These fraudulent “elite” are evil. I can’t believe our country has turned into a 3-world country. Biden/Harris regime needs to be held accountable.
Could Johnson be friends with Diddy?
Q says some will take the easy way out…let’s see.
I have never received extra items but wish I would.
I’ve always thought the same thing!!!
This picture sure shows the evil in her eyes and face!
Mufasa….say it again…ohhhh Mufasa!
The DemonRats are the must disgusting low-life scumbags ever! Election Interference = Treason and we all know what the punishment of Treason is!!! 😡
And both would-be assassins trained at the same place. Must not have done too well on marksmanship unless they both purposely missed.
Yep. Trump is a “private citizen”. FBI can kiss his ass.
Illegal invaders at that!
I’m trying to find it again but something about being invited to golf with Trump but he said no because he didn’t want to be shot. Then th shooting happened.
Between this picture and what Hannah said, it obviously was an intentional FF.
Monitoring and being able to do something about it are two different things.
So many people have woke up to all the bs the DS does. I think it’ll all backfire for the most part. I’m guessing they will use Antifa dressed up like Trump supporters….
The sad part is that real people do get hurt in these FF.
They will NEVER stop trying.
Family Medical Doctor?
My guess is the corrupt people will ignore this decision.
I sure Hope this young man is protected.
They’d make a fortune because so many want to see this happen.
I went to one last summer with my girls. I didn’t notice it at the concert but I have seen video of other concerts where it looked very much crazy.
I wonder If she was forced to put out that statement but she really is gonna vote Trump.
It’s possible he could be cya’ing himself so he can be on th good side when all this goes down.
Dr. Ardis gives great info. My husband and I listened to Nino’s interview with Ardis. He says nicotine isn’t addictive, it’s the additives in cigarettes that addictive. He also says nicotine is not a chemical but something that is in lots of food we eat such as tomatoes and potatoes.
They are panicking!