It's real. Epic has enabled the ability for organizations that use the EMR to implement Vot+ER (a separate organization) integration into their charts (along with associated workflow suggestions). I have not seen any reference to this being implemented where I work and it does not appear to be something heavily pushed by Epic, but there was a June 20, 2024 webinar to discuss how to use it.
Misleading post by OP, her announcement was that she's ready to hit some balls again. As in come out of retirement.
Quickest way to end this insanity is via lawsuit. Child tells their parent that little Suzie identifies as a cat and is allowed to do cat things in the class. Parent threatens school with lawsuit, 'my child is allergic to cats', and since little Suzie is now a cat, she should not be allowed in this school. School is forced to either ban the animal-identifying children from the premises (no pets/animals in school) or admit that those children are playing make-believe and reverse their initial decision to allow the woke nonsense.
Nah, the Sausage King of England
Until recently, I never thought this would ever happen. Even recently, I've been very cautiously optimistic. When I saw the news, I called my dad to tell him the good news - I felt like a giddy teenager. Thank God, I hope the pendulum continues to swing (and doesn't go back) towards the USA becoming a Godly nation.
I pray that the women who would otherwise abort their babies in states that have trigger laws will either keep and love them or give them up to a loving family via adoption.
Might very well be vax related, but it's just as likely drugs and/or his weight. Since leaving the NBA in '19, I read that he got as big as 600 pounds, and was getting heavy into the rap/drug lifestyle. A LOT of people are dying from the vax, but I would be leery of blaming this one on it unless additional information comes out.
I knew her as a kid, long before she moved and got into modeling and acting. Unless she was transed from the time she was a baby, she's not a man.