BTW, if there's an insufferably arrogant Pepe avatar, I wouldn't mind having one. A dapper frog done up "tophat, monocle, and mustache"-style would be perfect. Failing that, this one would do (sans aqua border).
Having the permission to break in doesn't mean that they're automatically able to.
In any event, oil companies and equipment are primary cabal property. So, they're either (a) shutting if off deliberately, (b) have lost control of it due to white-hat hack, or (c) once-in-a-blue-moon the media is relaying the truth, and isn't the timing ever curious?
The reason I discount (c) is because they'd have just reloaded the software off back-ups by now, and any excuses that such back-ups don't exist (due to "aging infrastructure", lack of funding, general incompetence, etc) are dismissed out of hand as propaganda.
Isn't is obvious? -- They're a Cabal asset depository sitting out there in broad daylight as a tax-exempt institution converting money laundered through Hollywood and sources into real-estate. Meanwhile, you're distracted by commies, Islamists, and Jews.
"Now, I wasn't around during Reagan, but from what I've gathered he was a pretty good President."
-- Under Reagan, the War on Some Drugs drastically escalated, alphabet-soup agencies started weaponizing, SSNs became mandatory, and every employer was turned into a tax-collector. If you liked the 80s heap-tons, it's because you were either still in high-school, or were still a step ahead of computerized tax-auditing.
Reagan was a figurehead actor president who gave great speeches, but always rubber-stamped the omnibus appropriations bills; the real president was his veep and successor, George "Timberwolf" Bush.
That's the odd thing, Murph: given what this site is all about, it shouldn't be "controversial" here.
What is "the Great Awakening"? --It's finally getting hip to the fact that every "public" name you know is dirty -- because the only reason you know that name is because Cabal made them and gave their assets publicity in their media. Even the good ones are only good because their control-files have changed hands.
"both didn't understand how deeply entrenched the DS corruption was in their respective States."
Bullcrap. They were manufactured "people's heroes" from the get-go, and this is the sort of shit they were put into power for.
He was the governor of my state (Minnesota), and I voted for him when I was younger and more naive. And then we watched him go to Arizona to play golf as much as possible. He was a do-nothing asshole that made chumps out of everyone who supported him.
"That man's more of a patriot then most of you here." -- He was a fucking professional-wrestler, which is to say, a natural-born actor and overweening narcissist. And here he is on gun-control (always a Litmus-test issue): "So I support waiting periods and training requirements for gun ownership, and I like the idea that it shouldn’t be incredibly easy to get guns. I support the right to carry concealed weapons, but I think people who want a concealed-weapons permit need to pass a training and safety course."
In other words, mealy-mouthed Cabal gobbledegook. You peasants will be permitted to defend yourself after you are prodded and inspected and licensed and training fees paid to Big Daddy Government.
Is he still alive and blabbing today? I don't care. Is he under white-hat control now and can finally say what he meant all along? Don't give a shit. He was AWOL in this state when it counted.
Lastly, there's the whole getting-punched-in-the-face-by-actual-Navy-SEAL-Chris-Kyle-thing, which revealed him to be a thin-skinned, litigious pussy.
If he needs my five bucks to hear him talk, he's not doing much "for the cause".
--I'd prefer to believe that somebody like QFrogman5326 (Telegram) is out doing actual wetwork in real meatspace takin' out the trash. Now that is something useful, because I've been listening to people talk for over forty years, and flapping gums means absolutely nothing to me anymore.
Colonial Pipeline's owners are
Koch Industries (a.k.a. Koch Capital Investments Company LLC, 28.09% stake ownership)
South Korea's National Pension Service and Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (a.k.a. Keats Pipeline Investors LP, 23.44% stake ownership)
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (16.55% stake ownership via CDPQ Colonial Partners LP)
Royal Dutch Shell (a.k.a. Shell Pipeline Company LP, 16.12% stake ownership)
Industry Funds Management (a.k.a. IFM (US) Colonial Pipeline 2 LLC, 15.80% stake ownership)
Anybody who assumes that both Jesse and Arnold weren't "ticket-takers" is not fully awake yet.
They are the heroes given to us by Cabal Entertainment, Inc. ("Predator" was a great film, but then they turned the cast into state governors of, Minnesota and California, respectively. Both were portrayed as outsiders, and then immediately sold out once elected.)
I smell psyops. A missile warhead is a brissive high-explosive, but this detonation sounded like a car-bomb, and when the video-maker goes back out on the street, there are one or more burning vehicles in the distance.
The inbound missiles certainly seem real enough, but I suspect they had "help" on the ground.
"You need a $5/month subscription to view the video, so let me give the summary of it"
He's a paytriot. -- Your spidey senses should be tingling: Why are these ostensibly wealthy "entrepreneurs" grubbing for five bucks from us peasants? It doesn't add up.
As long as such characters are uncritically trusted, people are not greatly awakened yet.
"God help us if anybody told Xiden anything" -- I find it astounding that any regular participant of this site still posts under the assumption that (a) patriots are not in control, and (b) "Biden" is not a body-double and/or actor in a mask.
What about remote-viewing? Does that make you look stupid when you promote it?
(Answer: yes.)
The thievery didn't begin in 1913; it's always been right under your nose.
Buffet owns the rail out of the the Dakotas. (One reason gas prices haven't blipped so much as a dime up here on the news.)