Commenting to save for later.
I decided to watch it again to see if there are any correlations with present day.'s scarily spot on (while also being humorous). I highly recommend watching it, even if you think it's just a kids movie. It's not. It's more of a warning.
Lego Movie stands out to me.
So much hinting in that movie that we are being told what to do and we'll like it even though we don't know why we're doing it.
It's not just a kids movie. Go watch!
I have prayed and talked to God more than I have in my entire life within these past two weeks.
I've also cried over what reality really is and realizing everyone around me is part of a distracted sheep heard. It is lonely over here, friends.
I'm glad I have you all.
Yeah and BO actually spent $65,000 to fly in hot dogs to D.C.
Reminds me of the Q posts talking about Capt Mike Green.... Posts 175, 177, 178...
Accident? or Mission Failed?
I am a nature resources enthusiast, there's no way D.C. has leaves on their DOWNTWON trees mid-January.
Someone in D.C., can you confirm? If I am wrong, then okay, but I am highly skeptical because I understand the seasons VERY WELL!
Oh. My. Gosh. This explains why he goes to Florida so often.
Hahahaha and people think he's just golfing?!
Thanks for the response! That is such an awesome trait your husband has. I am trying to find how I can become like that. It is so difficult.
I recently graduated from a very liberal school, however I never felt comfortable with a lot of the views around me. I never spoke up though, I didn't know how to present my argument.
It was my first conversation out loud, verbally, with a friend about abortion that I began to realize how bad social media is for conversation. It was in that conversation that I actually solidified that I am pro-life, when I was on the fence before. Because I verbally walked through my thought process.
The verbal conversations I find the hardest, because those who don't welcome an open mind are the ones to spin and spin and spin things into other non-relative topics (i.e. my boyfriend going off on an immigration tangent). Your post gives me hope.
Anyways, thanks for the response and best of luck!
Someone is live streaming ^^^^
Its call in conference only, and the conference is full, hence the live stream.
god bless this person live streaming it.
Live Stream ^^^^
It's an information warfare.
Where are the boat loads of memes we're gonna dump on them soon?
100%. His Free Speech video confirms it for me. The last few seconds have been me the past 2 weeks.
Why do you think they still leave him up on his platforms?
I just read this entire document. It's wonderful. Thanks for posting it.
Did you see that intense zoom in when the lights finally came on??
Don't know if thats' automatic because of sensors but it signified 'look'! to me haha
"We listened to you, we believed you. We are still here!"
This brings me to tears. All this can't be for nothing!
Archive for how stupid they sound talking about Q.
I am having a very hard time getting my partner to have an open mind. So difficult that I was reading through a Q post with him that mentioned the border, 'Patriot' and when it becomes the minority.
He immediately went on a race tangent/immigration tangent. I cried it became so obvious what the MSM has done to his thought.
What was the point of you wanting to learn for yourself? What point did your husband make that made you curious? Please let me know, I need help.
Thank you.
I tested this, the letters that work are K L M P Q R W
significant at all? no vowels...
I showed my very skeptical, refusing-to-be-red-pilled-boyfriend this... he was shocked but then said it was just a joke... some people will deny deny deny.
This is a great question.
I have been wondering how whoever Q is can remember what they posted about in random numbered posts and reference them for us to connect dots. After thousands of signal to look back at a certain post takes a lot of dedication to remembering what that post said & what it's purpose was.
Great question...I am with you on this one...
(Posting higher for visibility)
This is not a joke.
This morning I read this post. I attempted to comment but it wouldn't send my comment so I said "forget it". Well that was an act of the universe because of what happened just now.
I just saw the "Ring Leader" post:
Then I saw the instagram post at the bottom of the page with the guy's shirt that says "J'<3 L'Enfant" ------L'Enfant = The Child.
My post this morning was to educate people on who designed Washington D.C. layout. The Architect was Pierre L'Enfant... (I have a degree in landscape architecture so I have studied him). He designed the owl...and his last name means The Child....are you fucking kidding me?
I am kind of having an internal panic attack.
Pierre L'Enfant (The Child) designed the owl that is THE supposed symbol from Q....this entire pedo network...the designer of D.C.'s last name translate's to "The Child"?
But he was Washington's trusted architect....what does that mean? What is Pierre L'Enfant's history? Bloodline?!
So if you open the image it's of Ivanka. It's says 'pick up your phone'. So I went to look at Mike's tweets...
Mike didn't tweet at 5:00pm tonight, he missed the 30 min AND 60 min mark.
BUT, Ivanka (image in post 205) tweeted exactly at 5:00pm...when Mike was supposed to tweet.
She hadn't tweeted since the previous day. Is this a sign to watch Ivanka's acct?
This is what started to open my eyes. It was the "TrUmp SaId tO inJeCt LySol iNtO YoUr bOdY" articles that came out after the briefing on Covid19 combating techniques.
I haven't looked back since.
I only watch things LIVE & never listen to the cut clips after. I've seen both D & R parties skew the live recordings. It's terrible.