I was shocked they sold delta8 and THCO at my vape shop! They are kinda new to my area but honestly I’m so relieved because THCO is stronger than bud and delta8 is so nice for pain and depression and it seems it’s more affordable too.
Oh fren try THCO if you can find it! 300% stronger than real bud. It comes with D8 in pens or can be found in gummies. It’s sooo good. If you look it up it’s 300% stronger than bud. Dunno how but yeah. I stopped bud a couple months ago bc I am a brokie and it’s become too expensive but I can afford D8 + THCO pens
This is incredibly scary to learn about as I take Lexapro 5mg, daily to help cope with my anxiety, depression and among other things like ADHD and my brain is literally in lag mode all the fucking time. I was even thinking about upping my dosage to 10-20mg a day and even have my doc prescribe me adderall to help cope with my horrible adult ADHD. Yikes. What can I do instead? :/ I have really bad mental health/self image issues and while I feel like I’m getting better I don’t really…. Feel like I’m getting better on Lexapro.. oh.. I guess I fell for the illusion a fucking pill could help me feel better.. now I just feel dumb..
I don’t have any more meds I’m gonna have to talk to my doctor to get more and I want to stop them because I hate big pharma’s garbage so now you’re telling me from quitting their garbage, I will die?