Washing the brain clean of all the filthy lies
THis is not a psyop. This is a truthbomb! It blew my mind
It s just bla bla bla
No no no. This goes Waaaaaaay back. Check the napoleonic wars. It's absolutely disgusting they have gotten away with this for centuries. Always greedy behind the scenes.
China? Well, that explains a lot!
THat is so messed up. (I hadn't hear that before} This modern art thing sure is sick
Yes! Fuck him and his laser!
Hahahahahaha! Best one in days! I will start doing so on FB immediately. (Yes I admit it, I am still on there)
Of course it is positive. Don't fall into their propaganda that they won. It just HAD to happen this way. Check the drops!!!
It didn't happen, so this proves Q didn't mean it.
Simple as that.
(Also look at the drops. Obcious he didn't mean it in retrospect.)
In the end it is inevitable.
he could not had said anything else!!! he absolutely must play along
Hey, that is good new. I needed some hopium. I was feeling a bit down, that they were just parading their theft in front of us.
Maybe they feel safe, as if they would get away with it?
IT's good they are admitting (some of) it. But I don't understand why they're admitting there is a cabal.
Hold on! I don't want to unplug from religion! Jesus is truth!
It's horrible. They're all stil trapped in the illusion!
It's like they knew, right¬
They are rubbing our noses in it!