Aww makes sense. So your initials S.C.? Is that not Sovereign Citizen?
So what if they imprison you for not taking the vax or wearing a mask? Where do you draw the line?
Hmm Pelosi #2.
When I lived there it was all Indian covenience stores mainly 7-11. You must be talking about grocery stores like Vons or Safeways.
Referring to the Bill of Rights as a Sovereign Citizen and supporting Constitutional Law.
Commrade and Czar. Hmm where have I heard those words before? Let's try Cronies and Sh*t heads.
Whiteness will be falling on everthing. Omg
Cops are Americans too. They will lose most of their forces. They will know the American public with treat them as treasonists.
Plus they have No Standing in my court since I am a sovereign citizen. I like NO Standing since thats their game.
Do you think anybody cares about Any court decisions? They are comprimised. Everbody thinks all Amerians are Law abiding which we are....but not to Unlawful courts or Laws.
Race bait and you guys are taking it Hook, Line and Sinker
Who gives a shart. All courts are under Maritime Law. Not Constitutional Law. Plus does anybody really think any court is legit right now? It's all a fear tactic.
What about God Bless American lizzy?
Propaganda speech for the vax. Variant on the way. Thanks Joey for your pitch.
Clone....ear lobes not detatched
Why are Bidens eyes black marbles
Q is sometimes out of order. Israel 1st on the list!
Funniest movie eva. Love the Menace
Also Scott Kesterson from BardsFM lives in the Southern part of Ore. Good source for info.
This is a rural area outside of Portland. They had severe freezing temps and loss of power for a couple of weeks. I live in Oregon and notice the eldery... Contrary to belief our state is RED. South of Eugene is where most ex military and vets live. We just sit and wstch them eat themselves. Open carry stats too!
I say next time all 80 million of us triple vote. Then we csn watch the machine melt down.
No I am not part of that movement. The point I was trying to make is when will we stop being a drone or have the hive mentality and follow laws passed by corrupt and immoral people? Laws that serve the people to become better like sest belts speed limits etc. Those save lives. Laws that force us to pay taxes for abortions are not good. Guns are a right not a privilege.