Israel & The Assassinations of the Kennedy Brothers: A Documentary By Laurent Guyénot
Dec 19, 2021 Laurent Guyénot exposes the truth about the Kennedy assassinations & follows the breadcrumbs to the actual perpetrators--who've managed to remain hidden. Until now.
In 1968, Robert Kennedy was assassinated just after winning the California primaries, which made him the front-runner in the presidential race. Had he reached the White House, he would have been able to reopen the investigation into his brother’s death five years earlier, and it is known from numerous testimonies that he intended to do so. Neither John’s nor Robert’s death are elucidated; both investigations, conducted under Lyndon Johnson’s watch, are widely regarded as cover-ups. In each case, the official conclusion is rife with contradictions. This film sums them up. But it does more: it shows that the key to solving both cases resides in the link between them. And it solves them beyond a reasonable doubt.
Stoneman Douglas massacre -another staged event.
Very much my understanding.
What were his pronouns? Cocksucker? Fudgepacker?
I research to help myself and others. What I do is not merely entertainment. As long as we have this tool-the internet we must use it to protect, advance and educate humanity.
Victoria Nuland and the NEOCONS, Ihor Kolomoyskyi- Oligarch behind installation of Zelensky, and the decendents of the Khazars is the the greater enemy.
No, it is cotton. Rubber, plastic, asphault, impede transmission
Kill Gates, you were a lying con man then and now.
Thanks, I assembled the collection.
I'm in N Texas. Weather permitting...I lay on a thin cotton sheet on the ground in the sun in my backyard.
Some have been brainwashed into having it all backwards. The Scofield Bible is a brilliant, diabolical, plan, that twisted the minds of the not so bright.
Palestine/Israel Explained in their own words in 12 min 45 sec
They left out the parts where Israel unleashes a FALSE-FLAG attack upon itself as pretext for genocide of Palestinians and NO mention of the Oded Yinon plan for "Greater Israel" or the proposed Ben Gurion Canal.
Gaza/Palestine is not the usurper there.
Anyone believing any aspect of the official version of 9/11 event is
wilfully ignorant
"Just Clean Out Gaza"
“I’d like Egypt to take people,” Trump said. “You’re talking about probably a million and a half people, and we just clean out that whole thing and say, ‘You know, it’s over.’”
Usama Bin Laden died of kidney failure in December 2001'. Reports of his death were published in middle east media,
After making two public statements denying any involvement with the 9/11 attacks
The video was banned in the US because we were told he was likely to be sending coded messages to his followers.
Possibly his target audience does not know all we know and these people need the information to break free of their conditioning much more than we need a reminder of what we have learned.
He is reaching the "normies" and that is a good thing.
Full Trump press conference: After LA fires tour, panel focuses on rebuilding & wildfire prevention Austin American-Statesman 1 hr 4 min
Jan 24, 2025 President Donald Trump made a visit to LA and Pacific Palisades after fires resulted in significant damage. During a press conference attended by La Mayor Karen Bass, several California officials, and more, the panel discusses the expediting the process of rebuilding and discussed possible wildfire prevention strategies.
Gateworld: Your Complete Guide to Stargate
Aschen vaccine
A powerful anti-aging drug available to Earth citizens in an alternate future timeline, as well as a cure for a pandemic on the Aschen world of Volia several years before. In both cases, the vaccine intentionally causes an enormous amount of the population to become sterile in order to rapidly decrease the birthrate on a world within the Aschen Confederation. Almost a decade after the introduction of the drug about 91% of the population is unable to procreate.
The Aschen patiently wait perhaps twenty years for the vaccine to sweep into the genome of the entire race. Eventually there are so few individuals left that the advanced culture can effectively conquer the world, terraforming the planet so it is suitable for farming. In the process they often raise the remaining population themselves, brainwashing them into forgetting the past and providing maintenance to the farm land.
KEY EPISODES 2010 - Samantha Carter learns that the Aschen have spent a decade sterilizing the population of Earth under the guise of a pro-health vaccine. 2001 - Daniel and Teal'c discover an old newspaper giving evidence that the Aschen long ago wiped out the Volian population with a vaccine that causes sterility.
way beyond "ALLOWED THINGS".
Fully planned, orchestrated, completed, covered up, then used as PRETEXT for WAR, DESTRUCTION, PROFIT.
Do you think Trump honestly doesn't know?
Israel is behind serial assassinations of Kennedy brothers: Laurent Guyenot John C. Carleton
TEHRAN – Laurent Guyenot, who has co-authored a new documentary on Israel’s role in the assassinations of both John and Robert Kennedy, tells the Tehran Times that the “true American Deep State” is Israel, which had a crucial role in the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers.
“There are indeed in the United States, as in most democracies, hidden centers of power, totally immune from democratic accountability, capable of steering the country’s foreign and military policy by various means such as corruption, propaganda, blackmail, and other more criminal means, but the most influential of these power centers are not ‘American’ in any real sense: the true American Deep State, if you will, is Israel,” notes says Guyenot, author of JFK-9/11: 50 Years of Deep State.
Guyenot, who is a French author and anthropologist, says, “Israel has lodged itself like a parasite in all of America’s power structures. And it is precisely Israel that, in my opinion, is behind the serial assassinations of the Kennedy brothers.”
Here is the text of the interview with him :
Q: Today is the 57th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. You have directed a French documentary on the assassinations of both John Kennedy and his brother Robert, which is now available in English. Can you first tell us how your research began?
A: My view of the world was turned upside down in 2011 when I realized that the founding event of the 21st century, the 9/11 terror attacks, was a Big Lie designed to start a new world war. I wanted to understand the background of this operation and studied what I call the “deep history” of the United States, which is basically the history of State lies, false flag attacks, and other conspiracies. And whoever digs into that field has to come to grisp with the JFK assassination. It was a real turning point in U.S. history, although few people realized it. Somehow, on November 22nd, 1963, America was assassinated in Dallas, and a satanic demon took possession of its corpse, and it now roams the earth, sowing deception and terror everywhere.
Q: What is the role of the Deep State in the assassination of President Kennedy?
A: I have used the phrase “Deep State” in my book JFK-9/11 published seven years ago. But I now find it problematic. The perpetuation of the official lie for more than 50 years shows that those who assassinated Kennedy wield great occult power. But what is important is to specify the identity of the men who hold it. The phrase ‘Deep State’” is a bit like the Freudian unconscious: it is a deliberately vague expression, which reveals nothing. It is actually deceptive because it evokes some kind of national level of commandment. But the “deep power” that killed Kennedy, or that orchestrated the 9/11 false flag attacks, is not “national” power, it is a foreign power.
There are indeed in the United States, as in most democracies, hidden centers of power, totally immune from democratic accountability, capable of steering the country’s foreign and military policy by various means such as corruption, propaganda, blackmail, and other more criminal means, but the most influential of these power centers are not “American” in any real sense: the true American Deep State, if you will, is Israel. Israel has lodged itself like a parasite in all of America’s power structures. And it is precisely Israel that, in my opinion, is behind the serial assassinations of the Kennedy brothers.
Q: Investigation by the U.S. government concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald was the sole assassin of President Kennedy. What can you tell us about him?
A: Lee Harvey Oswald is a multi-faceted character. In a sense, we can distinguish three Oswalds, and all of them are fake. Upon his arrest in the afternoon of November 22, 1963, he was presented to the world as a Marxist who had renounced his American citizenship after defecting to the USSR and, after returning to the U.S., campaigned in favor of the regime of Fidel Castro. That is the first Oswald. The underlying message was that Kennedy’s assassination had been ordered by Castro or the Soviets. However, the new President Lyndon Johnson stifled this lead by raising the specter of nuclear war, and imposed, in agreement with FBI director Edgar Hoover, the alternative theory that Oswald was a “lone nut”. This is the second Oswald. But research has shown that Oswald’s communism was fake and that he was an undercover agent for U.S. Secret Services. This is the third Oswald, the one endorsed by most Kennedy researchers.
The most widespread conspiracy theory is that those who organized the Kennedy assassination wanted to blame it on Castro and trigger U.S. retaliation against Cuba, but that Johnson thwarted this plan. This is, for example, the theory of James Douglass inThe Unspeakable. I have shown that this theory does not stand up to the evidence of Johnson’s deep involvement in the conspiracy. My theory is that Oswald’s Communist panoply was meant, not to start a war against Cuba, and therefore against the USSR, but to provide Johnson with a means of intimidating all officials and institutions and demanding that the investigation be quickly closed, for fear that discoveries about Cuba’s involvement lead to a global nuclear war “that could kill 40 million Americans,” as Johnson kept repeating. By the threat of nuclear war, the majority of Americans, although they felt that they were being lied to, accepted that it was probably for their own good.
“Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him by Johnson.”In any case, Oswald’s role in the plot is accessory, since he was “just a patsy,” as he once declared to journalists. In most probability, he did not even shoot at the president. Abraham Zapruder’s amateur film, which captured the assassination, proves by the movement of Kennedy’s head that the fatal bullet hit him in the face, which clears Oswald who was behind the presidential limousine.
Given that Oswald was liquidated two days after his arrest, the first thing to do in order to solve the case is to follow the trail of the man who “silenced” Oswald in order to prevent a judgment that might have shed some light on the truth. Oddly, however, Oswald’s killer received very little attention. Even his real name is unknown to the general public. He is known as Jack Ruby, but his real name was Jacob Rubenstein, and he was linked to the Jewish underworld. His mentor was gangster Mickey Cohen, the successor to Murder Incorporated’s godfather, Benjamin Siegelbaum, known as Bugsy. Cohen himself was in contact with Menachem Begin and heavily involved in arms trafficking on behalf of the Irgun, the Israeli terrorist organization, as he actually brags in his memoir.
Q: You have said that the Dallas Jewish community was deeply involved in organizing the president’s visit to Dallas and in the ambush of Dealey Plazza.
A: Indeed, Kennedy’s trip to Dallas was sponsored by an organization called the Dallas Citizens Council, a group dominated by Jewish businessmen — a kind of front for the local B’nai B’rith section. Kennedy’s welcoming committee in Dallas was chaired by Sam Bloom, a prominent member of the Texan Jewish community, whose name was found in Jack Ruby’s address book. It was Bloom who intervened with the Dallas Police Department to allow the press allowed to film Oswald’s transfer, which gave Ruby an opportunity to shoot him dead.
Q: Your conclusion is that Israel orchestrated the killing of Kennedy. What was Israel’s motive?
A: I am walking in the footsteps of the late Michael Collins Piper, who was the first to blame Israeli networks for the assassination of John Kennedy, in his book Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy. To understand Israel’s motive, Piper relied on several studies that have revealed that Kennedy was determined to stop Israel from developing nuclear weapons. Global nuclear disarmament was Kennedy’s dearest project. After the Cuban Missile Crisis, he had initiated a promising dialogue with Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev on this issue. So, when the CIA informed him of the nuclear program carried out by the Israelis in their Dimona laboratory, he engaged in a standoff with David Ben-Gurion, who was both prime minister and minister of defense of Israel. Ben-Gurion was convinced that by trying to prevent Israel from acquiring the bomb, Kennedy was endangering the very survival of the Jewish state, to which he had devoted his entire life.
Dimona was certainly Israel’s major reason for eliminating Kennedy and replacing him with Johnson. But there were others. The Kennedy brothers were at the origin of a procedure to reduce the influence of the American Zionist Council by the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938. In October 1963, Attorney General Robert Kennedy gave the AZC a 72-hour notice to register as a “foreign agent.” After John Kennedy’s assassination, the AZC escaped this procedure, and its lobbying division, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (or AIPAC), became the most powerful lobby in the United States, and an indispensable tool for the corruption and intimidation of American elected officials, and for the control of American foreign policy. A third likely motive for the Dallas coup was Kennedy’s support for the Palestinian cause and his sympathy for Egyptian President Abdel Nasser. As late as November 20, 1963, Kennedy’s representative at the United Nations demanded the implementation of Resolution 194 and the return of the 800,000 Palestinian refugees, causing strong protest in Israeli circles. After Kennedy’s death, American foreign policy in West Asia was radically reversed again, without the American public realizing it. Johnson cut economic aid to Egypt and increased military aid to Israel to 92 million in 1966, more than the total of all previous years combined.