I used to think CA's economy was big because of agriculture, but it isn't. The money is in banking, insurance, tech (obviously), and other areas. It is surprisingly diverse.
CA is VERY vulnerable to water supply; water controlled by Colorado and Arizona.
If we want to REALLY hit our enemies, we should all stop buying Chinese made iPhones, laptops, etc!
I don't want to come across as negative, but can I ask you - how did you feel the day / week / month Obama was first elected? As I recall, there was tremendous doom and gloom - UN helicopters are going to be flying in, our guns will be taken, death panels will decide who lives and dies ... etc etc. In the end - did terrible things happen? The economy actually improved from the start to the end of Obama's term (and then kept growing even better under Trump).
Here's how I look at it - I don't want things to be the way they are and I'd like to see it change. But - I need to live. I happen to have a good job, and live in a nice place. I have savings. One of my best friends has a daughter who just graduated (middle of the 'pandemic') and got a job right away in October making over $80k. My savings (in the stock market) are still going up (have you seen the Dow?). So are things really utterly terrible - just looking at your own situation? It's so easy to get hung up on 'where things are going' but ... 'where are they today'? I put on a mask for about 15 minutes every few days to get groceries and that's it. On a microscopic scale, the virus is massively bigger than CO2 so if the mask doesn't stop the virus, then it doesn't stop CO2 either.
I'm a pragmatist. What's that saying - Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.
How does this account for the economic output of blue states vs red? Texas and Florida are successful Red states, but other than that, not much to compete with CA, NY, NJ, etc. I'm looking purely at tables of economic output of all the states. I did a study a while back, and Blue states are way better off financially - net contributors to Fed, while Red states were net recipients of Fed funds. CA alone - if counted as a separate country - is now the 5th largest economy in the world, exceeding UK. So if things go haywire, it's not clear where that leaves Red states.
For my education, who faked this out ... and why?
Arizona, Scottsdale area. Lots of snowbirds, 2nd homes, older crowd. I think everyone in my street is over 65 and has had it. Lots of recent transplants from CA, CO, etc. My local neighborhood site is overflowing with people helping each other get appointments (which are all booked up weeks in advance, hence the clamoring for assistance). "Pfizer appointments just opened up on Frys!" "Johnson and Johnson now booking on CVS!" ... etc.
I raised this in another post. If the vaccine is indeed a DS plan to kill everyone off, it seems like a bad plan since it is most popular with liberals, who are DS 'followers'.
How old are your friends? I live in an older area and literally everyone I know has had both jabs.
Everyone I know is practically kicking down doors to get the vaccine (I'm older so most of my acquaintances are getting towards eligibility - 65+, 55+, etc). I know someone who drove 1,000 miles to an adjacent state to get it. So I'm not at all surprised at these stats.
Every one of my liberal friends continues to be overjoyed with the current situation; rejoining 'Paris accords', among other things, is sending them into hysterics! And they just love the fact that there's no more daily Twitter noise.
I saw a MSM show covering her, but I can't remember when/what it was exactly. But definitely coverage of Ashli B. Here's one MSM newspaper article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/01/09/ashli-babbitt-capitol-shooting-trump-qanon/ and another - https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/09/ashli-babbitt-capitol-mob-trump-qanon-conspiracy-theory and another: https://www.businessinsider.com/ashli-babbitt-profile-capitol-riot-qanon-death-2021-3 and another: https://nypost.com/2021/01/14/ashli-babbitt-husband-were-reportedly-in-a-throuple/
I think most people in the country are fairly 'middle-of-the-road' - neither progressive nor conservative. So if Biden does something like this, it's actually a reinforcement of him being a 'moderate' like most of the people. So I would read this as being a positive for Biden.
Why would 'Biden doing something good' be a redpill?
Why do you need a vaccine if everyone else has one? If I'm not in a risk category and I'm healthy why do I need a vaccine for a virus with a 99.7% survival rate?
Without getting into conspiracy hell, the 'conventional' idea is, anyone can be a 'carrier' so even if you don't 'suffer from it', you can still 'get the virus' and then 'pass it on' so you need to get the vaccine to do your part in stopping the spread. Of course, if the rest of the world gets the vaccine, then you don't need to but if enough people don't get it, there's enough people who can 'get the virus' and either suffer or, at the very least, pass it on and thus, keep it alive and in circulation.
Good point; so would the DS implement a plan that kills off every doctor / nurse / etc? Seems to be a risky proposition!
Fresh air, non-political discussion, simple things ... take a break from anything political. That's my advice.
How about "I dream of Jeannie" and "Bewitched" - witchcraft in the 60s. I loved them both, and I think they are harmless ... but if you are looking back with rose-tinted glasses, don't forget these guys!
Why wouldn't they allow DJT to roam around? If Trump gets his way, the R party will most likely split, which means less votes to oppose the Ds. The R party being torn into pro- and anti-Trump factions is pure heaven for Ds.
There's no chance in my mind that the military is ever going to do anything overtly. They may do 1,001 things behind the scenes, but the idea of mass arrests, public trials - no way. So I think your message is sound.
"We" in that context was CPAC, which is essentially part of the Republican party. So I think he was saying 'The Republicans will win in 2022 or 2024' or whatever.
I've just been reading about it, and it's a fascinating development; 'power to the people' type of thing (and to Reddit!). But how does that tie into GAW specifically?
I'm most concerned about commercial interests; FB (and the rest) have a vested interest in keeping you glued to your screen, and 'tension' is what drives more engagement; so all these companies have a vested interest in misinformation. Unfortunately, it's capitalism / free enterprise run amok! But I can't see any easy way to curtail it.
Same here ... off to google ... oppps ... I mean, DuckDuckGo ... EDIT - I'm guessing it's the ticker for Game Stop; there's been some stock price games going on today ...
Worst thing is, I don't see the way out of it. No one can control the internet.
I believe CA produces more of the US agriculture than any other state. You are right about finance/software/healthcare, but those are very critical elements of an integrated economy so it will be interesting to see what happens to them.