KimJung-Un -3 points ago +1 / -4

GME has been instrumental in tanking retail wallets over the last few years. It's just incredible how easy they get people to buy into made up narratives of battling Citadel.

They just broke records for profits and you guys are still holding onto your bags and anyone that tells you to stop buying is considered an idiot.


KimJung-Un -3 points ago +1 / -4

lmao that's where all this GME crap started, chief. That's the root of it all.

KimJung-Un -3 points ago +1 / -4

Did you not read what I wrote earlier? It's moving up with broad markets. Why would I short an equity that's part of the NYSE while SPX, Nasdaq and everything else is moving up and the dollar is dumping?

Now come back to me and challenge me to short it during broad market dumps. This ain't my first rodeo, jr.

Everything from growth to value moved up today after Powell speech. Has nothing to do with the intrinsic value of "GME" which has no value.

KimJung-Un -5 points ago +1 / -6

WSB is a scam created by a Jewish guy that's trapped God knows how much money into nonsense like GME lol. These are all scams and "aping" into these things is outrageous lmao

KimJung-Un -4 points ago +4 / -8

The people who think BBBY and GME etc are some secret financial weapon have no clue what they are doing. Today was FOMC rate day and Powell speech. Equities, Currencies, Crypto everything shot up.

DRS and all these other things are just nonsense.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +3 / -4

Theres nothing to know it's moving up with the rest of the market lol

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

They really do

KimJung-Un 24 points ago +25 / -1

That is just prime lmao

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because the entirety of the story is made up MSM garbage. It's a distraction. There are no files and no one is storing them in a garage or box in their drawer or wherever else.

It's all made up.

It's a classic division tactic.

"Oh look Trump got raided cause of files!" ---> Leftist "I KNEW HE WAS CORRUPT HAHA!"

"Oh look Biden with the files!" ---> Conservatives "HAHA IT WAS A TRAP BY TRUMP"

All of this is nonsense lol. It's all divisive tactics and guys like this Cates dude are agents who are put out there to push it further. The left is assigned their own "Cates" characters.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

I took some time off from this site. The post election insanity was too stupid for me to bear. Repeat of 2020.

KimJung-Un 4 points ago +5 / -1

The "people" you are describing are bots, agents and in many cases, demoralized who need that gasp of air.

The bots and agents post opinions and comments designed to move whatever sentiment they are programmed to do. In the case you are describing, selling false hope and promoting a narrative that is, in many ways, simply just too stupid to begin with.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

There is no such thing as seeing into the future or the past. That is something only God has access to. What they do is play psychological games on people exactly the same way large financial market participants do on investors and traders and governments whom have large resources.

They study normies and the average person and test on us day and night and have gotten so good they can move entire societies into multiple directions at once if they want.

All these "operations" are just nonsense.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because it didn't happen and this Cates guy is just a disinfo agent and for whatever reason, they stick his shit on "Hot" all the time. Think about how insane it would be to just "leave office" with pivotal information on the dirt you did when you have access to a global network of unlimited funded agencies lol

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

Does anyone actually believe in this nonsense? So the Cabal is leaving vital information in the hands of some puppets whom they appointed into office to then leave with documents to do what with? Hide in their drawer?

This Cates guy is always writing crap that makes no sense.

Why wouldn't they just shove it somewhere no one would ever find like they do with all sorts of military secrets? We're talking about a thousand year old multinational gang with unlimited resources that schemes 24 hours a day.

I highly doubt these assholes are giving Biden and Clinton some files to "leave with" lmao

Come on man.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

There are topics that trigger bots and agents and retards all at once. Chemtrails, Jewish corruption and FE are at the very top of these triggers.

In fact, I got a hilarious warning from one of the mods here because of a chemtrail post I posted lecturing me on how it's not real then he went on to insult it with a meme sticking it to the hot wall.

I trigger lots of folks in here because I post about my thoughts on the situation. I don't care who the person or organization is, criticism is a must.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +2 / -2

Yes, fren. He's also an Israel shill. His entire living is assured to continue as long as he larps for them no matter what the cost to the US

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

These things are getting weaker responses now that the ring leaders made the money off BLM and no one talks about them anymore.

Now it's just a bunch of dumb university students who thought the Floyd protests were real showing up and thinking "where's the crowd of angry, face tatted white homeless kids?"

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

Right now it really looks like you’re lashing out at humans for disagreeing with your Trump-is-controlled-opposition narrative by blanket calling them bots, but without having the courage to make the accusation directly and specifically.

You're the only person I've been in argument with over this topic. Everyone else either asked a question or understood and knew about it. You're the issue. If you understood the topic, and comprehended what I wrote several times now, you'd understand how stupid the end of that paragraph is.

Next time you think a pro-Trump&Q commenter is a bot, point it out. I won’t demand evidence at that time, we’ll go with your hunch and take it from there and see if we can learn some more.

I've already explained this I believe over 5x now. I'm not going to get into it with you again. It's a waste of time

No, you just assumed I didn’t understand because I used simple questions. Your shitty analogies are symptoms of your shitty and presumptuous thought process.

No. I used water being h2o because I thought even for a simpleton like you it would get my point.

I didn't call anyone a bot I wrote that there are bots everywhere. You took personal offense to it because you're too stupid to understand what a bot is, what it does and how it works.

You're unbearably slow and sound senile every time you write something.

Your other problem is that, like I wrote before, you're all in on Q and Trump so the idea of them potentially being controlled opposition/ script scares the shet out of you.

A critical mind is open to all possibilities and doesn't underestimate his enemy. I don't underestimate the deep state even if people like to write "these people are stupid" or "haha panic!".

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

These demons look legit like pigs.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yea no worries. The bots are insane now. Their abilities are getting crazier by the day.

ChatGPT, which I'm sure you've heard of, is like a free data set for the system. Hundreds of millions of interactions a day with different languages and dialects asking questions non stop.

And that is v1 btw. The sentiment chat bots are going to be indiscernible soon the way things are going.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

No. I mean sentiment bots. It's a description for sentiment analysis bots that can analyse emotions through text and in real time, respond accordingly.

I got the numbers from a report from Barracuda a cloud security company. Now not all these are sentiment bots there are different types of bots scouring the internet and the majority are malicious.

Sentiment bots the shit you see on social media and forums like this and others similar to it.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

Everything you've written is drivel so far in this ridiculous argument. You didn't understand it at first and you're still confused to this very moment trying to make yourself feel better because I used water as an analogy. FFS man go get a life already.

What are you even trying to prove? I've told you 10 times now that bots are on every site on the internet and it's just a fact of the internet. Not an opinion. Not my opinion. But a fact.

I used hostility towards criticism as one example of their functions. There are many other functions they serve like "arguing" with "each other" to get the reader to relate to a point of view and lean to it and potentially share it with others.

During the election the "republican vs democrat" narrative was absolutely cemented and especially here. You think bots weren't promoting that? That's the box they keep you in.

Even I fell for that shit for about 10 mins.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

I never wrote that you were that technology I wrote that it is in every forum and site on the internet. You don't even know what you are arguing anymore cause you don't understand the tech so you're confused and asking stupid questions like "show me their names" which I've explained to you is nearly impossible to do lol.

You're like an old man stuck in your old ways. You sound like congress asking that tech reps questions about advertising.

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