It's not just about having a belief that their economic system is better, these people feel like they're possessed by cult like quasi-religious force, as were past ones like in the cultural revolution. It's the only way the current environment in the US makes sense because it's not logical whatsoever for this many people who grew up in Western countries to think having a revolution and replacing it with an ideology that's clearly failed is a good idea.

Why does this keep happening to human race? What is actually motivating them? Noting that these commies are insanely manipulative and dishonest therefore what they really claim to care about can all just be a front, like arguably the entire usage of race.


Environmentalism is pushed to sabotage the US economy

LGBT is pushed to discredit the church

They want to take guns so they can hurt conservatives freely

They want the black community to stay crippled so they keep voting Democrat


I feel like the Allies leaders were globalist pieces of shit. They basically did their best to make Germany starve to death. Maybe fucked up the Middle East on purpose so they would have forever wars and weapons to sell.

It seems logical to me that British Empire if they were asshoes would want to take out Germany before it got too strong. Maybe they duped them into it.

Does anyone have some "alternate history" insights?


This was a true surprise attack and on the weekend so it makes sense if the media is controlled how they also weren't prepared, doesn't know what side to take, whether to push stand with Israel hashtags, etc. Some obvious Democrat operatives like JoJofromJerz and Brooklyn Dad literally haven't tweeted a thing about it they're waiting for the marching orders, some people like the Squad or stretchin Gretchen gave weak responses not sure whether to fully support or condemn Palestine.


This is a random observation but when I was younger this was one of the most common ways to virtue signal with the celebs taking pictures with the seals, etc. It was almost as big as environmentalism.

Where are the self-indulgent lefties on twitter trying to act better than everyone else by talking about endangered species and the psycho vegans getting mad at people for eating meat? The eating bugs thing does not really reference animals, it's about the environment I think.


I found this randomly - A lot of it seems VERY applicable to modern day. His focus is on the French Revolution and the Reformation, which I admit I didn't realize was like the French and Bolshevik revolutions. I haven't finished it yet but so far it seems like a valuable resource https://socialsciences.mcmaster.ca/econ/ugcm/3ll3/lebon/Revolution.pdf


In my opinion something has shifted, the superhero and franchise reboot films are struggling, after some bombs like the Flash, Shazam and disappointment Ant Man 3, and not even the leftists caring about the Secret Invasion show, you can just kind of feel it that it's over for superhero. Movies like Barbie and Oppenheimer took its place in terms of building anticipation on social media. After a summer of disappointments these films took advantage by blowing the doors off this weekend. I predict a bad winter for Captian Marvel and Aquaman sequels and maybe some stuff breaks out in its place like the Napolean movie or something.

In my opinion it never made sense that Marvel could make so many movies in a row with the same tone and taking NO chances for 15 years and people wouldn't get tired of it. It breaks the rules of how it's supposed to work. My explanation for it was that there was something going in connected to overall mind virus-ness of this generation, that led them to flock to the Marvel movies like sheep to fit in with everyone else.

And yes Barbie is probably still plenty woke, on the whole, I think this weekend blowing up probably still represents that something has changed for the movie audience, like a spell has started to lift. This is encouraging as it means that perhaps, there is movement inside the hopelessly woke, Marvel fanboying, Netflix show watching, NPC catchphrase tweeting, etc. person, if the Marvel fanboying part of that package can heal, perhaps the woke parts of it can too.


So Disney plus released this show Andor which is a prequel to their spin-off Rogue One, one of the many Star Wars shows they've done like Mandalorian, Obi Wan and Book of Boba Fett but probably destined to be the least popular

At first the response to it was ok with a 74 on metacritic which is about average. The episodes I've seen seem fairly cheap to me, if being objective about acting quality/directing/etc. Mandalorian seemed like it had more money and effort put into it, this one tried to be more real but also loses some of the flashy parts of Star Wars. The viewership for Andor is apparently relatively low compared to some of the other shows.

Like halfway through the season, Andor started to become trendier for critics and leftoid type people, tv journos started to get clickbait articles out of stuff like "Why aren't people watching Andor?". Maybe Disney paying some critics off got the ball rolling originally. Then it keeps snowballing of people hyping it up more and more until the sheeple type people on places like r/television can't stop talking bout Andor every day like it's the best show on TV and it gets tons of critics writing think pieces pushing it. I would bet that Andor jumps to 90 on metacritic next year spends the rest of its lifetime being one of the most critically acclaimed, Emmy winning shows. It's now "made" in that department. I just tried watching it again now and as someone with confidence in my opinion, I came away even more convinced it's just not there.

See it'd be one thing if this was their honest opinion, and maybe for some it is, but for most it's obviously not. It was obviously cultivated because of seeing Andor become trendy with other people. The way these NPC brains work, when they see something becoming buzzy like that, they go in already expecting to see what their tv critic authority figures and other people online told them to see, and they're filtering only the arguments for it and ignoring all the ones against it. They're not having an honest, individual emotional experience, everything is tied to their collectivist/social views leaning on what other people think.

Of course, their views on politics are the same way, that's how you end up with the r/politics type of users that just seem to be parroting what media sources tell them.


The pipeline was blown up by NATO, something like using Poland but planned by US. There is too many holes in the "Russia blew up their own pipeline" idea.

Now here's the key... It wasn't the US being paranoid about Germany selling gas to Russia and going back their back and fucking their ally so they could keep in line. Germany was in on it! These NWO shitfucks are all in together on the Russia sanctions had no interest in wavering to stop their people from freezing to death. Germany didn't like the protestors so they asked the US to help shut them down by taking the pipeline out of the equation.


The left now thinks class exists.

The elites, high educated, blue check journos, etc. are very confident that they are in the high class. Look at the school they went to!

The leftists who are working day jobs know they have work to do to prove they are part of high class and are desperate to avoid impression that they're part of the low class, therefore have to go out of their way to virtue signal


One thing I heard that stuck out to me is that no matter how much our disdain is for the elites, it's nothing compared to the disdain they have for us.

What's the psychology behind hating the ordinary man so much? Is it because we do things like vote for Trump and get in the way of their plans? Or is it deeper?


What do you think of my theory that what we previously knew as "hipsters" is one of the closest psychological matches to the current woke?

They embrace the Current Thing in the same way hipsters have no real taste except what's trendy. The same way woke journos write their articles is what hipster sites like Pitchfork have been doing for a while.

Not every far leftist is a hipster, but every hipster is a far leftist.


One thing I have struggled with in regards to the election steal despite the obvious signs, is that I believe Democrat politician leaders like Biden, Harris and Pelosi are clowns, not masterminds. We've got a potatoe, a hoe and a drunk witch.

So here is an idea to get around it. The infrastructure for election steals was already in place, all they had to do was keep it going. It was set up in more competent times for the Democrats when Obama and Hillary were in charge.

The Democrats lost in 2000 and 2004, so I assume they weren't cheating. In 2008 they didn't need it to win, although maybe Obama could have cheated to beat Hillary.

My turning point is after 2010 election when the midterm voters indicated Obama was going too far left. The communist Obama knew his plans were too important to be risked by elections, so they put into place a system to rig it, and the media and pollsters increasingly became their personal pravda.

Without the 2012 election steal, American politics would have been business as usual. Romney goes against either Hillary and wins because nobody likes her, or Bernie (if he was also robbed in 16) and kills him in a McGovern type election. After two losses the Democrats have to make the same move they did after their 80s losses which is to go more moderate, so they back off on BLM and the trans shit. They win in 2020 with Biden, however it's a different Biden, he is instructed by his handlers to be moderate Biden instead of commie Biden. The 12 years of Romney and Biden are overall a fairly milquetoast political era. Instead of that, the Democrats gave themselves permission to go as far left as they want thinking all elections were secure, but got caught in 2016 when they vastly underestimated how many votes they'd need to beat Trump, and how much people didn't like Hillary. The Republican anger that was bubbling in 2010 and 2012 that should have led to Obama loss boiled over and led to them finding Trump to fight for them.


It seems convenient that just as the world is blowing up inflation wise, that they can just blame it on Putin's price hike. While in the US it's more of a reach, in Europe they can definitely just blame it on Putin.

If we see wokeness as a new religion, it would make more sense if they believed in some sort of metaphysical reality, since they don't have a god as part of it at this point. Like even though witches don't really bow to a god like some other religions, they believe in magic spells and stuff. I was reading the r/wicca subreddit and it seems like they earnestly believe it. It seems like psychologically a metaphysical belief could be important to making religions work.

Like is it possible the belief that thousands of black people a year are murdered in cold blood by police officers has crossed over to the point where it's now like the witches believing in spells? They have to accept this clearly false reality in order to make the religion work and as a result are no longer really caring about the truth. Any other examples of woke metaphysical beliefs that could apply?


I've spent most of the last 2 years trying to figure out WTF is wrong with people, why do they seem under a mental sickness?

I've gone back and forth, but I am going back to an idea I had a few years ago. Utilitarianism. The philosophy that the only thing that matters is the net good. It has always been at the heart of communism, why they're willing to kill so many people and destroy entire countries for it. It would be the same logic that says harvesting a baby to save 7 others is a net good. When it comes to lying/propaganda, of course utilitarians will do it if it supports their cause.

Obviously, it's extremely flawed, unpragmatic idea in practice. But it sounds good on paper. To the point where stupid people may not realize it's flawed. Hence its widespread popularity.

I think the woke thing is a cult/religion however I'm torn between these possibilities:

a) The Democrats and the other western leaders are in the cult hence the authoritarian malicious way they've acted is a result of no longer functioning normally psychologically. They are just woketards with more power.

b) They are no less self aware than the other authoritarians in history, and what we know as wokeness is their intentional political strategy to divide people for power. The shitlibs are just what tends to happens for some reason when authoritarians take power there is a lot of people who like it and buy into the propaganda.

What do you think?


Look at the self glorifying way he talks, blames everyone else but himself, etc.

He is a grade A shitheel


He says the left usually has duelling impulses, the "Utopian" impulse and the "Revolutionary" impulse. The utopian believe giving government control can lead to a perfect society. The revolutionary think the system is oppressive and should be torn down.

However in the past these two impulses came into conflict since the government is part of the system. For example CRT (revolutionary impulse) and identity politics was around in 80s and 90s but anyone who was a utopian was basking in the glow of things like the government's actions during civil rights movement were happy with the system's work, and therefore didn't respond as much to work of revolutionaries.

He explains however that it was Obama who really found a way to combine them, as a way to drive minority group votes for his re-election since he knew he was going to be unpopular with straight white voters, his only chance was to have supreme support with minorities by dividing people up with identity politics, but at the same time making people feel that more government is good. So it's essentially "revolution from inside the government". The Democrats, corporate america, big tech are in fact the revolutionary activists in this scenario, and by giving them more power they have the ability to make the revolution happen, hence they appeal to both the revolutionary and utopian impulse. The "system" the woke are rallying against is this overarching "systemic racism" type of thing which is independent of the government and corporations, hence they are now allies instead of enemies.

Perhaps combining these two impulses is always how you got communism. Lenin would have been saying the system was the bourgeoise, I'm sure.


The actual Democrat party are retards. Do you think pudding brain and dome could organize something this big? They couldn't even withdraw from Afghanistan without looking like morons. Their are tanking Biden's approval.

So there is one other explanation which is that it was taken out of the Democrats hands and was much bigger than them. A Klaus/Gates operation or China or something.


Because the Democrats are virtue signalling losers and bow to the covid god, despite being fully vaccinated they still go out of their way to do silly social distancing protocols. Hence Biden sits in his little fake room and among people with desks 6 feet apart from each other and THE BIG BOARD (Zoom meetings). When he meets with foreign people over zoom at least it looks like he's in the Oval.


What we are seeing is evil and therefore many people are supporting evil. How did we get here? Most are, or were well intentioned.

My explanation: To become an evil supporter, it's not the evil acts that hook you to them. They become supporters of the leader or party before they went bad. What made people Democrat supporters for life? Being on the pro gay marriage side. Seeing Bush invade Iraq and lie about WMDs. Watching the first black president's acceptance speech. Coming on the leftist side of issues like climate change, abortion, welfare, healthcare, guns, side, ones that while we disagree with, those are valid disagreements we can have in a sane country.

Once you become a Democrat supporter for all these acceptable, sane reasons, all you have to do is follow their lead from that point when they start flipping the switch towards increasing levels of division, hate, and totalitarianism. You just have to ignore those articles about Trayvon or Michael Brown that would have made the case for the other side, and instead let them emotionally race bait you. They tell you to think men can become a woman and you do. Dance monkey dance.

You could argue this is how you end up with Hitler, Mao, Lenin/Stalin, etc. The followers bought in when the message was positive, then stayed.

Yes, this is in its own way evil. Following can be one of the most despicable things you can do. But on the other hand, it's also encouraging because now that the mask is ripped off them I would guess that the way the Democrats and the cathedral is acting now may not be creating many new supporters. You don't convince someone to be a hardcore Democrat stan by ushering in totalitarianism, getting up and there gaslighting them every day like Biden and running the country into the ground, you can only hope to hold onto the old ones. It's like a band when they start releasing crap albums, those aren't the ones that are going to increase their fanbase. They would be better off playing their greatest hits.

  • The Democrat party really serve one purpose, do the elites bidding who then fund them. They are otherwise not that smart.

  • The elites got woke and started getting into shit like CRT to impress the other elites. The higher you go the more woke people are and the more virtue signalling strictly for social reputation reasons. Obviously Trump Derangement was high in elite circles. Covid didn't really affect rich people that much it made them feel more important and in some cases it made them richer.

  • So now the Democrats are stuck impressing elite class until they stop being so woke. All we need is for rich people to stop being dumbasses and snorting the CRT and have a more moderate view, and Democrats will fall in line.

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