Those are some deep allegations against Pompeo. Man he was a super villain if that’s true.
Check early voting rules in your state.
This is some deep insight. I’ve thought for a long time if people just admitted they’re dumb, then the cabal would get away with way less.
I watched a the full video. He’s literally reading it from a script in his hand and he’s commenting on the guys who wrote it as he’s reading it. Some of that commentary is pretty funny in itself.
That was pretty funny
I think he’s a real dude. People are saying he’s a ballet choreographer and definitely went to that high school. He’s a life long local
His profile on X. Video sounds a little deep fake to me but it could be real. Time will tell.
Yes but I’ve seen Trump interviews where they literally ask him why he supports racism over and over. By comparison this wasn’t that tough. He did some fact checking here. If she wasn’t completely incompetent and a total liar, it wouldn’t have been that bad. Here’s BB roasting KH after the fact
I’ve always said she looks like a butch Ralph Machio.
Once they start shooting, who’s going to fact check? Just like the courts refused to hear 2020 election fraud complaints, this won’t be any different. It’s only illegal if the judicial system works. Ours is corrupt AF.
So what does “After today, make more sense?” Mean? What makes more sense? The post is implying that BB’s interview should clarify something? What was clarified? What makes more sense now?
This is the most important what if post we’ve ever had on this site.
They know who they are. Does this mean they e already been notified that they’ll be charged or under investigation? Or does he mean it the way middle school teachers say it?
Radical Islam has been around for hundreds of years basically since Muhammad started the religion. As long as they have the Koran and the Hadiths, we’ll have radical Muslims.
I have a close friend who’s federal LEO. I asked about this. He said there’s so many terrorist threats (because of the border) they have trouble tracking them all. Very disturbing. Keep your head on a swivel every one.
Yes it is. My hope for the Israeli people is that this is to wake them up as well to the corruption in their government. Hopefully it will be revealed that Israeli intelligence services and political leaders are driving terrorism and acts like this. When faced with the reality of destruction, hopefully they will reject the corruption and the Middle East can choose peace. However, radical Islamists will also need to be reigned in and I’m less hopeful that is a possibility.
I’ve heard from many foreigners and exchange students that there’s something wrong with our food…
These are black Americans who believe they’re the true Jews. Black Hebrew Israelites I believe they’re called. Apparently they do this in Springfield often.
Was that Jamie Kennedy?
This a boom and a happening. Wow. Suicide week incoming? Holy moly.
I’m not advocating for leniency for the guilty. However it’s an important point to note their SOP. They create child victims so that in adulthood they have compliant accomplices. That is something we need to learn from to help detect and prevent this in the future.
I’ve often asked myself how and why people would take part in this kind of thing. Saying they’re sick or evil is too simple. This is weaponized trauma.
Wouldn’t that be wild if there is no Joe Biden any more and week to week we see a different guy playing the role of Biden. Sometimes a WH op sometimes a DS op. But never the real Biden…that would be insane.
It’ll probably be more like normies will be asking us about the Wikileaks emails and asking us to explain them.