KimJung-Un 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're just assuming I'm looking for a kinetic war. I didn't mention that once in the post. I wrote about crime being boasted publicly on multiple levels and nothing being done about it.

Again, if you took the time to read and watch Yuris stuff you'd realize how what's happening is extremely dangerous because of the factor of normalization.

You may be awake but the system is encompassing especially on the financial level.

The danger of shoulder shrug "oh well what can you do it's the way the world is" is dangerous and as time goes on the demoralization grows (also a part of Yuris description)

I really suggest you go through his info

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm not afraid you're confusing caution with fear. This is not a "good time" lol.

Putting Q posts in this post isn't relevant to my post. My post is about "arrests are coming" repeatedly being sold in intervals.

I don't remember Q posting about arrests coming but a clean sweep and execution. So the "arRests aRe ComINg" is still highly probable as a psyop

KimJung-Un 2 points ago +3 / -1

You should watch Yuri (Thomas) Bezmenov's work on YouTube. He is a former KGB agent who fled to the US.

His job at the KGB was a propagandist. The man in the 1980s laid out the plan for subversion. How the elite would set the system up.

The elite don't give a shit about their public image they are beyond that point. We are the stage of normalization in Yuris description.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

They actually don't care about their public image that's why their degeneracy is being made public.

It's because the degree of control is growing at such a high rate. We are in their normalization zone.

People say "the precipice" is needed but I don't think they understand what that word means and what the state of the nation will be. It's also perfectly in line with freemason "order from chaos"

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +3 / -3

Dude, it's all meaningless nonsense. We don't know arrests will happen until they happen. Selling it is the problem. So what if he declares Twitter execs are under investigation?

The precipice sure sounds a lot like "Order from Chaos" doesnt it? The Great Reset is supposed to occur when the general public "had had enough" so the "solution" is put forth.

Robot are being permission to kill humans now. We aren't at "arrests are coming" we are at "let's hope this isn't a psyop"

KimJung-Un 2 points ago +4 / -2

Dude, it's just nonsense. Arrests wouldn't be publicly declared. Who's he talking about? When? For what? Investigations? It'll be years if that's the case.

Military is supposed to be the only way not some congressman selling arrests lol

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. These creatures in uniform now are inhuman

KimJung-Un 14 points ago +14 / -0

Degenerate lizards think their art is cute.

KimJung-Un 4 points ago +4 / -0

What they are doing is filtering good cops and littering the force with retards and psychopaths who are criminals by nature but with a badge. This is for a reason, to cause the public to hate on the police because the psychopaths that remain in the force are out of control and the ones who want to be good are powerless.

What's the solution? Automated policing. This is all by design

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've had one suddenly (37) and I think over 15 now whom have had the craziest complications. One of them had to be kept in a bubble, a biohazard ward at the hospital because the bacteria growing in his intestines was unknown.


Heart attacks



KimJung-Un 6 points ago +6 / -0

So apparently this particular jab they are talking about is not "covid" jab. But some in house jab the Aussies were making but it's obviously a lie and it's covid jab related lol

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have fanboys

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're not understanding. The entire scheme of trying to squeeze them out is from them. How can you not see that? You think holding and continually buying some dead weight shares is going to bankrupt and squeeze multi billion dollar hedge funds? Whom btw have had record breaking years.

The very hedge fund WSB and GME "apes" have been telling you to squeeze just broke all time hedge fund profit records. Not their own, but all time.

The bots and agents online screaming at you to buy and "look I bought 1000 more shares!" are all from them.

The point is to make money in these markets so you can remove yourself from their wage slavery not to give them more money like retail has been with these stupid scams.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

Of course they rig the markets. This is part of it right here to get you to believe this crap is going to change the entire financial world lol

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yea they did lol

KimJung-Un 12 points ago +12 / -0

You mean when I walk around in the sun with my dog by myself while wearing that thing I am not saving my granny?

Well ain't that some shit.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

2019..."Buy GME and hodl diamond hands you'll get rich and choke Citadel"....2022..."Citadel rakes in hedge fund record profit"

Most of the hype around that shet is bots who pretend they are buying on reddit and other social media platforms, twitter etc. They are designed to get people into thinking if they buy and hold, citadel will get squeezed. It's nonsense.

These funds are bulletproof because their buddies are in congress and senate and other high powered positions and they will never go bankrupt.

But retail has and will continue to do so.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

All equities do this. This is nothing new. But today it's moving up with the markets. "Up" that is.

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