Lindsey was on my list of the first to be hung. He has been making trouble in Ukraine all along and I hoped we would soon be rid of him.
BUT now it seems he is best buddies with Trump. That's discouraging!
Does he EVER lose that smarmy smirk??
Maybe it's a mask! My mum used to say, "Wipe that look off your face right now or I'll do it for you."
A mentally disturbed loser wanted to kill some white children to make up for the Palestinian children being killed. He was smart enough to pretend to be a grandpa wanting to enroll his grandkids, then went into the bathroom and shot two little boys, then shot himself.
The little boys have been operated on and are still alive. Lord, help us all!
They are both long dead so what's going on here?
Was this done at midnight? Were all the thousands of people living there asleep at the wheel or what?????
You have to keep an eye on these assholes after you vote them in.
But it doesn't matter what they do now Trump is proved to have won in 2020.
He won't need a pension.
I think this woman should go to jail for this.
Just do it Putin, for crying out loud!!!!
That photo of Pelosi is a mask or a very old clone. She hasn't looked like that in 50 years.
Why would the foreign people be grateful? The aid never gets to the people or cures any of their problems. It goes to the bosses back pockets and helps to break down the country.
It won't be the real Trump on that trip so don't worry.
This is just to pull your chains. The real Biden actor doesn't give a poop about Africa. It's a movie, folks.
Excuse me - Turdeau is headed for a rope necklace! Canada has put up with enough crap from him.
Trump said many times that anyone who cheats in the elections will go to jail. So there must be a plan for that.
That's hilarious! Can you imagine Hunter trying to save Zelensky, what a joke!
I really think that no-one who was not born here should be in the federal government.
If you were not born here, and more - educated here - you don't have the deep connection to American culture that makes you a real contribution to the country.
I was hoping someone would say that ;)
I wonder if that is where Musk's name came from. I read the Ingersoll books on Barron but I don't remember any connection to Mars. He was journeying to cities beneath the ground.
That was wonderful! I was having severe doubts about Trump since his being obvious about supporting Netanyahu and the IDF in their atrocities.
This story didn't go there so I will have to be patient but I am encouraged by all of it. Thank you!
I think if enough people call for it, they have to do it. There were over 2 million signatures last time I heard it mentioned.
But personally I think Musk should mind his business - and his money. He's throwing it around too much. He's acting like Soros - although he thinks it is for a good cause.
As soon as you started yelling the horses walked away. Funny!
I think (or hope) DEI jobs will be obsolete by then.
It's worth going to youtube to watch it. It has interesting info about the removal of the bankers who opposed the Fed by sinking the Titanic.
Years ago there was a story from India that he and Mrs Gates were strung up by an upset mob after kids died from their vaccines. So I think the present Gates has been an actor for a long while.
I always wondered whether the actors would be held responsible for their crimes when it comes time to pay the piper.