What if the cure for the vaccine is ivermectin, which also coincidentally turns out to cure cancer?
I needed to read this. Thanks. It’s been tough. Can only imagine what it’s been like for people who have known for decades.
Brian Stelter = B.S.
About tree fitty
Will Gaetz be the one to open the “gates”?
I have no idea if this is right or not but that’s a very Presidential looking desk. Almost like Trump had one of the many desks that rotate in the Oval Office sent to Mar A Lago, or wherever he may be.
Q’s second to last post (and last post that wasn’t a URL) was just: Durham.
This is certainly a development.
They do it for history too. Future people will look back at the articles and assume something negative about Q.
It still won't work, though.
Is the MOVIE the period of time (right now) where they needed actors to keep the public occupied while the military is sorting out tribunals and determining election fraud?
Clint Eastwood has done some work with Castle Rock Entertainment. I’ve always thought how badass it would be if he was helping to direct everything.
The very first picture in the document: Washington crossing the Delaware!
That doesn’t look like Gates