Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

movie, AF 1 or AF 2, either way with no registration number visible, I am beginning to understand Trump saying “nobody there” doesn’t mean zero, but gets us to look into the photos and videos to look for the AI editing. Trump has a way with his posts!

Malachi3vs16 4 points ago +4 / -0

+1 thanks, in the details, there’s AI. At Kamala Harris https://kamalaharris.com I do not see the campaign promoting Detroit video or photo. Somebody is doing AI. Now I am thinking of the wayTrump speaks: there’s an edited photo, AI, and Trump is saying that Kamala does not getting the crowds that Trump gets.____ Tru p speaks to stir up media, even if his comments will not get taken right by the elitist media. ____. Elitist globalist trafficking media will attack Trump for his retruth post https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112944258919007861 but the establishment media will not cover important truths that matter.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +3 / -1

Ah, this I makes sense. In the video, they are hyping the crowd with music, panning the camera, and the crowd is not huge. A hangar can fit jets, but not stadium-size crowds that DJT gets. ____ Trump “nobody there “ not = zero, but “small crowd” and his TruthSocial will get more people to look into AI manipulation, every person awakened counts.

Malachi3vs16 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Detroit Free Press video of event, how was this AI’d? I think someone is sabotaging Trump campaign. Trump could have focussed on the plane registration issue, but nobody there at the airport? Who is managing @TruthSocial? ____ Just wondering. ____caption here taken and cropped from still from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9DdAsQkghk

Malachi3vs16 0 points ago +2 / -2

Great post! About the other topic of AI and Detroit, is somebody trying to sabotaging Trump campaign by having TruthSocial say nobody was there at Kam(b)ala Detroit event? Or does Trump intentionally do that to get people to start thinking about AI? ____ Why didn’t Trump simply focus on the registration number that isn’t there on the plane? __ Anyways, I think you’ve got the better post for the day.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Merf comments seem best to me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9DdAsQkghk (GAW https://greatawakening.win/p/17txfF0lQP/bahahaha-errbody-noticing-the-fa/). ____ I think somebody at TruthSocial is sabotaging Trump.____ There are a lot of socialists in Minnesota, how about Michigan?____ Youth there actually like the Pope____Has anyone messaged Trump that his post might be wrong?____ If Trump knowingly wrongfully posted that Kambala campaign posted AI’d material, what would Trump’s purpose be in doing so? Why did Trump choose not to focus on the tail and no number? (Merf GAW post https://greatawakening.win/p/17txfG9yl7/harris-air-force-two-has-no-seri/)

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

Moderator who posted the idea would best translate, I will give it a try: JDV wasn’t always pro-Trump. ____ JD Vance worked for the globalist elitist law firm Sidley Austin LLP (called out in Q post 238, GAW post discussion https://greatawakening.win/p/17teNj56O4/q-post-238---sidley-austin---bot/c/ and here, https://greatawakening.win/p/17teNkDUdt/enjoying-the-show-anons--/c/ and Q link https://qalerts.app/?n=238 ). Hillary 2016 hack was possibly Bernie supporters who knew Democrats rigged /stole nomination from Bernie. ____ 2024 hack of Trump campaign could be people Not Iranian, but Focus on Aug. 10 release date of the revelation of the hacking = symbolism of good guys giving JD Vance some time now for Introspection. JDV was taught by elitist globalists and worked for them. If his heart is not true, good guys are watching and he can be dumped. Where does JD Vance loyalty lie? ____ Bernie supporter Seth Rich murdered, a socialist, but an honest one. 2016 Bernie supporters /hackers = honest guys, they knew /know there’s election fraud. ____ 2024 hackers not yet known, but Trump picking August 10 could be deliberate, not all hackers are bad, hackers not necessarily Iranian, and the 2024 hacking reminds Democratic Bernie supporters that election fraud must be revealed and ended and remedied.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great post, Titanic also = sinking of the Deep State, October stock and /or bond market crash? — sinking of the Federal Reserve system? ____ Trump definitely trolling by using Titanic song to point out the Celine Dion evil agenda! ____ Q posts on Titanic: 187, 142, 127 — https://qalerts.app/?q=Titanic. ____ 1958 Titanic movie: “A Night to Remember” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIQR2-iLMkU

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think flair as “notable” could be given. +1 here, Ashlan Dog,and Joys1Daughter post on this topic (Krebs 1st CISA director asserting that Iran is the culprit https://greatawakening.win/p/17txfF1J3d/krebs-was-the-first-director-of-/c/ ). ____The timing is interesting. Question: are white hats giving JDV an exit if he is not fully ready for what’s coming, or is the hacking a seep state team giving JDV a warning that the deep state elitists are all-in on a fight (although with Kambala and Walz they do not appear formidable)?

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a great principle of state constitutional law, amazing, and the agent history of JQ Adams. I remember reading about Albert Gallatin, secretary of the Treasury being a Swiss banker agent. The real 13th Amendment in relation to JQ adams who was defeated by Andrew Jackson in 1828 is quite an eye-opener now!

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for great research and pointing to your earlier research. I will be studying and learning from this! I saw this original amendment in a law book once around 1996. It will be some time before I am back in a law library, but when I find it, I’ll get a photo and documentation.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not exactly a meme or photo, but the summary is, Congress serves the people, and when an error, mistake, or fraud is committed against the People, as trustees for the government, they can make corrections, especially when in the near future white hats military gives Congress the hint…. ____ 1) Ohio was a part of the Northwest Territory and after it met conditions to become a State, Congress did not acknowledge Ohio by resolution acknowledging or admitting Ohio as a State, so in 1953, Congress did ao, retroactively to 1803. Today August 7 is 71st anniversary of this resolution https://www.congress.gov/bill/83rd-congress/house-joint-resolution/121/text?overview=closed and https://www.congress.gov/83/statute/STATUTE-67/STATUTE-67-Pg407.pdf ____ 2) Henry Clay quote: he was a representative and also served as a senator for Kentucky and in 1829 in a speech at Fowlers’ Garden he spoke about government officers being trustees, not corporation officers and trustees work for the people. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/59290/59290-h/59290-h.htm (search “Government is a trust” and about half-way down the pdf is the quote)____ Trustees have the duty to investigate the 2020 election and have the power to make amends.

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump time stamp = 15:59, Q post 1559 = Declas, NSA document regarding LT. Gen. Flynn. On this document in Blue lettering is D5 https://qalerts.app/?n=4229 . ____ Democrats choice as Kamala instead of Biden is their chess move D3 because this buys them time to test the waters and see which candidate they want to fonalize with. Their finger is still on their chess piece, Kamala, they have time to make a different move. ____ Il Donaldo video of Trump boat = 1 min. 28 seconds in time length. Mirror = 821. Q 821 shows Secure or Security Test D3. Dems are testing out Kamala as their pick instead of Biden. They could pick Michelle Grisham, democratic governor of new mexico if they wanted. Who Democrats finalize with at August 19 convention, that will be their D3 chess move. ____ Q white hats respond with D5.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Deep state burned down some neighbors barns and killed some neighbors after they took all their rifles and ammo. Deep state kicked Trump out of his Shack and left him in Seneca, SC (figuratively) while they try to git him in a Pen in New York. Meanwhile, they occupy Trump’s shack with Biden, but he too old, so the Deep State makes a chess move D3 to put Kamala into the Shack kicking Biden out (making Kamala be their new top dog controlled by their Boss Hogg) ____ they don’t know for sure how their D3 move will work out, because this Q Great Awakening gig makes better chess moves than Dem do. So Kam[b]ala D3 move is a test. ___ They still have their finger on the chess piece, so they can move their Kam[b]ala piece back and re-do their move. ___ When Dems figure out what their final D3 chess move will be, they cannont do a Take -back because there ain’t no take-backs in chess. Aug. 19 is the Dem convention — “end-of-the-line” deadline for Dems, once they pick their Top Dog candidate, they are set. ____ This Q team Trumps with a chess D5 move to respond to Dems. D5 = showing with D5 Declas, that Deep State “jessies are all wrong” and Trump gets his shack back with military assistance. ____ Q team still has some some hunters, dogs, ammo, and plenty of chili and hydration to win this out. Here’s D5: https://qalerts.app/?n=4229. (“end-of-the-line” reference song by “Traveling Wiburys”. — end-of-the-line for the Deep State Dems, and rhino Republicans get stuffed and placed in a zoo)

Malachi3vs16 1 point ago +1 / -0

Important question, thanks, Trump’s time stamp 15:59, Q 1559 has the headline Declas and an important Q Declas post is 4229, and in the detachment is an NSA memo regarding the unmasking of Lt. General Flynn, and highlighted in blue is D5. __ I would not have found this if you and others had not asked questions. D3 is a Secure or Security test post 821, as the Democrats are testing the waters with Kam[b]ala. They have up to the time of their convention, Aug. 19, to make more moves. Declas = D5 https://qalerts.app/?n=4229 keeps all of the Deep State’s moves in check.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

[b] added in Kambala and extra [r] in Barrak could mean Trump is showing the Dem’s move away from [b] Biden over to Kamala = a move (chess) to protect Barrak. ____ Mirror 821 here is a visual to complement this thread and your comment https://greatawakening.win/p/17txVyVSq1/trump-chess--d3-move-for-kamala-/c/

Malachi3vs16 14 points ago +14 / -0

Trump points put (time stamp 15:59) Kamala move (Dem’s selection moving her into place instead of [b] Biden protects Sotero —extra [r] Barrak) = Dems’ D3 move. ____ Il Donaldo Trumpo tweet X shfting gears video length 1 min 28 sec. —> Mirror 821, Q821 = Democrats testing the waters with their Chess D3 move. ____(Apologies my collage got the 1559 above Il Donaldo tweet, the “1559” goes with the lower-left Q post)1559 VERY senior member = Sotero? or higher person? ____ Coming soon, Shifting Gears D5 move to counter D3? — Bill Binney? — Durham Jr.? — DECLAS Q 1559 ____oops, I left out [b] and [r] — Trump added a “b” in Kamala making it Kamabla and an extra “r” in Barrak indicating that these 2 people are the focus of these Trump andIl Donaldo posts

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

interesting, important find, Great Awakening! More photos to go with the German Parliament members residential building referred to in your matrixblogger link are here: https://architectuul.com/architecture/die-serpentine ____. Around the serpentine residential building are a Square shape building and a rounded train track, making for the Masonic Square and Compass symbolism as also found in Washongton, D.C.

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, Juan pointed out the Cheyenne Mtn. being operational, and SES 45 years to the day connection. I am very curious about this guy. I takeJuan’s Cheyenne Mtn. being sealed or closed up comment to mean it is operational, yet open for visitors. Trudeau visited there in 2022 and it looks opened up. https://www.dvidshub.net/image/7261035/prime-minister-canada-secretary-defense-visit-norad-and-usnorthcom ____ I listen carefully, and hopefully will get to ask more questions in the future. ___ His Trump and Melania 1 ounce silver coins are great over at his wife’s shop https://www.thejennifermac.com/shop —that’s the painted Melania blockchain semaphore dress coin, and there’s also the unpainted silver Melania and Trump coin there if anyone has not seen them.

Malachi3vs16 3 points ago +3 / -0

thanks, at least my mistake was easy to notice and corrected in comments

Malachi3vs16 2 points ago +2 / -0

can a Mod fix a post headline error?

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