HarleyRoseTX 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is a local credit union, non-FDIC. Just used bank as generic term.

HarleyRoseTX 57 points ago +57 / -0

We been buying BRC since they started up in '16. Coffee club members since '18. They even sent us a cool BRC Challenge Coin last year to commemorate their longest-standing customers! I got a bad take on them last year over their Kyle Rittenhouse stand. But this crap now?? It's just too much. 9am Central tomorrow I'm calling in to cancel membership and ongoing order. Then I'm driving into town to my bank and paying them the $20 fee to make sure the BRC auto-pay is stopped on my account. Don't even trust them that far!! I'm DONE!

HarleyRoseTX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh boy!

HarleyRoseTX 2 points ago +2 / -0

I watched the AZ Audit hearing, too. Joe and the Merkel will be good for memes later.

HarleyRoseTX 2 points ago +2 / -0

I called the billing department of my rural broadband wi-fi service the other day for a simple inquiry. Good service. No issue there. But during the call I was transferred to two different people and both were very aggressive asking to get me signed up for their new text messaging service through their router! NO CHARGE!! 😲 No Thanks!

HarleyRoseTX 10 points ago +10 / -0

Exuberant, naughty little children will spin fantastical tales as long as we let them! It's just not as cute when they still do it at 20-30 something.

HarleyRoseTX 6 points ago +6 / -0

Only Michael Baxter I ever heard of is the Tim Allen character on Last Man Standing. Real Raw News are unhinged sensationalists.

HarleyRoseTX 2 points ago +2 / -0

In the 1970's the 'scientists' terrified Americans with the coming Ice Age! National Geographic magazine ran extensive 'scientific research' articles saying North America would be covered with glaciers by the 90's and no food/livestock could be grown. The only possible salvation was to donate to Nat'l Geo and activist NGO's 'research'. Not even kidding. The 80's brought us the horrors of the hole in the ozone layer. Everybody panicked and threw out their aerosol deodorants for a decade. By the 90's the hole in the ozone had patched itself and the instant Ice Age did not materialize. We had a miraculous reversal and Al Gore (inventor of the internet) brought us Global Warming which has failed to fry or flood the planet...Yet! So now we have marched bravely forth into the apocalyptic 'Climate Change' era. Excuse me for not freaking out and locking myself into the bunker just yet! 😎

HarleyRoseTX 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, just not good enough! The flake AOC needs to get dragged into the octagon with Miss Lauren! Little Bit Lauren has 4 sons and a 6'6" lumberjack husband and owns a successful business! AOC has a faggoty activist ginger boyfriend and can't even figure out a garbage disposal! Who do YOU think is tougher?

HarleyRoseTX 1 point ago +1 / -0

Unfortunately those fried neuron receptors will never regenerate. And he'll always just look like that.

HarleyRoseTX 2 points ago +2 / -0

PS....If you buy vegie plants already started in the little pots, let them 'harden' outside for a couple days when you get them home before you put them in the ground. Let them get used to the sun and wind. Baby plants are grown in nurseries and not exposed to full sun and air currents till you take them home. Let them acclimate outside the nursery before transplanting. And ALWAYS let their dirt be a little dried out before transplanting. Transplant them dry and water them into the ground. Their little roots spread out under the ground that way and have a better chance to thrive. Pinch water leaves off the bottom of plants and let that callous for a couple days while they are hardening. You may have better luck with your plants surviving.

HarleyRoseTX 3 points ago +3 / -0

As for rabbits menacing your garden, there are all sorts of chemicals to use against them. Nasty chemicals and not necessary. You can spray some vinegar around the perimeter or plant edges to repel them. Human hair clippings repels them, too. Coffee grounds sprinkled around plant bases will repel insects and help some for rabbits. Stick a 3-4 foot high stick or wooden dowel in the garden dirt at a slight angle (or off the fence) with a string and a strip of folded aluminum foil off it so it spins and moves and flashes reflections. Scares them. You can hang old CDs too that will reflect and spin. Human urine also repels rabbits but since you live in town, carry it outside in a cup to sprinkle around rather than apply it directly...😁

HarleyRoseTX 3 points ago +3 / -0

What you will "hate" doing? Do you really have hate in your heart or is it just 'dislike'? Hate is a corrosive soul crusher. Lose that word and emotion in your life/vocabulary and many things will likely change for you.

HarleyRoseTX -1 points ago +3 / -4

After all that and your life goal is still to 'make your own game'? LOL You are an extremely fortunate NPC guy to have such concerned parents. If you were our son we would have beat the stupid out of you on your 18th birthday and thrown your ass out in the street after we sold all your 'gaming components'! But you aren't our son. We also made our son provide his own finances through a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering and he graduated at the top of his class. Even after he had to take Physics three times!! He paid his loans off in 3 years and now 8 years out of school he makes $127K a year creating financial program systems for a major healthcare provider. He bought a $220K home a couple years ago and is engaged to an equally successful young lady. How's that "make my own game" and "spite my parents" working out for you?

HarleyRoseTX 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some of the Clinton's 'charity missions' were assassinations - eventually! You don't think all the children disappeared into a big secret amusement park, do you?

HarleyRoseTX 5 points ago +5 / -0

Now you are using that big, wrinkled brain! 😊 I think you may be exactly right on that outlook!

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