Actually, have you ever watched footage of the British Parliament in session? It's fucking hilarious. I kind of like the screaming and yelling. It's better then lining up like a bunch of pussie ass robots and voting for whomever or whatever they've been told to do.
except now it is way less than 21 :(
I just wish DJT would get back on Twitter with these Truths... His TS platform is insignificant to the normies. Basically non-existent. It's no more than an echo chamber at this point.
He obviously never set foot in a grocery store..
nice words, and accurate, however Chris Hedges is a notorious anti-Trumper... the one man who happens to be the single most powerful voice trying to right this corrupt ship for the past 7 years.
Just google these words: "Chris Hedges view on Donald Trump"
I just pasted to FB.... let's see how long that lasts... lol!
Wow. Just Wow. In Feb. of 2020, I started tracking 'the numbers' - I mean literally doing percentage calculations on the case/fatality rates worldwide.... and my conclusions were exactly the same as Patrick Riley's. I tried to tell people, but to no avail. The ridicule, the accusations of being a nutjob, tin hat wearing, conspiracy theorist came at me from every direction, friends and family alike.
Then the mail in ballots.. and the theft of the 2020 election. However, what I was not keen to, as Patrick Riley is clearly outlining in this 10 page, well written and wholly worth the time to read through, expose, is the connections to China's global goals, which literally hinged upon getting rid of Donald Trump.
Like a perfect puzzle.. all the pieces now fit.
As long as they remain territories. Look up the North American Union... something criminal Daddy Bush was trying very hard to implement. It would essentially wipe out the Constitution as we know it.
I also take nattokinase as a supplement.
Cayenne pepper. I make a tonic of Cayenne, turmeric, and ginger... about 1/2 tsp each mixed into 16 oz water, sip it at first to make sure you don't have digestive adverse reaction... I just drink it right down.
What do you mean the Q clock ends on 1/10...
And 'belonging' lol
oh,, how so? I'm not being combative, I genuinely want "In" on the intel...
Absolutely... out in the real world, I hear the murmurings ranging from bewilderment, discontent, wtf, and all the way to rage, from those that I would have considered to be just 'normies'.
I remain... forever hopeful.
Its the mail-in ballots that allows them to steal the elections.
They know about it.. but until it is a top story on the mainstream.. they won't take it seriously. It's still in the 'alternative' cycles ... hopefully that's about to change.
Maybe there's stuff happening behind the scenes and of course he couldn't let on about it during his speech.
Right. Now is not the time to split the ranks. I know many of us wanted something more dramatic, more definitive...something to salve the wounds of election fraud.. old wounds and these brand new fresh ones. It hurts like hell.
But keeping our movement intact is the only way that it will ever be fixed. 2 years goes really fast, and we have a lot of work to do.
correct. If Trump were to ask us to show up - peacefully - in DC again, we would. And I think the numbers would be far greater. If 'they' held back the NG again, that would be very telling to everyone. At least it should be.
Yeah, as much as I want to 'love' DeSantis, I still see who the DS/media minions are hating on the most, and that is POTUS Trump. Even Fox does little to defend or promote Trump anymore...
If "They" start going after DeSantis the way they went after Trump, I might have to start to rethink this. For now, Trump still has me. 100%
How would we know? you deleted, bleached and smashed 33K of them....
I would venture to say that anyone who actually "got Covid" (whether they knew it or not, since in many cases the symptoms were so mild they didn't even get tested or consider it an illness) and then got the vaccine, is probably doing fine. With exceptions of course.
HOWEVER.. if a person never contracted Covid at all and then got the vaccine, and the boosters.. I suspect these folks are more susceptible to the 'variants' or any of the seasonal flu strains over the past two years since the vaccine basically told their immune system to take a nap.
A lazy immune system, is not a good immune system.
we do also.