Yeah, that could be but it wouldn't bring Trump back. There is no law or rule that says that in case of ultimate fuck up of the current management, the old one gets back.
Do you honestly believe in that after all the plans that were supposed to sort out the situation using the rotten system's own rules?
There were many faces recognized from past events. Do you have any proof of any opposite? Not that you have to prove opposite but if you had, I'd like to know.
That's bullshit.
If it weren't GEOTUS pulling the strings, then what next? "Trump 2024"? Give me a fucking break.
It's not wins we need, it's faith.
When control is in the good hands of GEOTUS, Q etc., wins are planned for appearances. Whatever happens, happens for a reason.
Indeed, it's all a play for optics.
Good people who believe in their hearts should rest easy knowing that no intentional damage to America or the good people of the world will be allowed as long as it is GEOTUS pulling the strings.
Fuck the "Trump 2024" nonsense. Remember a year ago? That was NEVER going to happen because it would only mean the election can be stolen.
I don't really care about the political parties anymore at this point. Trump was never really a republican (or democrat for that matter when he was a member of that party) to me. He was above the two stagnated institutions.
I want the man back. And unless a steal of this proportions gets fixed, can you really trust whoever gets "elected" into congress and senate?
Funny how I read your username "garbage". Commie.
Sorry. I have been taking care of a family member who was severely sick (not covid).
I hope I do the right thing but I hate being attacked here. The member was ravonaf.
Yes I do, he described his illness here openly and his last post is also public here. I'm not sure if it's ok to "doxx" him...?
Anyway it's not all black and white. It's ridiculous to think no one who takes ivermectin dies and everyone who gets ventilated dies. I know people who took it and still ended up ventilated because they were unable to breathe on their own and survived and are almost back to normal by now.
All I'm trying to say is if you or your loved one can't breathe, taking him/her to hospital is probably the best bet to save them. You can't keep them breathing by manual cpr, asthma pump or such.
With all those who have gone, I'm not sure he was the only one either.
Well, there's always those situations when you do not die because of a ventilator in "a fucking hospital".
If you can't breathe on your own, you need a ventilator to survive. Period. I doubt any of us are of the class who can afford a home care with ER level gear.
A word of warning: If they have serious trouble breathing on their own, they WILL DIE out of hospital. If your blood oxygen is too low, you need extra oxygen and/or help breathing. No medicine can cure you fast enough to overlast it.
We have at least one member here who stayed out of hospital at home with horse paste and did not make it.
Thanks! :)
I wish you didn't toss the autism word around so easily as if it was some blessing that makes one an insanely focused "Rainman" with photographic memory and stuff.
To me it has brought nothing but pain and suffering. You can't iomagine living a life where you simply don't understand people or their emotions and have real hard time even with your own. Yes, I admit we might be more or less obsessive or have a one track mind but mine isn't about crunching numbers or mining data but a much more "useless" hobby :/
I would say the corporation/country thing was not the thing that brings Trump back.
These guys, however, are sliding towards a position where Trump runs the third time after de facto losing the second one to Biden. That is exactly the kind of shit we don't need. If 2020 doesn't get corrected, what does another "election" matter?
Bannon is too far mainstream, catering to his black pilling "alt-right" frat boys with Breitbart. I don't trust him for a second.
Mark my words, Bannon will be one of the "Trump 2024" guys.
So, 2024, you say?
That's what I Was thinking too. Most of the connections go through a fictional movie. That doesn't mean Baldwin has any actual connection to nuclear submarines any more than Sean Connery who was much higher profile in that film.
Just trolling, I guess...
Main idea probably to get idea of the software, find weaknesses to exploit later and so on. Then again, it runs probably on Bezoz servers and requires Apple acceptance so it can't anything but compromized.
It's up even though not open.
I can only remember Connery...
But yeah, let's hope it was NOT that. I can't see how that helps the cause.
Halfway, we all know to what but starting from when?
2024 comes before this is over if we are not yet even half way. Do you honestly believe there wouldn't be "TRUMP 2024" if all is still being worked out in two years time?
If there's an opportunity to vote for GEOTUS, I think I might be tempted to do it, no matter how corrupt election. But that was exactly what separated us from P dot W who started about 2024 right away after the "loss". And we attacked them mercilessly...