, I suppose that's some sort of consolation Prize....

HOSEQ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look, I'm just pointing out what I SEE, and I see a Criminal that is Covertly Admitting, or admitting in an underhanded way, just one of the Crimes she has committed, AFTER the Crime was Exposed and Tied Directly to her....

IF she had said that BEFORE we had the Evidence, I would probably agree with you, but I've been around Criminals long enough to have learned a few things, and long enough to READ them when they are making an Admittance without openly saying they DID the Crime....

HOSEQ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe I'm reading more into it than what's there, but I doubt that, and maybe she's Denying it a little too hard, or maybe even I'm reading it from the POV of ""When they deny, they affirm"" POV....

But I see what I see, and I don't see a Direct Open Admittance, but a Covert Admittance, like after someone sees you break a Window, and then a few weeks later you ask them HOW it got broken....

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