I love this!!! But speaking of Hillary who all remembers this infamous roast? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmvxx_YbDsM
I know, I felt bullied lol But we all need to realize we’re in this together and we should be more informative and understanding bc were going to end up scaring the new ones away and that’s not what we’re about. We need to show people the media is completely wrong about us, especially if we’re trying to wake people up.
I agree, it’s very sad. They have tried to stray people away from the Lord for generations but I’m not going to bring my children up without knowing the Lord. But it wasn’t JUST the documentary that lead me to church, it was just the cherry on top...
Lol well thank you! But I am def a supporter and DJT will always be my president ❤️??? I’m new to q but I’ve always been a so called “conspiracy theorist” ? Honestly, I even started to go to church after watching the fall of the cabal (lol don’t laugh at me)
I was called a shill earlier lol a lot of people are new(ish) here, sometimes the newer ones need a little reassuring. Let’s try to be a little more welcoming considering we all know how many more people are starting to wake up and become curious❤️???