I know someone I went to high school with, she said by the first evening of getting her child vaccinated he was never the same, he was diagnosed with severe autism.She’s very anti vax now ☹️
It is kinda crazy.
I have read several times to take fenben with nice fatty food and vitamin E so that’s what I do. I also take Tudca with it to help the liver.
I think Trump mainly denounced it because of the media. I don’t think he denounced it because of any other reason and I too agree with it from what I’ve read so far of it.
I personally think there’s way more gold than what they are expecting to find in there. I’m sure I’m way off on this but that’s what I think.
I think the mega millions and powerball may be, the scratch offs I don’t think are. My aunt won 1 million on a scratch off about 8 years ago.
I love ivermectin, and please do keep us updated!
Is anyone else reporting on this yet?
It’s hard to pinch something that doesn’t exist anymore 😩
Is slay news legit?
It also said warning, wrong way. But none of that was commercials…
No I saw that, I was watching for the commercials though.
"The revolution is about to be televised. You picked the right time, but the wrong guy."
I didn’t watch it, did he have any ads?
I dont think the add thing was true but I could be wrong.
I don’t think the commercial thing was real, but I hope I’m wrong.
Not once, but I take ivermectin every few days and I have since 2020 so that may be why?
I totally agree :)
True, Maybe it’s for a new role or something
That’s a very good question 🤔
It’s supposedly a “humiliation ritual” from what I’ve been able to gather.
Ivermectin, coconut oil, a carnivore or strict keto diet I’ve read about these things helping for a few years now but I’ve also discovered that the hydrogen water bottles seem to be very beneficial as well.