The "you don't buy crypto because you don't understand the technology" is getting tiresome. If you cannot explain how your money works to my first grader or my grandmother, then it's not money now is it?
But yes physical assets that represent a real, tangible store of value is a good bet.
And I'm guessing this SQL statement is in the data packets that Mike Lindell is talking about. If they see UPDATE TOP(15,000,000) in that packet , then they can see without any shadow of a doubt that there were 15M ballots flipped at a given day and time. As Lindell says, it is incontrovertible evidence.
Surely the SQL logs are being reviewed.... assuming they've not been tampered with or deleted.
You are expected to report your crypto capital gains to the IRS. If you own . and it goes up in value and you use it for a transfer/purchase, that is a capital gain. Tax evasion is not a good financial plan.
Look, I have no problem with using crypto as a trade or a bet in the market ... but if you think it is a way to bypass the government's prying eyes, I'm afraid you will be proven sorely mistaken.
If you read the person that reported the news (the embedded tweet in that article), he says it's a lawyer for Cyber Ninjas. So it's not clear who this lawyer represents.
My assumption is that someone had to have known to prepare in advance of the election, well in advance, to prepare for this type of data collection. To collect the amount of data they appear to have would've been a large task, no?
I've also been thinking about Dennis Montgomery. I just ran across this article and learned two new things that I'd not heard before: 1) Flynn was his attorney and 2) the government reminded him one week before the election about his gag order. Perhaps I missed it before but I've tried to stay on top of things:
There was also a video a couple of weeks ago where Flynn stated that they had whistleblowers who were coming forward because they wanted to come to terms with what they had done. Again, made me think of Montgomery.
Peter Thiel (Paypal co-founder, pro-Bitcoin) recently stated that Bitcoin could be a threat -- that China could use Bitcoin as a financial weapon against the US dollar. Thiel is pro-bitcoin so it's interesting that he would come out with this sort of statement.
Weakening the dollar would be a serious threat to the American way of life.
Lindell said he was about to release something new.
Perhaps this is a requirement to limit attacks on their website so they don't get crippled when they're trying to release new info. Just a guess.