HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0


Look at 2:40 mark. She is squatting down. White or light colored phone, black hat, white top.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

She was taking selfies. White shirt black hat. White or light color type of phone.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lapel pin should be on the left.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fork lift is what was hit. Not the John Deer Tractor.

This animation shows all shots from one location.


HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. He should have the best reporting of all. TheQuartering is doing better reporting. Hmm....

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bongio is weird right now. I think he has his head up his ass and is not REALLY looking this. "I was an INVESTIGATOR" he claims. Timmy From South Park style. FULL RETARD MODE.

Redacted news is way better right now. They are asking questions. Bongino "I ONLY REPORT FACTS". Where are your facts coming from? SS agents and official news?

Why not eye witness accounts? Doesn't an instigator look at those?

Why not all angles of a video feed? Not the job of an INVESTIGATOR!

Bongio is giving us warmed over regurgitated BS ONLY from Official sources and compromised agents. He is simply not looking at the whole scene. It should be his wheel house moment but even Tim Cast is asking better questions.

LOL... I just needed a rant.

HenryTheRed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Redacted also talks about the ladder

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, neither are from 2019. But there is a 2019 clip of him saying this in reference to a disagreement with Kamala.

Around the same time he said that he had : "The largest voter fraud network"

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also, look at the John Deer Tractor that sprung a leak in the direction of the water tower.


HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think you misunderstood my statements. An AG SHOULD go after Biden. Trump should only put that person in place. That person should do their job.

Trumps job is to appoint people that WILL do this work. But not to actually direct them to do that work.

If your job is to look for, and to prosecute crimes that law enforcement brings to you. Then these people go away.

3 branches of government.

Legislate: Create laws, Not hand off power to an 3rd party agency.

Justice: Not "Just US" as it currently is.

Executive: Lead the country and put people into the cabinet positions to do things that are required. Like going after bad guys.

We need a system that works well even after Trumps next 4 years are done. We don't want to slip back to this BS anytime soon. That is what Trump is here to do. To make sure the system works as intended by 'We the people'.



HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden is directing the DOJ against Trump and it is back firing. We see that as abuse of the system. It would be very wrong of Trump to do the same thing.

A leader leads. Gets good people into places were they can do the work. This was the whole point on the Apprentice. Our system of government needs to work for us again. Trumps job is to get the system working for us again. Our job is to demand that the system works.

Soros did not attack the US. Soros put sugar into the gas tank so the system would stop working. DA's won't do their job now, at the federal, state and local levels.

You need to fix the engine and restore the car to move down the road safely.

They are afraid of Trump fixing the system. Otherwise they would wait for him to be out of office in the normal way. They even tried that with the 2020 rigging you mentioned.

HenryTheRed 7 points ago +7 / -0

It really needs to be the Justice department, not the 'Just Us' department.

Trump installed many judges.

Biden, Obama, Hillary all take direct action. It always feels political in nature. We need sheriffs, DA's, and other local leaders to charge for crimes committed.

Trump wants the system to work. He can't do this alone.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you are saying this woman is not capable of starting a fire with; match, gas, fireworks, car tires, Tesla with bad battery, oil seepage, flairs, chafe, blow torch, det cord, kid from fire starter, with dry tinder in a forest that has not had any rain in the last few years?

HenryTheRed 2 points ago +2 / -0

The media did all this. Trump had how many seasons on NBC? He was loved or at least liked. The hate came from the media to cover up this event. To allow the public to want it to happen, to accept it.

HenryTheRed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have posted that info in the thread above. You can see the tractor, you can view the map of the event, google map of larger area, and have lines from water tower roof to appox area of the tractor based off the video.

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