Historically, present-day Mexico, Texas, Florida, and most of Alabama and Mississippi were part of Spanish Territories, later called Mexico. The Gulf was effectively surrounded by and belonged to "Mexico Territories" whether a nation or not. Texas got peeled off second (Republic, 1836), after Florida (Territory 30MAR1822) with Florida's first military Governor being Andrew Jackson in 1821 (with Jacksonville named in his honor).
AJ stayed alive long enough into 1845 to see his beloved Florida become a state on 03MAR1845 mostly due to his advocacy. Note that this was the day before Polk was inaugurated who possibly was going to block Florida from becoming a state in order to keep it as a Territory controlled by Congress. Texas became a state the same year in December.
Note that Polk was supposedly a "protege of Andrew Jackson", but was a former Speaker of the House and suspect to me due to his one term only (Further study required); typical of Deep State traitors.
Sarcasm is appreciated. The clincher for me on my claim was Jeff Bezos' grandfather being one of the dudes in charge of the nuclear material facility that "accidentally" allowed Israelies to get nuclear material from Pennsylvania, just a short distance from Butler, PA (Apollo) in the 1950s.
Apollo affair: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_affair
Name change of 'Gulf of America' from 'Gulf of Mexico' nullifies 80 years of environmental and energy production restrictions in the Gulf since they all specifically use "Gulf of Mexico" name in the laws and regulations language. Laws and regulations are still active and potentially valid, but they apply to a place that does not exist.
In 36 hours Trump has undone most of these:
The Biden administration (all gone)
The Obama administration Part 2 (SES final form, all DEI, all ESG, FEMA, HHS health emergency undone)
The Obama administration Part 1 (partial financial stuff undone)
The Clinton administration, Parts 1,2 (SES changes undone)
The Bush Sr. administration (SES changes undone)
The Carter Administration (will be 100% gone once Panama Canal is recaptured, SES undone, DoE redeployed, DoEd to be gone)
The Johnson Administration (NSC changes and Affirmative action undone)
The Truman Administration (CIA, State Dept, NSC changes all negated; partial rollback of World Bank as setup for removal of UN and FedRes)
The Wilson Administration (IRS will be gone shortly with setup of ExtRevServ (ERS), then FedRes next; half of Wilson damage undone)
Deep State is being systematically dismantled: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKAu0cYZ/the-deep-state-hydra-heads-are-b/
Not sure everything we have been told about this is actually true. Note that the emphasis of the “Ross Narrative” is “drug dealers were laundering drug money using Bitcoin through Silk Road” in order to shit on
Decentralized online commerce outside of Ebay and Amazon
Using Bitcoin for transactions (peer-to-peer) without banks.
Yes. Valid point. The thing everyone is wondering is "how does one get pardoned for a non-crime or nothing before it exists?" What people are missing is that they might be getting pardoned for a sealed indictment. In fact, one could argue that the only way the pardons are valid is if THERE ARE sealed indictments already in place against everyone getting these "pre-emptive pardons".
Some DO consider fruitcake to be a mild form of revenge.
His situation with Silk Road was likely entrapment by the Feds. FBI/CIA do not tolerate any competition for anything, especially if it is decentralized. They allowed Silk Road to operate as a honeypot to gather surveillance on Libertarian-minded people using decentralized commerce and then intentionally BLEW IT up when it became too strong of a competitor. And they pinned it on Ross. Typical MO by Deep State Cunts.
Reasonable probability that Bezos was involved in the setup and takedown as he has been doing with other public company competition. Bezos is an intel asset just like CEOs of Google and Microsoft.
TY. Been reviewing these EOs since they came out. There are pieces here that undo the following in whole or in part:
- The Biden administration (all gone)
- The Obama administration Part 2 (SES final form undone)
- The Obama administration Part 1 (partial financial stuff undone)
- The Clinton administration, Parts 1,2 (SES changes undone)
- The Bush Sr. administration (SES changes undone)
- The Carter Administration (will be 100% gone once Panama Canal is recaptured, SES undone, DoE redeployed, DoEd to be gone)
- The Johnson Administration (NSC changes undone)
- The Truman Administration (CIA, State Dept, NSC changes all negated)
- The Wilson Administration (IRS will be gone shortly, then FR next)
Key assertion that appeared to be intended to limit Trump's pardon power:
President Trump’s August 2017 pardon of Joseph Arpaio for his contempt of court conviction raised the constitutional question of whether there are any limitations to the president’s pardoning power. In the 1867 seminal case, Ex parte Garland, the Supreme Court opined that the president is the only person who can limit the pardon power, and that a pardon can be issued before, during, or after conviction. Since the late 1800s, however, several cases handed down by the Supreme Court have, in some way, identified a limitation to the pardon power. Therefore, this Note argues that the president’s pardon power is limited, and that Garland’s statement of a plenary pardon power has been overruled.
-Zachary J. Broughton
Published in WESTERN NEW ENGLAND LAW REVIEW Volume 41 2019 Issue 1
As far as I know Joseph Arpaio's pardon was never challenged in court, and I'm not sure how a pardon CAN be challenged since the plaintiff would have to have standing and demonstrate "actual harm". It seems like an impossible standard to meet. A challenge would likely have to be a direct challenge to the Constitution or one of the pardon-related rulings. Maybe a clever lawyer will figure out how to challenge or make irrelevant the Biden pardons?
"Revenge" is a dish served cold, very cold, ice cold even, preferably in the middle of the night years later on Christmas Eve.
The "Deep State" is a Quintuple-headed hydra:
<<RECENT EO>> 1. Head 1 - FEDERAL RESERVE; See merger into Treasury 3/27/2020; Tariffs and ERS are a GO, eliminating need for IRS (layer1 removal to get to FR).
(b) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall investigate the feasibility of establishing and recommend the best methods for designing, building, and implementing an External Revenue Service (ERS) to collect tariffs, duties, and other foreign trade-related revenues.
<<"AMERICA FIRST TRADE POLICY">>: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/america-first-trade-policy/
Key report created 3/17/20 and updated 3/27/20 due to pending merger into Treasury: "Federal Reserve: Emergency Lending":: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/R/R44185
<<RECENT EO>> 2. Head 2 - STATE DEPT; See New EO + Confirmed Rubio to END Ukraine War shortly, possibly today.
<<"AMERICA FIRST POLICY DIRECTIVE TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE">>: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/america-first-policy-directive-to-the-secretary-of-state/
<<RECENT EO>> 3. Head 3 - CIA; See 11/18/2020 SpecOps action, 1/5/2021 stripping of funding, +Incoming former DNI Ratcliffe as CIA head (to be confirmed today); An EO strips former intelligence officials of security clearances.
<<"HOLDING FORMER GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ACCOUNTABLE FOR ELECTION INTERFERENCE AND IMPROPER DISCLOSURE OF SENSITIVE GOVERNMENTAL INFORMATION">>: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/holding-former-government-officials-accountablefor-election-interference-and-improper-disclosure-of-sensitive-governmental-information/
"Remember when the CIA got its nutsack cutoff, and then kicked in the nutless crotch really, really hard?": https://greatawakening.win/p/16c1uh1Nzd/remember-when-the-cia-got-its-nu/c/
<<RECENT EO>> 4. Head 4 - NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL (NSC) usurpation of C-I-C; See mass resignations on 1/18-1/19/25 of NSC and restoration of C-I-C to Trump 1/19/25 via revocation of EO 13961 by "Biden" and previously delegated C-I-C powers back to Trump (end of Devolution).
<<"ORGANIZATION OF THE NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL AND SUBCOMMITTEES">>: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/organization-of-the-national-security-council-and-subcommittees/
"Executive Order on the Partial Revocation of Executive Order 13961": https://bidenwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2025/01/19/executive-order-on-the-partial-revocation-of-executive-order-13961/
<<RECENT EO>> 5. Head 5 - SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE (SES) permanently established by Obama with Muslim Brotherhood operatives and other foreign agents
<<"RESTORING ACCOUNTABILITY FOR CAREER SENIOR EXECUTIVES">>: https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/2025/01/restoring-accountability-for-career-senior-executives/
"CIVIL SERVICE REFORM ACT OF 1978 TITLE IV SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE" PDF (5 pages): https://archive.org/details/CIA-RDP89-01114R000300090003-2
The purpose of the "hydra" is to peel off Presidential and C-I-C authority and move it to "other entities" controlled by foreign entities. This has now all been reversed publicly except the FR (#1) which has likely been done privately under Trump admin I.
History of FR is 1913-1933 with modifications done under FDR to make it a true National Bank, reversed under Truman and Bretton Woods (and UN/World Bank) after FDR was murdered.
Recent History of State Dept + CIA Twins is John Dulles (State, likely executed for treason 24MAY1959 by Eisenhower) and Allen Dulles (CIA, likely executed for treason 29JAN1969 by Nixon) allowing foreign transplant of British Intelligence directly into these organizations from 1947 to recent times. There is a reason that SoS confirmed first, then very next one is CIA head Ratcliffe. It is a message to the Deep State that their BS is being systematically undone.
NSC was a problem even to Eisenhower who complained to Congress about the usurpation of C-I-C authority (the source of his warning about the M-I-C). Kennedy famously butted heads with NSC when they intentionally attempted to start WW3 over Cuban Missile Crisis (RFK backchannel to Krushchev saved both nations).
History of SES is that it was established under Carter admin (occupation #1) along with Dept of Energy (restrict/hide energy tech and resources) and Dept of Education (dumbdown American children). Chevron decision in 1984 was the capstone for the administrative state, now all UNDONE as of 7-1-2024.
Infiltration not invasion goes both ways.
Exactly. Perfect example from today is "Acting FBI" placed under Biden getting forced out with Trump appointing a new "Acting FBI" who was pre-positioned and in-waiting. Unlikely that "Acting FBI" resigning was voluntary. He likely had a sealed indictment against him and was forced out.
Updated 9:57 AM GMT+9, January 21, 2025; "Veteran agent named as acting FBI director pending Senate confirmation of Trump’s pick for post": https://apnews.com/article/trump-fbi-e2013df7ee230573ad695d88fd0838ce ;in addition to this there is an EO that revokes all of Biden's changes to line of succession in all Executive agencies, reverted back to Trump's line of succession with all the sleepers he put in place.
Executive Order 14136 of January 3, 2025 (Providing an Order of Succession Within the Department of Justice).
The problem is that there are at least 5 heads, and they all need to be removed within a fairly short period of time (5 years in this case) without getting murdered (JFK), impeached (Nixon), or having power usurped via COG (Reagan) by your VP.
Lengthy comment replaced with separate post:
"The DEEP STATE HYDRA heads are being systematically CUTOFF with Trump's 20JAN24 EOs.": https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKAu0cYZ/the-deep-state-hydra-heads-are-b/c/
Be patient. Two date markers to watch for gold fringe to be removed: 1. 04MAR2025 (possible Re-Constitution date with Trump named publicly as 19th President of Republic?), 2. 04JUL2026 (250th anniversary of founding of Republic).
We are clearly at the beginning of the Re-Constitution Phase as of today.
CBP One shutdown at 12:01PM by Trump admin: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AK6J1uC6/13apr2017-ice-deportation-operat/c/
Justice will likely be served. All roadblocks to justice must be allowed to be attempted so they can be lawfully removed. Otherwise they will just keep stonewalling and delaying justice now and into the future.
CBP One App shutdown by Trump admin at 12:01 PM; PUBLISHED: 18:45 GMT, 20 January 2025 | UPDATED: 22:41 GMT, 20 January 2025; "Migrants break down in tears as Trump shuts down border entry app just minutes after taking office": https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14305857/trump-border-app-migrants-shut-down.html
Effective January 20, 2025, the functionalities of CBP One that previously allowed undocumented aliens to submit advance information and schedule appointments at eight southwest border ports of entry is no longer available, and existing appointments have been canceled.
04APR17; "ICE Deportation Operations" PDF: https://www.oig.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/assets/2017/OIG-17-51-Apr17.pdf
We recommend that the Director of ICE or a designee:
Recommendation 1: Comprehensively review, revise, update, and maintain ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations policies, procedures, and guidance to address gaps and outdated information.
Recommendation 2: Comprehensively review Deportation Officer functions at field offices to determine staffing allocations for non-detained units and identify appropriately sized caseloads for Deportation Officers working with nondetained aliens.
Recommendation 3: Based on a completed comprehensive review, develop a plan to identify and implement appropriate staffing of Deportation Officers.
Recommendation 4: Develop a standardized training curriculum for all current and future Deportation Officers, including recurrent refresher training courses for docket review and detained and non-detained case management.
Recommendation 5: Collaborate with the Department of State to identify potential mechanisms to address issues that hinder deportation efforts.
Management Comments and OIG Analysis
In its response to our draft report, ICE concurred with all five recommendations and has initiated corrective actions that should improve the effectiveness of managing the deportation of aliens under its supervision. We consider all five recommendations resolved and open.
Whole Biden admin and nearly ALL district court judges have no valid Oaths of Office specifically so they cannot be prosecuted for treason. But they can be prosecuted for both Civil Fraud AND Criminal Fraud, with severe penalties for both.
JAGs might still be able to indict as enemy combatants or foreign agents if we are still in a state of war under terrorism statutes or under Law of War provisions.
It may be a state crime as well if a state has reclaimed sovereignty and thrown off the fraudulent Municipal Service Corporation.
For example, a Senator that is supposed to get paid by and represent sovereign California State is found to be getting “emoluments” from a foreign entity known as US Corp is technically committing treason against the California Constitution. In the event that the Senator has no proper Oath of Office, he/she is prosecutable for Civil and Criminal fraud with statutory damages of 203x actual monetary damage (Article III courts) and prison time, respectively. State fraud statutory penalties vary.
Criminals like Sen. Schiff intentionally have no Oath of Office, and therefore no duty to NOT commit treason, but he can be aggressively prosecuted for fraud, both civil (with discovery) and criminal.
The Devolution Sandwich
This course is complete: https://greatawakening.win/p/19AK6Fbtgb/devolution-has-ended-on-the-eve-/c/
Credit to our pals at Badlands Media where I first heard ‘The Devolution Sandwich’ (on Defected or Devolution Power Hour). It means bottom up and top down efforts squeezing the middle (Deep State). The concept has inspired my creation of this multi-vector cognitively sweet morsel: ‘The Re-Constitution Cannoli’
This analogy is appropriate on so many levels including the origins of the cannoli in Italy (supposedly) and as a favorite treat of the Sicilian mafia (organized crime). Don’t be surprised if it turns out that they stole the cannoli just like they steal everything else.
The Re-Constitution Cannoli
Current state of affairs:
Deep State gets held in place by Republic military (borders) and restored C-I-C & Executive Powers (EOs) [hand holding the cannoli] and then state citizens take action bottom up to take back city/county/state sovereignty (nibbling at one end of cannoli) while Red State AGs help us beat back the intel agency/Deep State corp proxies and systems (cannoli shell) with litigation and anti-trust actions (taking bites at OTHER end of the cannoli, shell and all). YUMMY!
SCOTUS may have been under Republic military supervision and could be considered part of the hand holding the cannoli, giving a squeeze now and then with rulings like the triple damage to Article II admin agencies on 6-27-24 (removal of enforcement mechanism), 6-28-24 (removal of authority), and 7-1-24 (removal of immunity for ALL “unofficial acts”)
27JUN2024 SEC v Jarkesy: https://www.gtlaw.com/en/insights/2024/6/sec-v-jarkesy-a-groundbreaking-supreme-court-decision-with-significant-implications-for-securities-enforcement
28JUN2024 Overturn of Chevron Doctrine (from 1984): https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/supreme-court-strikes-down-chevron-curtailing-power-of-federal-agencies/
01JUL2024 Trump v United States: https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/07/justices-rule-trump-has-some-immunity-from-prosecution/
Post Trump resumption of public position:
Grip on Deep State gets tighter once Trump “back in office” on 20JAN or 04MAR. And when he and MAGA coalition squeezes ‘The Swamp’ with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial actions, the “Deep State innards” (i.e. operators) start squirting out of the cannoli ends, directly into the waiting hands of state citizens and Red State AGs now that their immunity has been stripped as of 7-1-24.
The fight to stop Schedule F: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/trump-schedule-f-executive-order-stop-civil-servants-government-rcna128003
Local action is essential part of ‘The Plan’
State sovereignty has been usurped
It appears unlikely that Federal Courts are going to restore state sovereignty. We are going to have to do it the hard way county-by-county and with pressure on State Assy and Governor to terminate the contract with the CA Municipal Service Corporation (MSC), for example, that violates Article IV, Section 4 of Constitution with the current “Corporate Form of Government”. Figure it out and TAKE ACTION!
Example of local action in CA organized by u/Christine_grab : https://greatawakening.win/p/17txobDPOK/update-the-california-state-sena/
Corp State AGs ‘Big Guns’ vs Corps
Red states are likely to see restoration of sovereignty first (it may have happened in Texas) but in the meantime, the Corporate power of the AG office is being weaponized against captured globalist corporations [ref Texas AG extraction of $1.4B from Meta for privacy violations].
It may have been some sort of automatic re-transfer back to Trump due to a “triggering event”. Carter’s public death likely removed Carter (former CIC) from COG line of succession to remove all uncertainty about it falling to Trump. Assumption is Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama previously removed from COG.
Devolution Sandwich is done. Time for the Re-Constitution Cannoli meal course.