JustADirk 4 points ago +4 / -0

This seems like a pattern with these people. Seriously like an infestation.

JustADirk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, sign language is speech. This act most certainly would not fall under that.

It really doesn't matter that the sign said what it said. She was just standing there holding it. It's not the speech we agree with that needs to be protected, it's the speech we don't. She is a good example of American values by attempting to exercise her right to freedom of speech however it's been infringed in front of everyone.

He should apologize to her and instead of getting physical with her "present a better idea" or whatever we say. What that looks like is a man bullying a woman colleague and theft. I highly doubt if it had been a man holding that sign he'd have snatched it like that. The optics for this are terrible. Additionally, when he tossed it in the air as it came down it almost hit President Trump. Imagine how that would've looked.

Lastly, they use the same logic to justify these same types of actions and we rightly call foul. Now "our side" is doing it, that's a great example to set!

JustADirk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, protesting doesn't mean it's a disturbance or disrespectful. I assume that's why she didn't get ejected for her speech alongside the other people that held up signs in silent protest vs the guy that did stand up and started yelling got ejected. So decorum is something but I don't think that's justification here. Additionally, he is not in the job of enforcing decorum. It appears he just didn't like what the sign said and in that situation he should've just delt with it. Not to mention he almost hit Trump with the sign when he tossed it. To me, the sign was not different than any of the other signs the dems had.

And no, him grabbing her sign was not an act of his speech. Could try to argue it but the "grabbing" part might be a difficult hurdle to overcome.

JustADirk 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get the sentiment but didn't he just infringe on her right to free speech? I'd like to know how this differs from if she was outside protesting against abortion and he came up and took her sign. I saw a video like that and the person that took the sign got arrested.

JustADirk 3 points ago +3 / -0

Possible connection to GME. Post on r/Superstonk. Titled "T minus 21 days estimated until earnings" thought "what a coincidence" 🤔

9 million debt ( According to recent data, the average debt per S&P 500 company is around $9.3 billion)

4.6 billion cash on hand or more; Nearest competitors ; Best Buy reported $643 million in cash and equivalents for the fiscal quarter ending in November 2024 ; According to recent financial reports, Target currently has around $3.43 billion in cash on hand. According to Walmart's latest earnings release, they currently have approximately $9.9 billion in cash and cash equivalents.

Continued overhead reduction( will see exact store footprint reduction with earnings filing).

Possibly best quarterly earnings in 7+ years in roughly 21 days...

This is the only HYPE date I need

Additionally this could be really huge due to the speculation that Ryan Cohen has invested the GME warchest $4.6 billion into bitcoin. With Donald Trump announcing the crypto reserve and bitcoin as a reserve currency this could tie the price of the shares to US government confidence which would make it a very nice investment. This could potentially form the base for a new financial system. GME earnings (21 days) will be a perfect time to announce something like this.

JustADirk 2 points ago +2 / -0

These are the same tactics the other side used. Q said not to follow people. Look at what they do. Positive or negative propaganda is still propaganda.

Consensus doesn't make truth. Consensus on "the science" led many to doing things they otherwise wouldn't so the number of people that agree with me doesn't impact what I'm saying. Peer pressure is powerful but it's ineffective as a method of control for me. Frogs here are supposed to be different than those others who deal in those types of methods. These are frogs specifically because they saw something that others couldn't.

Regarding me being around, I am trying to contribute. I see deception and manipulation, positive or negative, as a bad thing overall because you don't give the receiver the opportunity to choose. We are presented a fake world to get us to actually support and it's just strange to me. Thank you for continuing to engage on it.

JustADirk 1 point ago +1 / -0

What you think propaganda "implies" and what it actually is doesn't matter. The simple answer is YES. Those are all part of propaganda, intending to "inspire" is just you using flowery euphemismistic language to try to separate but they all fall under the propaganda umbrella. Here is a definition of propaganda for you.

"information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view."

"Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause" The answer is yes I was against all that propaganda. Let your actions speak of you not some fictional act that you project in front of you to get those who can't determine truth to just follow.

Cool she's actually in the field on a horse. AOC was actually in a parking lot at an actual fence and we made fun of her for it. This is no different. There is no one for her to catch out there so wtf. Fake doctor Phil did more than she has.

JustADirk 0 points ago +1 / -1

She doesnt do a damn thing with her hands that most men can't. She does nothing men can't do besides have children. Who cares if she has ridden horses and grew on a ranch. Nothing to do with the motives of this and how it's being gobbled up.

JustADirk 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh cool addition, another well thought out and reasoned comment which is just a personal attack. So chic. You seem like a faggot and proud to show that off.

JustADirk -4 points ago +1 / -5

She isn't in control of anything. She is a figurehead and this is propaganda. She's using these real things you speak of to further the image. Don't fall for it. 2 sides of the same coin.

JustADirk -4 points ago +1 / -5

She isn't leading anything by example. She hasn't caught anyone. This is nothing more than propaganda just like AOC. She led by example but it didn't resonate with you bc you don't agree. This is the same exact thing just you agree with it.

JustADirk -5 points ago +1 / -6

She isn't hunting anyone or anything. It's meaningless that she has any skills when she isn't using them. They only mean anything due to it increasing her image to those people who fall for this propaganda.

JustADirk -8 points ago +2 / -10

This is disgusting and I'm disappointed she participated. We all know she isn't chasing anyone anywhere. This is no different than AOC posing in front of a fence. Nothing but an empty photo opportunity. So stupid. Actually use those resources to catch them not to larp.

Let's call a spade a spade. She isn't catching anyone. The cameras recording this moment are in the back of a truck. She could be in a truck and giving an interview and that'd look more legit. This is nothing but propaganda. I cannot believe some of you fall for this crap just like the ones yall call blind on the otherside.

What happened to that Q drop that said "they think you will follow the stars"? Are these people not the stars also? Look at all of the media surrounding them and pushing their image into the cosmos! How do you not see what's going on with this?

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