JCreates 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh yeah he definitely won, I'm not disputing that, he just didn't "win".

Honestly even that may turn out to be for the best, because it exposed so many avenues of how "they" cheat, not to mention how many people are now aware of that aspect of the corruption.

Of course, me saying "for the best" is with the context of my belief that in the long term, Biden being in office is beneficial for the nation due to how much of a wake-up call it is for the sleepers. Assuming patriots are in fact in control and Trump or a trumplike figure gets back in office to finish the cleanup that can only come from government, we can fix this nation for the next several decades, hopefully longer.

JCreates 3 points ago +3 / -0

The way I see it, the general awakening level of the population hadn't progressed enough yet for him to pull that off in his first term without major backlash from the left's zombies. If he'd won in 2020, you can bet that the left would claim he cheated in a heartbeat and attempt an insurrection of their own. Now that biden has been a walking redpill dispenser to the nation and Trump continues to gain support, a vengeful Trump in his second term who doesn't need to worry about re-election can get away with a lot more.

I don't know about you but considering the size of the swamp, I'd rather have a mellow first term of Trump with an ensured vengeful second term to finish the job than him burning out his chances in the first term.

I try to avoid any of the large subs on reddit, but have you seen the reactions to news lately compared to the 2020 election cycle? There's this strange sense of helplessness/subdued conversation, like the leftoids know deep down that the nation is rejecting their policies. This can't have happened in Trump's first term, not while the fake news still had some credibility among normies.

JCreates 3 points ago +4 / -1

Let’s see, I say earlier I abandoned patriots.win after Jan 6. Oh, what’s this, last post I made on there was 8 months ago? Seems to line up.

I have pictures from Jan 6. I took a few selfies as well from the neck up, so if you don’t believe me I can put on the same scarf I was wearing that day and take a picture here and now with me holding a paper that says “Suck it Oh_Well_Ian”. Then will you believe me, or just say I’m good at photoshop? XD

JCreates 3 points ago +4 / -1

Would you consider Jan 6 a rally? I stood there for hours in the cold to listen to my President speak. Were you there too?

The thing about rallies is that they’re not a great place for discussion. No one is gonna go there to diss Q, they’re there to listen to Trump speak. You act like rallies are this ultimate method of gauging the behavior of ALL patriots, which is an incredibly flawed method of reasoning.

JCreates 3 points ago +4 / -1

Downvoted for blind ignorance. I have spoken to these people in voice chats, they are not bots. I have known these people for months now, they are real people with real lives. They have unique struggles and dreams of their own.

To believe that anyone not for Q is a shill is foolish and blind. There are people who can be intelligent and seekers of truth, who hate the left and want this country to return to it’s God loving roots, but these people don’t always trust the words of what they think is a psy-op because, to them, “nothing has happened”.

You can be well intentioned and not dig as deep into world events as we do on this board.

JCreates 3 points ago +4 / -1

It’s not just Patriots.win people that hate Q. I’ve been in a conservative discord server for over half a year now, and I have seen very real people complain about Q and ridicule the notion of it frequently.

The server is wonderful, bans lefties, and a great place to discuss politics in peace, but these are very real people that are clearly not shills who are not convinced of the legitimacy of Q.

This idea that someone is either totally for us or a shill is ignorant of the complexity of humanity and our present situation and only serves to divide us by calling some of our own good intentioned people shills.

JCreates 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dang, no need to be so aggressive and rude about it. I don't think it's irrational to compare those scenarios for the sake of debate. I think it's important to reach 270, because that's how you legally win elections. The point I was making is that we need to prove that we won legitimately too.

What if, for the sake of argument, Trump didn't get to 270 even without fraud, but Biden cheated in one state? In this situation, Biden is the nation's choice of President, and would win anyway without fraud. Should the fraud disqualify him entirely and subvert the will of the people, or should he be disqualified on a technicality?

It's a tough choice, and I won't pretend to know the answer. But personally, I don't think fraud should automatically vitiate everything. Optics are important; both sides of the political aisle should be convinced that the person We The People voted for is instated as President.

JCreates 1 point ago +1 / -0

That makes sense, I didn't know it had the condition of the person running being involved. Thank you for the correction!

JCreates 10 points ago +11 / -1

I know we love "fraud vitiates everything", but like Q has said, we must do things by the book as well.

Picture this: It's 2028, DeSantis is running against Mr Democrat for the presidency. DeSantis wins in a landslide, but some overzealous fans who watched too much biased news didn't think he'd win, so they shredded some of the ballots of people who voted for Mr D.

Should DeSantis be disqualified, despite winning in a landslide? Fraud vitiates everything, right? Or should the total merits of the nationwide election be considered first? If fraud vitiates everything, wouldn't that introduce a new cheating method? Cheat FOR your enemy in order to disqualify them? In my opinion, things should be done transparently and comprehensively, without being too eager to pull the trigger on fraud rulings just because someone cheated.

We want the nation to know that Trump won by a landslide. We need to SHOW the brainwashed ones that he won, and the nation rejects their ideals. Can't do that if you reinstate him on a technicality(fraud vitiates everything). You must hurl overwhelming proof of foul play at them and show he won more than enough to win legitimately.

JCreates 10 points ago +12 / -2

Sorry you're getting downvoted by people who don't know you're quoting something Trump said. Guys, Trump himself jokingly said "Oh shit, we failed" when referring to election lawsuits.

JCreates 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you referring to the book of the same name? I've heard of it but I don't know enough about it to understand how it links to my question. Can you elaborate please?

JCreates 10 points ago +10 / -0

They're slandering Q followers so aggressively because they don't want any of their sheeple to listen to what we have to say when it all goes down. They want us to be shunned so there will be as much confusion and destruction as possible.

JCreates 1 point ago +1 / -0

My source is the Bible. I've never heard of Passio or Hall, and don't care to listen to their blasphemy.

JCreates 6 points ago +6 / -0

People don't maintain reality, God does. It's our actions that affect the course of events, not thoughts.

JCreates 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does satan tempt Man despite knowing that in the end, God always wins? Spite and corruption, desire to bring as many down with him as possible. Jesus cast out demons, how far fetched is it to believe our modern day politicians have made deals with devils themselves?

Throughout this whole thing, they've pretended Biden is president and have gone through all the motions. They want to create outrage from the Left, and undermine a Trump presidency. They want as many people to believe Trump is the tyrant they're trying to frame him as, and want to undermine his legitimacy.

JCreates 3 points ago +3 / -0

The answer is simple. You have to show people. Social media and the left's corrupt ideology has taken root in people's brains, and they have to witness the evil laid bare before they'll believe it. Could Trump and the military have stopped the steal? I'm sure of it. But this way, people see the corruption, the swamp is exposed, the cabal has nowhere to hide. Q has been a way of trying to wake people up, let them catch on to what's going on, and what will happen.

JCreates 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'll add my two cents and say that since their "power" comes from control, they wanted to provide the illusion that Trump is unpopular instead of impeaching him and leaving it up to chance. They wanted to make his supporters feel like they're the minority, and to just give up.