That is a wonderful scene to be sure fren.
My favorite is when He names John and James the sons of thunder. A humbling lesson there.
I feel it brother. Jumping for joy myself. I have been sitting and waiting for the Lord to set me to task. I believe that day is today and I am honored and humbled.
I look forward to seeing what Jesus has in store.
Father, thank you for this blessing upon us. Grant us the wisdom and strength to follow through with whatever works you have in store. The glory is all yours Father. In Jesus name I pray... Amen
I left you a comment with email Addy. Funny thing is I had the idea of doing exactly what you were looking to do with Testimonies. Jesus is 100% Amazing, I have a lot of stories to tell of His grace through tribulation. I have felt the calling of ministry and I am taking it one day at a time. I am but a servant, the Spirit guides, I go.
What a blessed morning
I have like 3 episodes left in season 2. I've been binging for days.
As to your question... it is funny you ask, I have been toying the idea of podcasting and putting myself back out there. It's time! Sooooo, I'd be honored to join you on a podcast.
Love you to fren, God Bless
Oh my, a name and I see your face. Bless you brother!
Nice to meet you Ryan, my name is Sean.
I loved your commet. I was watching Chosen and told my mother I feel a kinship with Simon/Peter
🤣🤣🤣🤣 well played sir or ma'am (I suppose I need more caution in my own words)
This could literally mean buy a sword to take up arms. I carry almost always. In case God decides to use me to protect another.
However, I would caution against advocating that this is it's meaning. For the weapon of a Christian is the Word of God. The biggest mistake we can make is misrepresenting the Word of God.
Luke 22:35 And He said to them, "When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you?" They said, "No, nothing."
Luke 22:38 They said, "Lord, look, Here are two swords." And He said to them, "It is enough."
Luke 22:50 But Jesus answered and said "Stop! No more of this." And He touched his ear and healed him.
If violence was what Jesus was advocating, why heal the servant of the high priest? In verse 35 Jesus is reminding them that the Holy Spirit provides everything we need.
Should you feel that you should buy guns, then do so. But to imply that this verse means go get a gun for war.... I do not wish to see good folk misrepresent God's Word because they do not understand fully.
Romans 12:19-21 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head
Walk in peace!
I was privileged to attend a men's conference yesterday. As I listened to the pastors talk about the role of men... I realized the wickedness I commit, albeit without understanding, against my wife. Again I am humbled by Jesus and reminded that my understanding is and always will be lacking.
I really enjoy reading your posts, I learn much from your observations. Every day I walk I see more clearly than the last. A man of deep sorrow and depression existed in me for most of my life. Though I may struggle till my last breath, it is becoming habit to look to Jesus instead of the wickedness in my heart.
The wickedness of this world is unbearable at times. As you say, we boast of such evil deeds, yet with Jesus in our heart there is a peace that we can have. My steps become less labored, my tears become more joyful, my heart becomes more pure with each and every humbling lesson. I am greatful for the rebuke of our heavenly Father.
Thank you for taking the time to post these every day.
No apology necessary. I did have those issues. I do not now. I walk with Jesus daily. In that darkness He showed me new life and equipped me to help others in that situation.
With respect, I am not testing God's Grace. I am active in my community and with what God puts in my heart is my job.
For some their Job will be out there. For others it will be at home. However, in the end I tried to take my own life and Jesus didn't allow it. As such, He will either allow us to fall or save us.
If you wish to go fight the world then by all means. I won't judge you. God's Grace is everywhere and in all things and I place my life on Jesus and my Kids.
You can take control of your life, or you can ask God to take command. I do the later.
If it comes to pass He asks me to stand and fight. Then I pray for my enemies, for I will follow wherever God leads.
You prepare all you want. All is vanity when the God begins to go to war.
God Bless
I understand your feeling. This seems like a natural line of questions for any logical person. I believe that theres a plan, I also believe i could be wrong.
Now, I don't stockpile, I don't prepare. I don't store food or go buy more ammo. I do not react out of fear of what might come. The greatest gift this world could give to me..... is death!
A friend of mine asked what I would do since I don't prepare.... I said "I do prepare, every day I set my sight on Jesus and I prepare, if I am hungry He feeds me, if I am lonely he comforts me, and if I'm wrong about this plan and the world state.... Jesus will bring me home.
I do not fear death, I do not fear tribulation, I do not fear... the best part of the clown show is the following.
I no longer hold passion for my country, I no longer hold anger towards my enemy, I no longer feel the need to fight. This clown world has opened my eyes and is purifying my heart.
And Jesus said "Blessed are those who are pure of heart for they shall see God" Matthew 5:8
Do not fear brother/sister God's plan is an eternity in the making.
God Bless fren
God Bless you fren!
I have been having this conversation a lot lately. I just joined my local church. On one Sunday God put it in my heart to attend and the interaction has brought me to the point of joining. I didn't join because I think the church can bring me closer to God. I joined because the Holy Spirit is my driver and my road is not mine to make.
I completely agree that we make it way too complicated. Jesus was not complicated and I do not believe his message was complicated. I have argued much with my brothers and sisters on this topic.
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Mathew 5:8
Purify your heart. Store the Word there. Let your heart look to nothing but Jesus. That is the key and nobody on earth can tell you if your pure. Only Jesus searches the heart. Only Jesus knows your heart.
Who do you know that has a pure heart? I can tell you the only ones I know that I can say have a pure heart, they do not have the ability to think deep or study deep. They are simple of mind, in that simpleness they are pure in heart. They are called broken, they are called stupid. Yet, it is they who our Father loves the most.
I leave you with a Navy saying K.I.S.S ....... Keep it simple stupid.
God Bless
Thank you for this. Added to my collection. When Jesus saved me... he put it in my heart to play piano. 7 years later, I play... well nothing like this amazing artist, but he sounds like what I hear when I play.
Sometimes words cannot express the chaos inside a soul, but music seems able to capture and share things we could never otherwise express... I feel a kinship in this artist. A feeling in his music that I know.
God Bless!
Only the devil gives you a choice between good and evil.
God gives you the choice of eternal life, or eternal damnation.
Your suggestion is the same as the globalist.
Kill what you hate, so the rest can be at peace. If you must go to war to obtain peace, then you haven't truly met God. The only Peace is through Jesus. He is THE WAY!
I'll pray for you. God Bless!
Welcome brother. Such a fun message to read. Last week my daughter also accepted Jesus and claimed her great grandmother's Bible.
There is no greater event in life for me, than to see The Holy Spirit step into another's heart and seal that heart for God.
May your path be full of Grace and may His light shine upon you through the darkest of times.
God Bless!
I understand. I apologize if my manner offends. I believe the orders are God's, is what my point is. I feel at any moment the decision to execute Jistice could be made. It's not Trumps decision is what I'm getting at.
How do you fix a system that is completely out of control? Do we just wake up one day and flip the switch? If we cannot fight a war within the acceptable guidlines of war... we are no different then the oppressors you aim to hang. Forgiveness becomes a neccessity at some point. For we are all guilty and we all deserve that wrath. We may say to ourselves "im not like them, i would never do what they did <insert your chosen Sin>", but the truth is we are no better. We lay in bed with our wifes and dream about another woman. Or we drink to oblivion and cause havoc, then expect it to just go away. Or your like me and cannot go in public because you just want to fight someone. We have all been victims for our whole lives. It is about time we stop being slaves and victims to our emotional distress and fall to our knees before God.
God knows man can live at war.... we have proven that fact. Can you live at peace fren? Can you chose peace over war? This story will continue until mankind takes responsibility for its own actions. Our Father is patiently waiting for you to just crack, so that you might humble yourself before Him and ask for Forgiveness. He granted it before your knees even hit the floor... that is our merciful Father in Heaven who sent His only Son to pay for your debt and for mine. Justice is Gods to give out and there is only one tier of Justice. That is HIS!
I pray for you. That you might experience a day at peace. Play a flute in the woods and smile at the wonderful creation before you. I pray that you cry Fren just cry and let that anger out. I understand it more than you know, i live it with you, i am also a part of that anger, right now though i am praying and crying for you. This War isnt about countries.
Father Bless this person, give them the same assurance you gave me and show them there is a better way. We need you now Father, no man can lead us to Salvation, save your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Hardest part of being a veteran..... knowing that I was not defending my country, only the greed of government officials.
I for one cannot wait for the order... your correct, our children deserve better.
"My fellow Americans........" locked and loaded and ready to serve the American people, as it should have been. We cannot win if we do not have good honorable service members active.
God Bless you active duty out there. We are all counting on you! Stand tall
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.
Proverbs 9:10
I enjoy reading your posts. Thankyou!
Just trying to speak up for the Josh's out there is all. I hate seeing good folk fall prey to depression and suicide.
God Bless Fren!
I understand that. I hold no contempt. I don't call those men veterans. I call them traitors.
This is true. However, this response speaks loudly. There are far more Veterans who just want a normal life again. Who want to stop being haunted by the knowledge that our Oath was for life and was made upon God. Atleast in my day it was...
Yes there are those that abuse this status. Then there are those who don't fit in the world anymore. Who scream out for help and are met with this comment right here.
One of their names was Josh. He put a shotgun in his mouth and blew his head off in the bathroom. Many veterans know far more about this government than any civilian ever will. It haunts them every time they close their eyes.
Not trying to pick a fight or anything. This touches close to home for me. I understand your frustration with the veterans you speak of. They are the minority and should not be used as evidence to measure the other 90% of honorable Veterans.
Very true. We attach to the needs of our current situation and will grow and change. Which is why I call it a walk with Jesus.
Good observation 👍. Great show all around.