No shit wife and I had covid like November of 2019. Exposed numerous times since then and have been fine.
Kill everybody that REEEEEEE
Oh yes I agree 100% self defense. I'm just interested in this FBI theory. Definitely holds some merit with the info coming out.
Discussing with friends. What is the "more" you speak of.
Interesting theory indeed. Thanks
Wait a sec. Fill me in they were FBI informants ?
Sorry I was there right up on the barricades, I got tear gassed and some mace, it wasn't fake I can assure you that. This footage is the first I've seen of some of this stuff since I was there. I was right under the tower on the back of the capital where the guy on the megaphone was shouting move forward, It does make sense, we were being taunted and corralled forward, I believe it was a mix of actors and just people being manipulated to join in. But the gas and mace was not fake.
Interestingly enough I did see tweets from people in texas who were able to keep their power on in their house from Tesla energy walls and some people reported having to sleep in their teslas to stay warm. Yet in a long term scenario this is not viable as the battery will eventually run out of juice.
They bought option calls that were deep in the money. Hard to call fraud on it really. Not saying there isn't insider trading but SEC isn't going to look at a move like this and sound the alarms.
Comparison pic would be nice
Haha you think masks work. You fucking inbred. Gtfo.
There are about 102 things I can list that do not make sense right now.
I'm going through several things in my mind that all seem to have been hogwash at this point.
Where did they verify this?
this your prez bruh
A. They cheated Midterms 2018
B. They cheated General 2020
C. They cheated Runoff 2020
Right in front of us, you think they won't do it again lol
Not if nothing happens and Dems control House and Senate. We are fucked.
That's not how I'd imagine someone with top level security clearance in the Navy to come across. Just sayin
That was not Miller that was Anthony Tata