MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Activity-based speculation:

  1. Movement and activity on previous election fraud case Kari Lake and other cases from 2022 (see link below)

  2. Lack of selection of Kari Lake for Trump cabinet (so far)

  3. Recent "refusal" of AZ Supreme Court to review Lake's 2022 challenge (will they be forced by circumstances to look at it?) see link below

  4. Obvious fraud currently for 2024 Senate race, especially in Maricopa

  5. Maricopa reference in Q drops indicates something very BIG will happen based on events there

  6. Obvious drug cartel control of Maricopa County officials (Republicans)

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

It looks like both parents murdered by “Deep State” or their operatives as well. There appears to be a cabal vendetta against Lutnick family for something they did.

MemeToDeath2021 5 points ago +5 / -0

Possibly related, 2 days ago; “Maricopa County Recorder settles defamation lawsuit against Lake”: https://www.yourvalley.net/stories/maricopa-count-recorder-settles-defamation-lawsuit-against-lake,547306

08NOV2024; “ ‘DENIED’: Arizona Supreme Court issues terse rejection of Kari Lake’s last-ditch bid to become governor over bogus election claims “: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/denied-arizona-supreme-court-issues-terse-rejection-of-kari-lakes-last-ditch-bid-to-become-governor-over-bogus-election-claims/

“Cascade theory”: evidence of fraud from 2024 Senatorial race proves her claims in 2022 Gov race, AZ Supreme Court forced to review and rules in her favor. Senatorial challenge likely in Federal, not state court.

MemeToDeath2021 15 points ago +15 / -0

Something is going on behind the scenes. This is one scenario. She needs to be either a Senator or Governor ASAP for what comes next. Pieces being put in place in AZ to remove Sinaloa cartel from Maricopa County. I think they are moving slow and negotiating with them to avoid bloodshed.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

Likely murdered on orders of George HW Bush Sr. He had enough dirt to derail Bush’s 1988 Presidential campaign. Cleanup operation, imo.

Stroke/seizure the day before he was scheduled to testify to Congress under oath (subpoen’ed?) and potentially drop the MOAB of Bush involvement in Iran-Contra.

On 15 December 1986, one day before Casey was scheduled to testify before Congress, Casey suffered two seizures and was hospitalized. Three days later, Casey underwent surgery for a previously undiagnosed brain tumor.[1][2][3][4][8][23] While hospitalized, Casey died less than 24 hours after former colleague Richard Secord testified that Casey supported the illegal aiding of the Contras.[1][2][3][23]


MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is a multi-vector attack on the Deep State. If attacks appear to come from a centralized location or opponent then it is more easily defended by DS. Decentralized attack (and command) with popular (and anonymous) civilian-citizen digital soldiers continuous attacks, if sustained and amplified, cannot be defeated except through mass murder of the population. And that may have been thwarted for now, but they will keep trying.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

I may be soon (to visit). Looking at land to buy near Fairbanks (as investment to get some cash out of fiat). Not sure if I will make it over by Nome (near proposed tunnel site), but locals may have intel on it.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great point. “Population center control” may not be as “real” as it appears. Definitely a REAL strategy, but likely implemented via artifice, fraud, and organized crime coercion as recorded historically for nearly 200 years now. Actual “liberal” or “Democrat” demographic is US is around 25% max even in most liberal states. The rest is an illusion.

The real challenge is stopping urban organized crime fuelled by illegal immigration, imo.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

It appears to be coming. Some of the remaining “roadblocks” on this project appear to be getting removed now. As you keenly observe there must be peace with Russia for optics to be optimal for it to proceed publicly. I suspect if you went to these locations on the map in person you would see preparatory activity now.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

If we get reconstituted US Federated Republic with actual sovereign states (instead of Corp entities controlled from DC) we may see Greenland, some Canadian provinces, and current US territories (run from DC) all become sovereign entities and choose to join the Federation.

It appears that Eisenhower admin push for Alaska and Hawaii statehood in 1959 was likely an FU to the Deep State to remove control of “Federal territory” resources from DC. This may explain some events of 1966 where tighter control of Corp States appears to have happened in retaliation (such as integration of Corp State Bar into CA, turning it into fully controlled Corp).

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

That is correct. Recent rail line approval may serve similar purpose: 25SEP2020; “ Breaking: Trump gives approval for Alberta-Alaska rail line to move resources”: https://mustreadalaska.com/breaking-trump-gives-approval-for-alberta-alaska-rail-line-to-move-resources/

Infrastructure being put in place to support a Bering Strait transport and pipeline tunnel (started under Abraham Lincoln admin as bridge with telegraph lines): https://interbering.com/Bering-Strait-Tunnel-Plan.html

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

Probably not liberal after foreign agents and illegals deported, but you are smart to be wary.

Stay behind foreign agents in New York (Dutch agents of the British) and Louisiana (French agents of the British) wreaked havoc on the Republic for decades after joining. [Possibly also in the ‘Royal Colony’ of SC, initiator of first Civil War attempt in 1932 and Fort Sumter in 1861].

Appears to be early version of ‘Operation Gladio’ stay behind agent operation post WW2.

MemeToDeath2021 4 points ago +4 / -0

The British Crown has strategically interfered with the integration of Alaska into The Republic ever since it was acquired, using first their vassal state Canada/BC and now their organized crime partner the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). The CCP (and affiliates) have been given defacto control over much of “Hong Kong of the North” aka Vancouver.

MemeToDeath2021 3 points ago +3 / -0

1=alpha, 0=omega; thus, 10, representing the Biblical God, beginning and the end (and all ‘consciousness’ in between).

Omega=0=zero=zerohour or “go time” when used as temporal signal.

Also, if 7=human created in God’s image working toward His ends, then 10+7=17 is a “godly human” and God ‘team’ working together to save humanity.

MemeToDeath2021 1 point ago +1 / -0

“Trust Kansas” may have been a psyop directed at the enemy to get them to resist Pompeo actions at CIA and then State Dept by casting doubt on his allegience. He may have been gently whitehat controlled, but instructed to do Deep State stuff while in those roles. Effectively a Deep State puppet informant providing intel to whitehats while inside the hornets’ nests.

Note that the CIA and State Dept operate as “parallel sisters” of the Deep State since 1947-48 when Dulles brothers were being groomed to lead them both at the same time. It was VERY ODD for Pompeo to be head of CIA and then head of State Dept immediately after, imo.

MemeToDeath2021 2 points ago +2 / -0

You keep that retarded peanut farmer publicly alive or we invade and kill all your pets. P’nut the squirrel was your warning.


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