KimJung-Un -2 points ago +1 / -3

Trump can be controlled opposition. Why not? What makes you think he can't? The only difference I see between you and I is you're all in and I'm waiting to see what happens.

And no it wasn't a lie. I didn't write about Operation Trust in my post or comments on this post. You did.

Q is entirely an internet entity. We know nothing about it other than what it has given us about it itself. There are anons who pretend like they know more but it's all subjective.

If he's not, then it's a win. If he is well then at least I won't be all demoralized and surprised and dumbfounded about it.

Why are you offended by my critical mind? lol

What is it that you want? A hive mind where everyone believes everything you believe without question? I find it odd that you're so desperately trying to sniff out something out of me when I've made it clear to you repeatedly where my position stands.

KimJung-Un -2 points ago +1 / -3

Mention? Yea I've probably commented on it after all I did find out about it from another anon here.

What does that have to do with anything? If you're implying I push that narrative you're wrong.

I'm a long time "conspiracy theorist". I am skeptical of everything. Even certain mods on this site.

The question you should really be asking, and is one for yourself, is "Why do I put all my faith into entities on the internet I know nothing about?"

The obvious answer based on former responses will more than likely be "Well the media says bad therefore good." This doesn't fly for me personally. And I think it's my duty to be suspicious of all those who speak and sound nice but can't show proof of their work without cryptic riddles and "trust me bro".

What makes you any different than leftists who think the vaccine is great because "peer reviewed"?

Criticism of Q and it's promises should be high all the time if you are to believe in their promises.

There are people on here who are actually waiting and excited for the military take over of the country to "purge" the DS.

I find that to be absurd considering the ever increasing police state in this country and the fact that once the military shuts everything down you and I will have no way of knowing what's what. I don't like that at all but some people here peddle it.

These things are why I remain critical all the time.

KimJung-Un 4 points ago +4 / -0

Throw em out of a helicopter.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

I mean throughout the website. All websites. Can post or comment. They are sentiment bots. They push narratives they are programmed to push whether they be for or against a topic(s), group or idea.

Think of that gold bot c3po from star wars and how it interacted with humans and then 10x it's capabilities online. It can mimic dialect and appear as it needs to.

KimJung-Un 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lefties won't be fighting us it'll be paid government goons with police badges and military stripes. Many of them will be foreigners

The real danger is the police state not some purple haired freak or incel from reddit. They'll avoid conflict the second shit gets real.

It's the "law" that will come at us no matter what because "it's muh jerb".

And soldiers who will be young, uninformed and inexperienced in life whom have been battered into submission and obedience by the military. Of course, they won't be sent to their own neighborhoods to do their dirt.

The people described in the post will never raise a finger lol

KimJung-Un 2 points ago +2 / -0

The demons are everywhere.

KimJung-Un 2 points ago +3 / -1

You see for me the votes are meaningless. There are no real elections I don't think for one minute the DS would allow normie nitwits to walk over to a box or machine and input their favorite person lol.

These are illusions of elections in reality they are selections.

I don't think the DS was at all surprised by Trumps win.

Trump, Hilary or otherwise covid was going to happen per 2010 Rockefeller report on advancing technology in the medical world and how governments would respond to pandemics (literally word for word covid) and 2019 event201, again, word for word covid.

The goal is to destroy the system and usher in a "reset'. And that's exactly what they are doing.

Trump may or may not be a good guy I don't know. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

KimJung-Un -2 points ago +1 / -3

That's funny cause you wrote about Operation Trust, not me. I never mentioned it once here.

There is no specific evidence for me to give it's a fact like "water is h2o" and "the sun is hot"

Do I need to fly to the sun and stick my finger in it to show you it's hot?

It is just is. You're very slow.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think most people just have no clue how serious and advanced the scripts are. I have a friend on one of the trading forums I am on and he's one of those autist AI scientists/ Data analysts who creates/ researches these things for a living. I've been chatting with him for 9 years and we've even had live zoom trading in camera sessions together so he trusts me and I him.

He tells me the majority of chatters on TradingView for example, the charting software and youtube, reddit etc are bots going back and forth with each other and in many cases the bots would be pushing a narrative from left/right ideology.

It's not designed to get you to engage with them. It's designed to get you to read and get influenced by them.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

Again, statistically they are active here. Not my opinion or who I can spot out. It's just a matter of fact.

You're obviously having a hard time understanding the words "fact" and "statistical".

I'll explain it in a manner that's easy for your boomer mind.

2/3 or rather ~66% of all internet activity is from bots. Those estimates are from 2020. It is far more advanced now. What does this mean?

It means that it is impossible for there to not be bots on this site.

Also, it is nearly impossible to spot them unless you have advanced language analysis models which run through their comments, interactions and posts to sniff out patterns that bots would partake in.

These scripts (bots) are so advanced now it takes just as advanced programs to find them because they can now learn, in real-time, how to respond and what to post.

I hope this clears it up for you and please stop responding with the same dumb question over and over.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

They are absolutely everywhere. Push every narrative regardless of how pro and anti it is to the cabal. The division is where they want to keep people. It doesn't matter what or who you believe in. I'll check that out thanks.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +2 / -3

He doesn't even fathom that possibility. He doesn't understand how the bots operate, work or how advanced they are. He wants me to provide usernames after I described how advanced and active online bots are now. He thinks I can just pick em out. Doesn't even comprehend how large 2/3 of all internet activity being bots is. He's a tired boomer.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

lmao no. In fact, without advanced language analysis programs it's almost impossible lol.

You keep responding with a confused boomer mind that just doesn't get it.

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +2 / -3

I don't peddle anything I write what my opinions are and what I see and filter. Criticism of all entities and actors has to occur without it you have a hive mind.

What you want is hive mind. What I want is non stop analysis that is free.

And just cause you don't understand how bots online work doesn't mean I am huffing and puffing. If you weren't aware of how this area operates you shouldn't even trying to debate it cause you've made it clear you have no clue how large it is.

"Show me the usernames"...That's when I should have stopped engaging with you entirely.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +1 / -0

You're not understanding this topic at all and repeating typical responses of someone that doesn't know what basic things like controlled opposition are.

Trump continued the indefinite detention provisions of the NDAA that Obama signed into law in 2012. Is that not up for criticism?

Trump promotes and praises the vaccines and the only defense for it is baseless, not provable assumptions that lock downs would have lasted 5-10 years. Is that not up for criticism?

There are tons of things we can criticize and say "Controlled opposition".

The point is to be clear and never have 100% faith in anything. Short of God. That's it. Just cause the television tells you Trump is bad doesn't mean he's auto good lol

KimJung-Un -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't see how you kill em. Everything uses em from small to large companies, individual users who make money advertising products or services to government and other agencies who have an internet is swaying public opinion.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +1 / -1

lmao the bots online have accounts, usernames, comment history and everything. They are active in every way you are.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes. They are extremely advanced and are scripted to learn how humans interact with language, dialect and emotions.

They are absolutely everywhere.

KimJung-Un 0 points ago +2 / -2

The bots everywhere have two purposes- to cement narratives and influence public topics.

The cabal are anti-Trump and anti-Q, so they wouldn’t invest bots in defending Trump and Q.

How could you possibly write this and pretend you "know about the technology"?

Q being an advanced script is very much a possibility how could you possibly think it's not considering the entire communication is online from unknown and unseen entities?

I’m not offended, Im just annoyed and disappointed that you wouldn’t even name names.

This right here sums up your lack of knowledge on this topic. It's not up for debate whether there are bots here or not. It's a fact of the reality of the internet.

It's just a statistical fact. I don't know how else to explain that to you. This is a fundamental problem of boomers or those who have no clue how technology works and how advanced it is.

The point of bots is to agree and disagree with different demographics about a various of important topics.

So even if a bot is defending Trump or Q, that's part of its job.

You stating that the Cabal is anti-Trump doesn't make it a fact. It makes it what you believe to be true. It could be controlled opposition and a bots job would be to cement that belief in your head by recognizing what you look up online and interacting with you in a fashion that would be favorable to your senses.

KimJung-Un 1 point ago +2 / -1

More than likely. Sentiment bots will agree with you and pump you up if you post something that pushes a narrative that the system has cemented into the masses and they will sound like real humans doing it too.

These models are so advanced and getting scarier by the day.

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