JesusIsKlNG 23 points ago +24 / -1

God I pray for this. Trump has been making me nervous because of his endorsement of the vaccine. Claiming it is one of mankind's best achievements. I have yet seen him bring up the young healthy people dropping like flies all over the world.

I can only remember a tweet of his back from 2012 or 2014.. where he said something like "parents bring their child to get their vaccine, and leave with the child having autism or other diseases"....

Really hope be is playing a neutral role for the moment before he goes scorched earth on the vaccine being a gene therapy / God gene manipulation.

Please DJT, you are slowly losing your voter base when you endorse these MRNA Jabs and talk about fixing things after you win 2024.

2020 must be fixed or the critical thinking bunch of us will know which team you're on.

Prayers people, that's the only hope we have left

JesusIsKlNG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Everyone's a handshake in my heart. Yall are a very welcoming community

JesusIsKlNG 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is based off medical professionals who give CPR almost daily... and also from my own experience with training to give someone CPR.

Why are you saying proper CPR doesn't break ribs? Do you have a source for that? Every source I've read or heard, say that it's more than likely going to result in fractured or broken ribs if done properly.. that's why everyone is covered by the good Samaritan act if it happens. There were too many lawsuits from people who's lives got saved, saying they were assaulted because the result was a few broken ribs instead of DEATH ...

JesusIsKlNG 44 points ago +44 / -0

Just release it. The whole build up of "big news in 2 weeks" is ALWAYS a flop.

If they want to release an actual boom, they would do it without forewarning. That's why datefagging has never worked, not even once

JesusIsKlNG 3 points ago +3 / -0

It was also posted the year before the superb owl where the eagles beat the patriots 41-33. I believe it was 2018?

JesusIsKlNG 11 points ago +11 / -0

This kind of sounds nefarious but if used properly can have great benefits.

With great power comes great responsibility!

I would love to see the users in the highlighted green.

JesusIsKlNG 13 points ago +13 / -0

The NFL and NBA are classified as entertainment business. The whole business model revolves around gambling.. they are allowed to script games without legal repercussions.

You are watching a movie!

JesusIsKlNG 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's entirely possible. Apparently Ye legal team dropped him and let him know through newspaper advertisements because they couldn't find him or get ahold of him.


Personally I think he's in hiding though. He was getting a little too loud for comfort after saying they can't control him cause he's never killed anyone. (Blackmail control)

JesusIsKlNG 6 points ago +6 / -0

They did have a camera guy in there and they have a video clip of him clapping or something, but obviously with his hood on and from behind him

JesusIsKlNG 24 points ago +25 / -1

They'll bring out a story after the superbowl how he had difficulties with his recovery and has died... but not a minute before the trophy is given to the Eagles. Remember Q post


Was that for HRC or Lynn de Rothschild?

JesusIsKlNG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol.... yes it does... have none of you guys done a first aid class? If you are giving CPR and break someone's rib, you are covered by the good Samaritan act (at least where I'm from) because breaking a rib is more than likely when giving proper chest compressions. 9 minutes of straight compression would definitely break at least 1 rib even done by a professional. It's almost guaranteed to either fracture or break a rib if you are compressing properly

JesusIsKlNG 6 points ago +6 / -0

The money is just a piece of pie to keep them from saying anything. The NDA they all signed is probably a literal threat to their entire families livelihoods. What would you do if your entire family was threatened if you spoke up? They took the money and are grieving in private. Not because they wanted to.... because they were forced...

But hey, I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Maybe he's alive and well, and this was another distraction to change certain narratives that were coming out?

None of us will ever know what really happened and that's the God's honest truth.

This is why Q stated "Logical thinking" dozens of times. The most logical and simple answer is usually the correct one.

What is your gut telling you?

JesusIsKlNG 8 points ago +8 / -0

Actually that is a very long time for CPR. After just 4 minutes, brain damage begins to occur, after 10 minutes it is very unlikely to be saved. The fact he received 9 minutes of proper chest compressions from a trained doctor ... but apparently is able to wave his arms up and down a few weeks later is a huge tell. At the minimum he has 3 or 4 broken ribs.... also they say that the hit to the chest was what caused the cardiac arrest in the first place.. have you ever received CPR before (proper CPR) its a very high likelihood you receive heavily bruised, fractured, or broken ribs. The dude at the game on Sunday did not have any rib or chest pain while flashing up masonic hand signs, I can tell you that

JesusIsKlNG 12 points ago +12 / -0

What about the respect for the people who donated 9 million dollars to his charity because they wanted to support his "recovery"? I bet that 9 million goes to his family to keep their mouths shut, along with an NDA from the NFL. It was a clear ritual, I don't have respect for satanic death ritual

Edit - the comment below mine is also 100% correct. This is a smack in the face to everyone who has gotten the shot.


JesusIsKlNG 11 points ago +11 / -0

Not that I can recall. They brought the ambulance right on the field while they gave him CPR for 9 minutes as well as using the AED. Then the ambulance waited at the stadium for almost 30 minutes while his mother was escorted down to take the ride with him to the hospital that is 5 minutes away. Whole story is just a mockery. He was most likely dead before they put him in the ambulance

JesusIsKlNG 17 points ago +19 / -2

If you are to believe that damar Hamlin didn't die on that field after 9 minutes of CPR (multiple broken ribs and deprivation of oxygen to his brain) ....

leading into the ambulance waiting 29 minutes for his mom to get escorted to go to the hospital with him.... to not even 3 weeks later he's waving his arms up and down (with multiple broken ribs???) flashing a pyramid with both 666 hand gestures. All the while wearing a snowsuit and ski mask with sunglasses, inside a heated suite with a kid wearing a t-shirt... 《With no video or pictures of his actual face》 ... Oh.. and tweeting a picture of himself (again wearing a mask) next to a mural of himself with the caption "clone"?

you might actually be retarded.

They are mocking you and you have zero self awareness if you can't see it

JesusIsKlNG 30 points ago +35 / -5

How is anything going to be rectified after 2024 election if we don't fix the 2020 election??

At this point he will start to lose millions of his voter base if 2020 is not fixed.

Why is it starting to feel like we've all been duped? Why is Trump endorsing the vaccine and bragging about it being the greatest achievement of mankind? There are thousands of people dropping dead suddenly everyday and he still hasn't said jack shit about that.

It's time to put up or shut up.

Show the evidence of the election fraud and show the evidence of the vaxx side effects that are killing young healthy people across the world.

If 2020 isn't fixed then why would anyone in their right mind vote for 2024???

JesusIsKlNG 2 points ago +2 / -0

God bless you. Thank you very much for the response. Everyone here is so helpful, I love it

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