Talk about beating a dead horse.... You’re way late to the party. George News internet drama is over. Thanks for trying to start it back.
Only difference I see is one is a video of a God Emperor and the other is a steaming pile of shit.
How hard would it have been for some actors to have extra medals?
Fuck Blunt. He’s the piece of shit who held the Bible when SLO Joe did his fake swearing in. He a fucking swamp rat.
That’s not a black eye it’s just a sign she’s not getting enough sleep.
I personally think it has nothing to do with interrogation or intimidation. I personally think that it is a sign that they have joined the “club” and the other sickos can trust them. It’s a sign of pride to them. They just as well get a tattoo that says, “I rape little kids” means the same thing
This HIVE mind is becoming more and more like an echo chamber..... I’ve seen lots of Q groups go south when dissent was met with Bans.
The part that I don’t understand is why everyone was jumping on the George News dick so quick. It looked like a bunch of 1980’s whores at a Poison concert.
A little discernment, a little restraint. Plus everyone wants to be first so they can get their “points” so they can be head Anon. But unfortunately most you motherfuckers are sheep getting excited about the next thing and not doing any critical thinking.
If she did get punched, I hope he fucker knocked her out and they had to take stinky Kameltoe and wave he snatch over Pelosi’s face to revive her.
Sorry for your loss.
Knowing my dad he will claim that Levine is a Trump appointment.
The problem is that I am a productive member of society. My wife and I have built a business from nothing to $6 mil/year. My Dad said the only reason that we were successful is because we took Obama money. I asked WTF he was talking about and he said we registered our business as a WBE to take advantage of government contracts. In 15 years we've done 2 jobs for the state.
We recently purchased a new home which was a YUGE upgrade from our previous residence and they won't visit because of "COVID" but I think the reality is they are scared of our success and it's easier for them to rationalize that we were successful because of luck or because of the government.
Great advice
I've thought about that but I think that they are so programmed that it wouldn't matter what was shown to them. They will think it is a lie. They have formed their own reality.
You might have to take the first step to mend the relationship. Pray on it. Thanks for sharing.
Thoughts on things to insert in the code?
Thanks for sharing.. Awesome advice.
My son is super based.
That's great stuff if you are awake. These folks are in a dream land....
I don't hate them. It's heart breaking. The hate that spewed out of him was breathe taking...
I fear they're they're part of the 4-6%
Of course they're circular reporting. That is how they get a narrative started.
Just spoke with my parents. They’re so far gone. This is exactly how the conversation went. I love them but they’re part of the 4-6% that are lost
This is the way
Fucking Brilliant!!!!
I was thinking the same thing. There’s a person walking their dog in the video. If they had asked 2 days after the incident then they could’ve gotten a good lead. Waiting this long means they know who did it or they’re protecting someone