Musk impregnated Ashley St Clair holy shit
The Democrats really have no bottom. It makes Q more believable because if the bottom keeps getting lower maybe it goes all the way down to satanic pedo cult.
Biden's lame duck period has been absolutely disgusting so far. What a piece of shit.
I always liked that Pompeo calls out China as enemy.
Election predictions I feel the best about right now based on early voting and people I follow
Virginia will be within 4-5 points
Trump will win Nevada by at least a few %
Florida will be a red bloodbath
All are in the right direction.
So what was Osama really going for with 9/11? Was he retard who thought Americans would just say "plz don't attack us anymore we'll do what you want" or was it an evil genius plan that eventually did succeed corrupting the West?
I was randomly watching CNN 2008 election video and it really struck me how different it is from 2016 just eight years later, it feels like a broadcast from the mid 90s. I was expecting them to be on Obama's dick the whole time and hyping up his win race wise but it's all kind of dry and boring in a good way, along with looking naturally cheaper.
Our ace up the hole is that Kamala Harris just doesn't seem to be that smart or a good decision maker... She is making decisions on vibes, social media liked Walz so she went with it despite knowing about the stolen valor oppo, she got heckled so she snapped. This is a car crash waiting to happen.
Watching Kamala speak after whitebama Shapiro's is a fucking joke. We can't lose to this jabroni.
So it's starting to feel to me Maduro actually won his election and the left is using their color revolution and fake twitter video bullshit? I'm a little confused because I'm pretty sure Venezuela's policies are still socialist trash.
They really stole the election and tried to assassinate him. These are wild times man. How did we get here. Evil is supposed to be for the movies.
Jasper is my hometown. Half of it is standing so it could have been worse, the firefighters were heroes last night. They had bad luck with lightning starting the fires only like 3 days ago and then it moving super fast and then spread by wind and fortunately everyone was evacuated. There wasn't a fire in a hundred years and pine beetles did a number on the trees so nature has a way of burning it all and restarting the process. The government was probably being their incompetent selves not having more logging and controlled fires in the past. They will rebuild but instead of nearly every business being owned by a private local it wouldn't be surprising if the corporations move in.
This is a big picture win! Not sure if it helps Trump in the election, not sure if we were ever going to win against their rigging, but the only way to save America is for the culture to move away from this commie bullshit. Otherwise there is no more country to save. The Democrats just did their most obviously corrupt and evil thing yet! They shot their wad on CLEAR BULLSHIT rather than wait for one the normies would believe like Georgia phone call case. We're making dents in their woke armor and one day it might all collapse.
Everything about Brazil politics feels the same as the US. Bolsonaro is being treated like Trump, etc. The left seem to have the identical emotional intensity.
Why do you think that is? Is it just commies?
I think they took down Diddy cause they were hoping for a MeToo year to energize the left like BLM in 2020.
I think the emotionally loaded language/etc. is how the commies manipulate the normie NPCs. But is it how someone becomes commies? Or do the real commies consider themselves a little too smart to be manipulated like that, and know what they're doing?
Yes, my question is more about the followers than the rulers, it's easier to explain why a guy like Mao wanted to essentially be emperor of China. But this current movement in particular is being powered by the utter commitment of its followers despite commies not even liking the Democrats that much.
Is it fair to say there's no way to get accurate information on Israel Gaza? The journalists reporting for both sides would be shitlibs. With Russia Ukraine I could find semi useful information by looking up the pro Russia side.
Her style is a bit hard to take sometimes but I have decided Karlyn Borysenko is the single most important anti woke person to pay attention to
Holy crap the Macron thing is real lmao
If the whole reason a shitlib like Jon Stewart was brought back to do both sides-ism is to reel in the half redpilled Biden voters into feeling safe to staying on their side, it's kind of impressive strategy the leftists/the regime tbh. In his monologue it was all about Biden being old but then comparing to saying Trump did a coup and is a rapist. So for their Democrat voters it's really nudging them to still vote Biden at the end of the day. Stewart and Oliver are excellent propagandists and the original version of the fittingly named TDS can be partially blamed for the current environment.
The way this guy is talking seems more... Real? than usual in this environment. This is what it looks like when the mask is off.
You would think that after WWI British's hold on #1 empire would be stronger than ever, they crushed the rising Germany, they gained a bunch more territory. But, it seems like the world's main empire soon became the US without much of a fight.
Why did Britain lose its status so fast? Was the decision made by the people who really own/control things to switch the main HQ to the the US? And why pick the US, a country with a history of unruly freedom fighters who've taken the fight to them before, instead of the UK who has a culture of "loyalty"?
Why did Graham and eye patch McCain throw Zelenskyy under the bus?