car traffic next
he sounds like a real bitch
oh shit these lots are about to get fucked
metro area georgia
unfortunately can't find it either
why the fuck did lbj even do this if he hated them so much
i'm just worried i buy the house and then a month later everything plummets, telling me i made a huge mistake so soon. but I have a mortgage approval period i need to beat because it's my 3rd one in a row
where at? I'm nearby.
i'm in the middle of making a deal on a house for 218k. what's going to happen if there's a devalue, whether it's trump making it easier or a crash?
what was the cost of living EO?
thank you all for your activity
not a good look here
How does it look like a body double? Like a good example of a double is golfer Trump vs this one. but that looks like him
strange how he's talking to him
Signed: Hairy W Bush
what makes you say this
elon wasn't the original ceo?
why do you have a problem with it if he owns a company that is the highest rated to fuck over it's insured people?
he doesn't like evs