Lgb1234 5 points ago +5 / -0

I thought we aren’t suppose to trust everything we hear. And no I’m not a troll... I feel like we need to stop bashing people if they start to become discouraged or doubtful... sometimes we can’t help that change. When you have questions and if you’re not quite satisfied with the “answers” or aren’t getting answers then you do your own digging and sometimes you go so deep that it shifts your view on everything. Even though you full heartedly want to believe and trust “the plan”. The plan gave me peace. So please frens, let’s stop being hard on the ones who have a hard time trusting anything right now??

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don’t think we’re just sitting by waiting for miracles to happen... I think we’re just wondering why they are getting the special treatment... crimes are being done literally in front of our eyes and ANY of us would have consequences... they have none.. people don’t have to wake up to understand if you eff up at your job you lose it... we just want to see some form of justice... not just the little people who we see pop up getting arrested for human trafficking...

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Honestly, I’m just waiting for justice... the same consequences we would face if it were ANY of us... normal justice... if you eff up your job you get fired... why don’t they even have just a little bit of consequences? We’ve seen so many things that they have done that anyone could understand why they lost their job or had fines or jail time... something...

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

I want to believe that... more then anything I want that.

Lgb1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let’s take Bill Gates for example... look at all of the harm this one man does to our food, vaccines, etc... He’s banned from other countries for the exact same thing that he does to our people....so why is the best country in world letting this man keep poisoning us? I just don’t understand... does anyone actually have our best interest at heart... bc I’m starting to think the joke is on us?

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just have so many questions and no answers and things that just don’t make sense... Let’s take bill gates.... look at all of the harm one man has done... to our food, vaccines, etc... literally poising us and who’s going to stop him? I thought the same part of the government that is trying to save the world right now would have maybe stopped him by now... I just don’t know what to think anymore?

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes exactly!!! Why aren’t they being held accountable to anything... it does make me think that Trump is with them and put in that position as a security measure to make sure we the people don’t fight back...

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well if I stole from my job I would get fired immediately and I’m sure have charges pressed, if I’m drinking and driving, I get pulled over and taken to the station, if I eat thanksgiving dinner with my family in 2020 I get fined or taken to the station.... why are they waiting for US to “wake up” to have these people be held accountable for all of the illegal things(even little things) that are happening in front of our very eyes... you don’t Ever think about these questions?

Lgb1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

How long are we going to be in “wait and see mode” for you know? I just look at all of this and think like why aren’t these people losing their jobs and/or going to jail... I feel like they are showing us that no matter what they are going to mess with our heads and the outcome is going to be the same no matter what. That trump was just a security measure to make sure we the people don’t fight back... ugh idk??‍♀️

Lgb1234 1 point ago +2 / -1

Thank you! I was just thinking this... it’s definitely draining. Especially bc I have so many questions of my own and there’s just so much that doesn’t add up. Trump was friends with all of these people before he ran in 2016. So it makes me wonder... we’ve had an issue with the government for a long while now(which they all knew) and this NWO talk has been brought to our attention since Bush sr(that I know of) So what would be a brilliant idea? Giving us someone who is going to save us all from it... telling us To “trust the plan” as a security measure so we don’t fight back... I just don’t know?

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so but you know what they say, “actions speak louder then words” So sometimes I feel like we’re just being set up

Lgb1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you!!! That’s what kind of day I’m having... I feel like the joke is on us and no one is ever going to be held accountable...

Lgb1234 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, when are they going to be held accountable...

Lgb1234 7 points ago +8 / -1

I love trump just as much as the next guy but he was the president of the best country in the world and we have all of this intelligence and you’re going to tell me he didn’t have enough evidence(that we’ve seen!! Imagine how much we haven’t seen) Something could have been done. No one has been held accountable for any crimes that we’ve witnessed for how long....

Lgb1234 0 points ago +1 / -1

What if this was the plan... for us to choose a side but they are all actually working together... I definitely can’t afford to be a Debbie Downer but.... how much longer are we going to have our hopes up, sitting behind our phones and computers constantly researching and trying to put drops together... we’ve been really caught up in exposing the pedos that maybe it was distracting us from what is actually happening... I mean think about it... How many times are we going to make up excuses for why “big things” haven’t been exposed yet... how these people have gotten away with election fraud and even WE seen enough for people to get locked up and etc.... but yet nothing... why? We’re told to think for ourselves... we can’t trust anyone... so why only question some things, why aren’t we questioning everything?

Lgb1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think that’s what they want us to think... I think THIS was there agenda. I believe it’s going as planned actually. I have a feeling the joke is on us.

Lgb1234 3 points ago +3 / -0

I did not think about that! ?

Lgb1234 -1 points ago +2 / -3

What if there was a plan but it wasn’t what we expected. But if they are all working together and the joke is on ALL of us. Think about it. ??‍♀️?

Lgb1234 2 points ago +2 / -0

Instead they have to make up things about us, we’re All racist, sexist, and any other ist you can think of?

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