why are they called glowies
speaking of iron domes......... since when did the US buy weapon systems? personally speaking I prefer my weapon systems made in America by Americans. That way if they FAIL at least we can't say................
donnie from inglorious bastards would also have been acceptable
I try not to worry.. post some more of your digs if you find anything....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoBeCdSYF1I found this but cant be sure trump said it. doesnt sound like him ...... found this gem sharing for a good laugh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZPW-yrrSvI
from this hard to determine I will have to look up original vid
they have several handshakes that they use I was just curious and not suggesting but many you cant see because they cover with their other hand... some you can find pictures of but not of the important one,s
what handshake did you see trump use????
the chinese did not make covid-19.... the cabal did and they are killing u with the vaccine
what handshake?
The deepstate targets smart people usually with drugs, they have a saying .... if they put your light out theirs shines brighter.... the medieval nobility would hit children on their heads and cause brain damage learning disabilities still happens today i'm sure... I was targeted because I was a smart child and the things that happened were because they wanted money from me.... they attack soft targets have for a long time....DONT BRAG ABOUT BEING SMART OR YOUR KIDS IT WILL MAKE YOU A TARGET
For a good laugh... look up bladeless turbines XD
do you know we can pull CO2 from the atmosphere and create fuel.. we don't need oil but consumers love cheap shit. Nasa invented a car that ran 60+miles to the gallon but it was bought and shelved by the big oil companies OIL COMPANIES DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU so why do you care when other people don't want this shit in their back yard and fight to protect their environment. Are you offended do you need a safe space then stop crying about it.... who stickied this shit
A campaign to get the media's attention.... mediagate?
Good night to charge your crystals n'sheet..
they speak english in what?
well wishing is a good example.... i have a theory people need to work together in order to bond or connect.... work is suffering and painful when labor intensive but it builds character and empowers people something alot of younger people lack
videogames are in a way destroying peoples lives....we could afford and benefit from the loss of gamestop but it's whatever
If end is misinfo.... then we should see the start....
gambino crime-family would be correct label