IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

Democrats would most certainly lockdown the country if they knew absolutely that they could..but at this point, most wouldn't buy into it... Much like masks, much like unnecessary experimental vaccines...the narrative is collapsing quickly

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

The lockdowns may have happened under trump, but he let the states run themselves. He never stepped in and ordered everything to lockdown

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

No evidence now tells me that there is evidence that they don't want people uncovering.. fuck the media

IronPatriot916 5 points ago +5 / -0

Lame stream media will still say the event didnt sale out.

IronPatriot916 7 points ago +7 / -0

actually, god gave us immune systems that typically work very well against the flu. its our job to keep our immune systems up and working correctly. this c19 vax is not heaven sent to say the least

IronPatriot916 2 points ago +6 / -4

Just curious, but is mr.lindell grifting hard to keep his brand (my pillow) alive at this point ... The left has destroyed his business by removing him stores ..to the left, he's no longer the pillow guy...he's the trump supporter who is trying to expose election fraud ... Which we all know exists.. trump and lindells platforms are live now and both are not really what I was hoping.. I understand that they're both in infancy.. but Mike's is like a Blog to a degree and Trump's is a "like/share" with no interaction (unless I'm doing it wrong). I don't know, I guess I just want some type of undeniable proof/evidence.. I'm honestly tired of hearing the "trust plan" and it's "a movie" the country is deteriorating before our eyes.

IronPatriot916 0 points ago +1 / -1

everyone Don't forget to get your covid vaccine !! You know.. to still wear a mask, social distance and still be infectious .. also you want to continue to take the vaccine every 2-3 months for maximum effectiveness, to completely neutralize your immune system.


IronPatriot916 4 points ago +4 / -0

Why dont democraps care about Chicago ?

IronPatriot916 4 points ago +4 / -0

Surprised that she didn't push his ass down the stairs and then blame a wind gust

IronPatriot916 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fuck it.. money is about to be paperweight anyways ... Might as well have some fun.. deface the shit out of it all !!

IronPatriot916 2 points ago +3 / -1

I believe it has more to do with her character. She is a manager in a unconstitutional impeachment trial of a former president. Her moral compass is way off.

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

Rumble.com is his new home.

IronPatriot916 14 points ago +14 / -0

Just democrats cleaning up the loose ends. Nothing to see here.

IronPatriot916 0 points ago +1 / -1

Well I guess he'll just froze over because I'm actually in agreement with something AOC has said..

I swear I'm not a socialist !!

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

If they make Washington DC a state and is no longer considered its own separate entity and now becomes a part of the USA, then the corporation of the United States of America no longer exists and will make biden the actual president since it is now a state.

If the vatican and england control washington dc now, how would that work ? Would they now also have control of the United States as well ?

IronPatriot916 4 points ago +4 / -0

Sorry. It should have read

Followed by 2 impeachment shams..they still don't have enough to evidence to convict.

IronPatriot916 6 points ago +6 / -0

Election interference in '16, '18 and '20 Followed by 2 impeachment shams..they still don't have enough to evidence to convict.. but I would love to see the all the evidence from trump's defense team come out during the senate trial. I love how all these clown democrats are saying trump incited an insurrection at the capitol... Yet during his speech he clearly states a "peaceful March to the capitol". The capitol was opened up to all by the capitol police.. people went in, it was trap by the democrats.. luckily trumps speech was still going 20 minutes after and another 40 minutes for the speech crowds to walk to the capitol .. 1 hour into the capitol being "taken" the trump speech crowd was finally there .. keep in mind, we did have some idiots on our side who took the bait and even more so the Antifa crowds that took the bait. The media won't report on that though.. it was all trump white nationalists that tried to overthrow the capitol during the electoral count.. the whole thing was democrat counter OP which was successful.

IronPatriot916 5 points ago +6 / -1

Just bought me a sweet chrysler LeBaron that used to be owned by Jon Voight!

IronPatriot916 2 points ago +3 / -1

Biden already took a deal..and that was with China. China will see to it that he remains in power long enough to get his deal requirements met.

IronPatriot916 1 point ago +1 / -0

As I read it I was waiting for Dave to stop the report for a sponsored break.

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