I always liked the saying “ dont ask for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a hard one”
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, ive been exposing myself to his sermons more and more lately, i find it like a love hate relationship, i hate how he simps for the jews at every turn, but at the same time i have noticed they are based, i may have gone into with a bias, and will still stay weary, im just a fan of the small town church and would like to sway this person into a more grassroots non globalist entity/community.
Ive listened to their sermons a few times, they preach the anointment by oil schtick often, not as often as they simp for jews and then follow it up with offering time.
Do you look at the content of the post? My mom died, fuck GME, im trying not to put a globohomo charity in her obit,
Umm i hate to point out, but this chart is not indicative of inflation. Inflation actually resonates in in assets and equities first and then consumer goods. When you adjust the time frame correctly and zoom out on your time scale, you’ll see exactly that. Just bc the aforementioned stocks are doing badly in the interim, is not indicative of inflation.bthey've actually inflated considerably, correlated with the different trillion dollar bills passed over the last few years, and it makes sense. Just food for thought.
Thank you, i have been trying to explain this that 1 year had to of passed before the pretenders can be officially declared a foreign occupying force
Whatre yalls price predicts before a stock split?
Wouldnt it be the tits if this was just a cover, for the convention of the states
Not gonna lie the root of “inflation” and every modern day problem, is the FEDERAL RESERVE. So in a away my list is Election Abolishing the fed Abolishing income tax and move to a consumption tax Then medical freedom And so forth with Maga
Ive embraced the term qtard, aswell as MAGATS. Fuck em who cares
I remember hearing about that ciccada 3301
Im up in the area pede, come to find out this is the 17 year batch. No lie, it is biblical and the being the 17 year cycle leads me to believe the plan is coming along nicey
Hey OP, i also live in an HOA and this last round of elections we actually installed some maga pedes into power. Prior to gaining a foothold on the board, we actually used saul alinskies rules for radicals against them. we started with a flier campaign to get awareness among the sheep, called a special session once we had a quorum, and proceeded to vote on what we wanted.
I know this is seperate from your issue but wanted to share. My suggestion to your problem would be to formally request permission to display your sign, it sounds like you have your husband already on the board so id imagine it would only require one or two more members. Another course of action would be to randomly put the sign up during peak visibility, once the hoa responds, take it down for a few days and then put it back up. HOA's have to go through formal process to actually impose a fine on you. at some point the hoa members and the complaining karens will give up, Saul Alinskie's rules for radicals baby, amp up the conflict
This hasnt been confirmed im from the area.