Well what do they normally look like.
Ghostezra, a gab account everyone should follow, I think it is Ezra Watnick, showed a pic of the White House without a flag on it.
He said this is an indication that DC (at least) is under martial law.
DC was an independent sovereign city-state, like the City of London and the Vatican.
The USA is now occupying it as it is reannexed back under the 1787 Constitution.
exaclty. Staff can always shoot out a message on your behalf and it is effectively coming from the office holder.
Yeah because its really tough to post a tweet and have a statement.
When was the last time you saw Haspel on camera? Live?
I've heard she was not killed but was captured. She's not in control of the show.
If Joe Biden is not recognized as president because disqualified by treason or sedition, then Trump would by default remain president because he was on the ballot in 2020...
This is a pretty basic issue. Trump will not be a private citizen and he will be in control of the military.
There is only civilian control of the military. You don't understand the basics of the Constitution.
Even if for some reason, Trump was not recognized as president, and Joe were not president, then there would be a line of succession as defined in the amendments to the constitution.
There is ALWAYS a president one way or the other and there is never military control except in the case of a military coup which would be fundamentally against the oath the military swears to the Constitution.
Structurally what you describe cannot happen under the Constitution.
Frankly I'm not sure I buy this distinction.
When the Constitution was ratified, power was derived from the People, not the states, the people, not the states were sovereign and formed a UNION which meant the highest sovereign authority in the land. No doubt there remains a powerful separation between federal and state, federalism, but the government created by the Constitution is supreme and sovereign in the same way the federal Constitution trumps all state constitutions. Then, there is the supremacy clause of the 10th amendment which effectively reiterates this structure.
Our nation is not and was never a confederation of states, it was a union of united states. And the powerful and important feature of federalism does not nullify the supreme sovereignty of the federal constitution which authorizes the federal government.
In fact the Constitution was devised to establish a strong central and supreme gov over and above the state governments because the Articles of Confederation, which formed a confederation of sovereign states, had failed.
ok let us know where you heard all this
Interesting, he tweeted out at the exact time POTUS was supposed to get on AF1.
Trump to be airborne for the duration of the operation.
google each, they are all being reported by mainstream sources.
these are just stocking stuffers... beats a lump of coal.
Yes, you will also notice that they have built a structure around the Moloch Owl of Masonry
Yes, absolutely keeping people in and out. Impeachment is great bait t get them all to be present.
see links.
that was hilarious.
Popcorn please!
LOL of those who come here, who of us would every be into physical confrontation of any kind???
We are here because we only fight with words and facts and hold a deep commitment to truth and justice, no more no less.
We're here because we'd prefer to live in the light of the truth rather than believing the Matrix is real.
This is our field of fight.
Look you are talking about our friends and family who are still in a deep sleep, they need help, but the enemy needs to be put in his/her/its place because they will simply continue in their delusions.
They need to be put in their places rhetorically.
I've been on other sites in "enemy" territory and those people are in deep deep denial.
I get why they think Biden will be inaugurated, but they don't question ANYTHING they've seen, things that should tell them that something is very very wrong.
Red lights are flashing to warn them and they are wasting their breath with Qtard, Magaturd and the whole 9, all on the belief that Trump and the movement behind him are the way out the door to reeducation imminently.
If you look at the steps that lead up to the Basilica you will see a green laser pointer dot.
Look at the last 10-20 seconds. It shows up and moves a bit.
It just looks like a laser sight for a machine gun or some such as part of security.
Interesting find, for sure, but not earth shattering given the history and significance of this building.
lol a new meaning to America First i.e. cleanse the corruption here and then move to the rest of the world.
Israel, saving the best for last, the best is yet to come.
On the 10th Jim Jordan said "Why would you impeach the president? He only as 7 days left in office..."
Huh 7 days? You mean 10? Jan 20...
10 + 7 = ...
That Gab account that appears to be Ezra Watnick has been counting down the 10 days of darkness from after the Jan 6 theater.
Countdown finishes on the 17th...
"covfefe" WAS NOT a misspelling of "coffee"
It was arabic, meaning "I will not back down" or something to that effect
they are not supposed to be political but they are wanking off about the violent right wing riot on Jan 6.
This is not at all the kind of letter I'd expect from the Joint Chiefs, way too verbose, too detailed, too committed to political issues.
They would be terse. The military takes its oath to the Constitution alon, Joe is the constitutionally elect person as things stand now, and we guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. That's all they'd need to say.
I think either its a fake, or they are acting here and saying what they need to say to maintain "neutrality"
Huh, we all agree, but what does this have to do with the 25th?
It was posted on a twitter account called @patriot1776 with the flag that Q often posts.
If you looked at what was posted there its quite possible that was it.
That was the last post that account made before being purged.
Q said twitter, but he did not say on POTUS' account.
"to reveal things..."
What like Hunter's brand of underwear?
Fake Fake
look there are so many people compromised Trump has to negotiate with them.
Graham has been acting, and which side his is on is always hard to tell.
I'm sure he is compromised but if it were top level serious he would not have been allowed to run again.
The situation is just to comprehensive and complicated for Trump to say "Lock em up"
He would be cutting the branch he's sitting on because apparently 70-80% of the government is corrupt in some way.
Can a president just arrest all of congress?
Legally perhaps, but practically not exactly.
What are you talking about? Kennedy started to produce a greenback currency that was coming out of the Treasury instead of the federal reserve.
That's general knowledge stuff.
You are FOS... lame
Right now my biggest problem with Simon is that he is claiming his Youtube videos are down but I can't for the life of me see any that have been deleted when I go to his video library.
They are all still there.
I just got on to Parks a few weeks back and was iffy about him, but he was also giving some good info that did pan out.
Now, in 1 day he has claimed:
- He talked to Q, and then walked that back a bit
- Videos are being censored yet he has no censored videos.
When did the US have a special relationship with China? When we played pingpong and had a spring role?
"We thought we'd build a new world together"? HUH?
We'll yes, a New World Order.
There's no precedent for martial law? What are they smoking. Total BS, its been done before and it is being done now.