Correct. I always liked him and believed in him, even his accusations against ped0s in DC. Believe him 100%. I think he lost me a little (including MAGA and some "Qanons") when he got up on stage with Powell after the '20 steal and was urging attendees for another 1776-style revolution. Seemed like he went a little off the deep end trying to incite a civil war, which we all know is the last thing we want. Division of that magnitude plays right into the DS/Cabal playbook.
Correct. Roberts AND Pence. He claimed both were ped0 long ago, then was suspended on twit and cancelled. Anyone making such claims against high ranking members of the political establishment would be sued into oblivion or arrested. Hec, common folk are arrested for clever memes. The fact that Wood was not arrested or charged with a crime speaks volumes. The fact he wasn't suicided is equally mystifying.
The pilots of those planes flying the ped0s out of the country:
Agree. We were robbed and it was criminal. I want my possessions back AND justice. In either order is fine. But they've been getting away with this for far too long. And these bastards, even if served justice, would still smirk knowing they took from us.
Now THIS is what I've been waiting to hear! Send all those trillions back to their rightful owners; American taxpayers who have been ripped off for way too long.
Any Libtards still REEEEing about Musk/Doge might be singing a different tune once they hear this news. If not, they're the 4-6% lost forever.