HillarysCankles 3 points ago +3 / -0

I work in a hospital — all patient records are on our intranet, which wouldn’t be affected by this. As far as I know, all hospitals work this way.

But sending insurance claims… you’re right, we couldn’t do that via internet. We can send paper mail though, assuming the USPS can function.

HillarysCankles 3 points ago +3 / -0

Long-time family friends are members of a lodge. They are the best people I’ve ever known — always incredibly helpful and positive. I know it’s a “sample of 1,” but I’ve never observed anything evil.

HillarysCankles 3 points ago +3 / -0

This area of rail is owned by Vanguard and JP Morgan. Since they are major advertisers, of course the media is going to ignore and downplay this event.

Advertisers control your information.

HillarysCankles 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems like DAN just takes the “Yes, and…” approach to answering questions. It’s hard to make him say no or be negative to anything.