Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

Also a handy excuse to jack prices fifty cents a gallon.

Honeyko 15 points ago +19 / -4

Remember: Cabal always controls both sides. Joe A. was controlled-opposition (your stereotypical gung-ho jarhead proponent of the "prison-industrial complex" and eager enforcer of the fake War On Some Drugs that Cabal uses to crush competition to its approved cartels). Ying-yanging between "asshole jackboots" and "squishy liberals" is the political kayfabe by which you are perpetually ruled.

Is Joe a "birther"? Of course he is -- because that's the permitted fall-back narrative regarding Obama, and a dead trail you're shunted down to distract you from looking at his parentage.

Honeyko 1 point ago +3 / -2

"To believe otherwise is naive."

--I will never understand the proclivity of dumb boobs on the internet to resolutely ignore the explanations of people who are obviously better-informed than they are.

Planet Dunning-Kruger must be a black-hole, because nobody on it achieves escape-velocity.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

The sure tip-off is when a big action-film hero comes out for gun-control. (See also Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, "The Rock", and Arnold Schwarzenegger. No word on Jason Stathom right, but he's a Brit.) OTOH, if they're shunted into crap, then they're probably legit. (Examples: Charles Bronson, Chuck Norris, etc.)

Honeyko 4 points ago +6 / -2

She's a dumb celebrity patsy being used as a Cabal money-laundering front by "financial advisors". (Pretty much all celebrities are in this role.)

Honeyko 6 points ago +7 / -1

Uh...they're noisy helicopters flying "back and forth" over "downtown".

Pretty sure that whatever went over doesn't need civilian op-sec anymore, and you're free to tell us where this happened.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1
  • "He accused Dwight D. Eisenhower of negotiating a treaty with extraterrestrials in 1954"

  • "asserted that President John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he was about to reveal that extraterrestrials were in the process of taking over the Earth."


This guy was made-to-order Mockingbird conditioning, a recipe carefully crafted to conceal DS nefariousness under a slathering of laughably absurd alien nonsense so that no one would take anything the followers relaying your stuff had to say seriously ever again -- and the cherry on top is you're hounded by the IRS until you retreat into the wilderness and swear "never to be taken alive". Then you're mowed down after shooting a LEFO in the head. Intended moral: don't be him.


Honeyko 5 points ago +6 / -1

The entire "right-vs-left" / "communism-vs-nazism" spectrum is a phony charade, and always has been. Every "ultra-nationalist" front is DS controlled-opposition, same as every communist front, every libertarian party, and every mainline party. They control the nominating procedures, write the rules, count the votes, report the "news", and bankroll it all. Any group that goes off the rails is immediately cold-turkeyed and shrivels when funding evaporates and media attention dries up.

Honeyko 6 points ago +7 / -1

Scene: Cabal star-chamber. Shadowy figures in alcoves are dimly lit from under the chin.

"Sorry, Liz; you drew the short straw. You are the designated scapegoat today."

Honeyko 5 points ago +6 / -1

From the Cabal vantage point of controlling both (or so they were certain at the time) it didn't matter who won (although they'd regularly cycle between Reps and Dems to maintain the facade of "your vote matters".

Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

Sun doing perfectly ordinary sun stuff, but we're going to add a pulse-pounding soundtrack to this Youtube video....

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

It's the first and the best of the Rambo movies, and it's an easy Litmus-test scratch-to-the-surface of any ostensible patriot (to see whether or not they really love liberty) to ask them what they think of the "first-responder" behavior in this movie.

The "standing-army" doesn't come off looking too well.

Honeyko 6 points ago +8 / -2

You need to understand that neither the primary or the double (or triple, etc) is actually that important to the Cabal. The primary/double/triple/etc doesn't actually do anything other than exactly what they're told (everything is scripted by agencies, and all the crap they sign is written by K-Street). But at least one is needed to trot out as a figurehead to maintain the illusion.

The primaries may have been "real people" fifty years ago, but by twenty years ago, they were all just actors.

Honeyko 8 points ago +9 / -1

Vocal timbre is easy to adjust now. For example, in the last year or so it's been possible to increase the speed of video playback without everyone sounding like a chipmunk. --It's being automatically handled by the software.

Honeyko 13 points ago +14 / -1

"The mental condition is strong even on our side."

--In many ways, it's worse on our side. The commies all secretly despise one another, and so no one of them is truly a revered hero. The good guys, otoh, ooze trust and love, and so are easy to fool.

For me, it always get back to: "Why did the Cabal media give Donald Trump a billion dollars worth of publicity from 2015 onward when it could have cold-shouldered him into 4% and given the Republican nomination to another mat-diving loser like Romney?"

A Theory Into Which This Puzzle-piece Fits: Trump is a white-hat double-agent. In 2015, Cabal thought he was one of theirs (he's a New York Democrat who "plays the game"), and he was selected to run a highly divisive and polarizing campaign (which he initially did). But then Trump goes off-script while Hillary is stuffed in the van, and suddenly Cabal is without both of their chosen candidates.

If you're going to use the enemy's tools against him, what better tools than his own lieutenants?

Honeyko 3 points ago +4 / -1

I've been massively downvoted in the past for daring to suggest that Trump is as control-filed as any of the rest of them.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

Odo was played by an actor in a silicone mask.

Honeyko 2 points ago +3 / -1

I keep waiting for it to start bubbling and foaming like Darkman's.

Honeyko 1 point ago +2 / -1

Soakin' up that fiat.

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