MikeScarn 33 points ago +33 / -0

I was surprised to see this on iFunny yesterday!

What’s also surprising about the app is there are ALOT of pro-Trump comments/users. I’ve had the app for like 10 years or so (a lot of good memes on there) but I’ve always thought the users swung left since it is geared more toward the young crowd (teens to 20-somethings). It’s nice when I see a political meme on there and a bunch of pro-Trump comments. Hopefully that’s a sign the youth are waking up!

MikeScarn 3 points ago +3 / -0

The best thing about this is it’s not only the lefties/normies waking up, but THE WORLD!

I’ve seen posts on WSB from people in other countries jumping in to buy GME since the elites have blocked all buying of GME shares in the US. It’s fuckin epic!

MikeScarn 1 point ago +1 / -0

From some other subs, apparently the mods are cleaning it up/changing some rules since they were getting spammed by bots and shills (sound familiar? ?). It should be back up soon.

Although it is HIGHLY suspect that when WSB goes down the GME price drops almost $100 after hours. Word on the street is the elites are trying everything in their power to make them panic sell.

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is further proof and motivation that with enough people on board, WE CAN TAKE DOWN THE ESTABLISHMENT!

MikeScarn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Didn’t AOC make a big stink about dark money in 2018 or something? And then use the dark money excuse as her reasoning for wanting a pay raise?

100% she doesn’t call this out like the hypocrite she is.

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0

Could be. I don’t doubt he has a huge role in what’s coming!

MikeScarn 7 points ago +7 / -0

Upvote because I saw your username and imagined Trump himself making that statement.

You aren’t really him are you? ?

MikeScarn 11 points ago +12 / -1

But we don’t need the entire SCOTUS, only a select few. We were all furious when Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and ACB voted against hearing the Texas case. If OP’s theory is true, then those 3 would be the key to having SCOTUS appear neutral and not “in on it” with Trump. They HAD to vote that way. If the 3 Trump appointees would have voted to hear the case then we would have had a 5-4 majority with Thomas and Alito, and the left would scream bloody murder and spin it in a negative way attacking the “Trump loyalist” judges and SCOTUS is compromised or whatever BS they choose to spew.

I personally think ACB is the strong link. Remember when she held up a blank notepad during the confirmation? That to me solidified that she knows her shit and she knows it well. I wouldn’t doubt ACB is the one getting G and K, maybe even T and A, on board too.

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0

As long as I still draw breath, I’m still in the fight.

MikeScarn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m not giving up hope.

My opinion, today is the start of the darkness. Ten days of darkness = ten days of Biden as “president.”

I’ve thought of this for a while, but never posted about it because I have no way of proving it. It’s just a hunch on my part. Plus I didn’t want to entertain the idea that Biden will be sworn in. In my mind, these are the darkest days for us.... when we think all is lost and it’s over, and we effectively shutdown our hopes/shutdown Q.

Ten days. Darkness. Shutdown.

MikeScarn 6 points ago +6 / -0

OMFG! This is the hopium I needed!

MikeScarn 3 points ago +3 / -0

Read what I wrote again, I said nothing about Kayleigh. I was talking about Sarah Huckabee-Sanders

MikeScarn 11 points ago +12 / -1

That would be epic!

Also, is it just me or is SHS hot as hell too? Idk what it is about her, and I honestly don’t even think she’s that good looking. But there was something about the way she did her briefings that just turned me on ?

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0


And notice how the picture is off-center/taken at an angle compared to the table+chairs. If the photog stood directly in line with the table the reflection would be as it was. You can make the argument that there were more people to the left of Pompeo (on the right of the photo) and that would warrant the angle. But how hard would it have been to just have one guy move to the other side? Also, the bowl isn’t centered on the table, if it was it would block the reflection.

MikeScarn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I sure hope his next post will come in the form of a rally cry right before shit is about to kick off.

Something like “Buckle the fuck up!” and immediately arrests start happening.

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0

LOL all this talk about aliens ??

I know it’s an old series, but have any of you watched Stargate SG-1? I liked the movie when I was younger, just got around to watching the series a few months ago. Pretty interesting how in the series the gods of the ancient civilizations were actually aliens. I thought it was entertaining.

MikeScarn 16 points ago +16 / -0

(s) (in full) (1)

Sinful one?

MikeScarn 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think I found something... it may be nothing but at least get some more eyes on it in case it requires more digging.

This document says “Does 1 and 2” which is obviously plural for Doe... Jane Doe>>Jane Does. Then I remember seeing a grammar “error” that Q posted.


As the darkness falls so DOES our enemies.

Anon asked if this was a grammar error and replied with post 4533:


Mistakes to you are roadmaps to others.

It could be nothing, but seeing “Does” in the court doc reminded me of this.

MikeScarn 16 points ago +16 / -0

After further thought, today could also be 300-esque, when Leonidas kneels to Xerxes.

Trump is feigning defeat, only to stand back up and launch a spear right into Biden’s kid sniffing face!

MikeScarn 13 points ago +13 / -0

I think everyone was just hopeful this was going to be “THE speech” we were all waiting for. In my mind, this is just your standard, run of the mill “look what we did” speech and nothing more.

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