I found it on here. https://www.allacronyms.com/LTC/military. But at the same time, they have LTCOL listed. However, it does not specify the Marine Corps in either of them.
a quick search gave me this. https://www.chess.com/forum/view/chess-openings/french-burn-bxf6.
It would make sense to fit given the weekend video of him in front of a chess board.
Sure why not. Let's take out the ones that are the sickest and cost the most money in society. Add that to the list of those that have undiagnosed heart or lung issues so that they don't become a burden in the great society that is to come. We can't have diabetes flowing around as we know that it's a burden for the healthcare system. Of course, let's take out a good chunk of our young's reproductive capability so that we can limit the future human population. Honestly, it all sounds very reasonable given the words that Bill Gates has actively said in the past. I believe that is what the known eugenics believer would do and are seeing in real life now.
It went thru our house a few weeks back. It really wasn't a big deal on our side. OTC medicine controlled the symptoms very well. What I have been reading is if you are taking vitamin d, c, zinc it tends to be much less. From what I saw was that the vitamin D was one of the biggest indicators of you would do well or not. It's not medical advice but the supplements seem to be helping keep our family healthy.
I had to look it up to understand as well.